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Lernzettel Lektüre "Othello" Englisch Leistungskurs 4,89 €
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Lernzettel Lektüre "Othello" Englisch Leistungskurs

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Lernzettel Lektüre "Othello" Englisch Leistungskurs summary characterizations symbols quotes analysis

vorschau 4 aus 49   Seiten

  • 20. mai 2021
  • 49
  • 2020/2021
  • Interview
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  • Mittelschule
  • Gymnasium
  • Englisch
  • 4
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o0thello, lhe ltlloor ol Venicen

DIN A5, 809 Popier ous <hlorlrei gebleichtem Zellstoll, 16 Blqtt

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The introduction of the play is set in Venice, during a time of conflict between the Ottoman
Empire and Venice. As the play begins, the Ottoman Turks are preparing for war against the
Venetlans and are likely to attack either Cyprus or Rhodes. Othello, a Moor from North
Africa and a successful Venetian general, has eloped with a young Venetian noblewoman
named Desdemona.
When the news gets out, Roderiqo, a gentleman who is in love with Desdemona, complains
to laqo, Othello's ensign, about the secret marriage. lago has agreed to help Roderigo courl
and win Desdemona, but only if Roderigo keeps him supplied with money. lago is angry at
Othello for promoting another man, Michael Cassio, to lieutenant. At play's opening, lago
and Roderigo cause a ruckus at Brabantio's home and reveal that Brabantio's daughter
Desdemona has eloped with Othello. lago leaves before his identity is known and goes back
to Othello. Cassio joins them, bringing a message from the Duke of Venice that Othello is
required to turn back the Turkish attack on Cyprus. Othello hurries to the Duke, Brabantio
following along, intent on confronting Othello about Desdemona.
The Duke, however, takes Othello's side in the matter, partially due to Othello's earnest
professions of love for Desdemona and his description of how they fell in love. Desdemona
arrives and supports Othello's argument, and Brabantlo is forced to accept the marriage.
Othello makes arrangements to leave right away for Cyprus, and Desdemona plans to
accompany him.

The next day, Desdemona, lago and his wife, Emilia, Roderigo, and Cassio arrive on Cyprus
before Othello. Cassio holds Desdemona's hand for a moment in greeting, and this small
gesture gives lago an idea of how to get back at both Cassio and Othello. Then Othello
arrives. Miraculously, the Turkish ships on their way to invade Cyprus have been destroyed
by a storm, so they celebrate this turn of events at a banquet that evening. At the
celebration, lago convinces Cassio to get drunk and then encourages Roderigo to fight
Cassio. Montano tries to break it up, and Cassio stabs him in the leg. When Othello finds
out, he strips Cassio of his rank. lago suggests Cassio appeal to Desdemona, who can go to
Othello on his behalf. When Cassio leaves, lago reveals to the audience he plans to make
Othello think Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair. As Cassio approaches
Desdemona, and she asks Othello to reconsider Cassio's case, lago plants the seeds of r
suspicion in othello's mind. +

, When Desdemona accldentally drops her handkerchief, Emilia picks it up and gives
it to he.
husband. lago plants the handkerchief in Cassjo's room, and Cässio finds it. Läter,
stages a scene with Cassio meant to convince Othello, observing from a hidden placijust
V' out of earshot, that Cassio is sleeping with Desdemona. As a reJut, Othello becomes wild
with jealousy.

While lago orchestrates another fight between Cassio and Roderigo, then ends up killing
.§ Roderigo, othello plans Desdemona's death. That night, in the cliüax of the play, he
smothers Desdemona in her bed. Emilia realizes it häs been her husband all'along,
ff. and
I Othello realizes he has been manipulated. He tries to kill lago, but lago kills Emilia instead.
Then Othello kills himself, and lago is arrested.

Act I
The play opens on a street.in Venice" Roderiqo, who's
been courting Desdemona, is talking
to laqo, who's been taking.his money anäffiising to herp
him win"hir over. rago has just
informed him that otheilo, his commänding officer, Eas
lusi *tÄ Desdemona.
Roderigo^is outragäfiano rago confides in"nim trat he hates"rop"J
the Moor for promoting
Michael Cassio to lieutenant ahead of him. we find out
that it's late at nlght and they,re in
front of Desdemona's house. lago reassures Roderigo
ftat ttey wirr work together to get
back at.othello. Together they shout at Brabantio, Däsdemonals
father, using sexualy
I suggestive, racist lanquage to warn him that his daughter
has run away. Brabantio comes to
the window and is outiaged at such *ito u"crsatänl]
lr ,riir iä"nä,iäänd finds her gone.
lago leaves before his identity is revealed so that he
t^ can stay in otherL,s good graces.
\§ Brabantio raises a search party and Roderigo goes along.
i§t§ Analvsis
The opening scene establishes the setting and initial conflict
of the play, as well as the
characters who will drive its action. Beginiing in the wake
of Othello aÄd Desdemona,s
1tt elopement, shakespeare creates strong toruäro momenium
precipitating event' This relationship-bLtween
ääärJ"i"r, react to this
othello, the dark-skinnld outsider, and
Desdemona, the desirabre young venetian woman-is at
the center of the drama. The
tI§ setting of act one, Venice, is crucial. only in such a cosmopolitan
city couto a Moor risk such
a marriage" laqo is characterized from the very beginning
ä. , ,"r;ur"Lfrr ,i1uin. H"
gulls Roderlqointo doing his dirty work and rre footö
othe'ilo into oäiiäving he,s his most
honest, loyal follower' Perhaps most intriguing is lago's
inslstence ttrit he,s only leading
people to follow their natural inclination. nis rÄetnod'of
villainy is atso ieveated in this scene.
lago appeals to different people by feigning loyalty, or
by fraÄing-ÄiÄr"rt as a trusted friend
ß and confidante. He discovers whai molivatäs ihem and ieverage"s
it for his own ends. For
example, he commiserates with Roderigo's outrage and envy
,B 6y explaining that he, too, has
been wronged by otheilo. He appears tä Brabantio's paternäism
lßf and raciar pre(udice.
compar)ng Dthe))o to an antmal and using the
crudesi language to cause Brabantia to
visualize Othello and Desdemona having"sex.


, Act1, Scene 2
lago demonstrates his loyalty by warning Othello that an angry Brabantio is searching for
him. However, Cassio arrives with a message from the Duke: Othello is urgenfly neeäed due
to Turkish aggression in the Mediterranean. When Brabantio arrives to confronf Othello,
accusing him of bewitching his daughter and stealing her away, Othello stands up to him
confidently. Brabantio then follows Othello and the others to the Duke's court, certain his
staius as a prominent Venetian citizen will uphold his authority.
ln this scene, lago cements his role as master manipulator. Having just come from
Brabantio's, where he insulted othello and sounded the alarm on hii elopement, he now
plays the role of loyal follower. Othello, whose confidence in Act '1 is unshakeable, does not
shrink from a confrontation with Brabantio: "l must be found," he says, certain his military
service and love for Desdemona will see him through. Cassio's arrival with a summons irom
the Duke offers an opportunity to determine whose authority is stronger: the Moor or
Brabantio, Venetian citizen.
Act 1. Scene 3
The Duke of Venice and his senators meet to determine where the Turkish navy is most
likely to attack. When Othello and Brabantio arrive, Brabantio accuses Othello of charming,
or even drugging, his daughter into marrying him. Othello's responds with an account of how
Brabantio invited him to his house, where Desdemona fell in love with him because of his
stories of war and adventure. He suggests they summon Desdemona for her side of the
story, and when she arrives she supports Othello's version of events. Brabantio warns
othello that, "she has deceived her father, and may thee." The Duke orders othello to
Cyprus to fend off the invasion. Desdemona insists on going wlth him. Roderiqo, upset at
how things have turned out, is reassured by laqo, who urges him to go to cyprus too.
ln this last scene set in venice, it's important to note that othello is confident and
charismatic, a leader of men and an object of desire. The Duke and senators clearly prefer
him to Brabantio, even after the latter appeals to racial and customary kinship with iris fellow
Venetian citizens. His stories bolster this sense of his accomplishment, winning
over Desdemona. This set of experiences, and his eloquence in relating them, are Othello's
source of strength. As othello remarks, "She loved me for the dangers I had passed, And I
loved her that she did pity them." Their marriage, flying in the face of convention, is based
on a romantic notion of adventure that Othello trades on and Desdemona feeds on, in hopes
of escaping her father's suffocating will. While Desdemona is a strong character who stands
up for her desire and choice of husband, she's also potentially caught in a fantasy, since she

has little experience of the world. We'll want to keep this in mind as we see how laqo works
to plant the seeds of their destruction by preying on these insecurlties.

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