Supply Chain Management
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
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Assignment - Case Study - tesa
- Andere • 3 Seiten • 2023
- 8,99 €
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In this case study, the following questions are addressed: 
1. Briefly describe the medium-term and short- term demand planning at tesa and make three suggestions for improving the planning process. 
2. Evaluate the importance of sourcing at tesa. How can tesa hedge against uncertainty? 
3. Briefly describe the delivery process at tesa and make three suggestions for improving the process. 
Case result: 3/3 Points
Assignment - Case Study - HP
- Andere • 3 Seiten • 2023
- 8,99 €
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In this case study, the following questions are addressed: 
1. What has caused the so-called inventory/ service crisis? 
2. What industry/product/supply chain characteristics are particularly important to Brent Cartier’s problem? 
3. List important drivers of safety stock. 
4. How would you evaluate the various alternatives available to Brent Cartier to ad-dress the inventory and service problem? 
Case result: 3/3 Points
Assignment - Case Study - Zara
- Andere • 2 Seiten • 2023
- 8,99 €
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In this case study, the following questions are addressed: 
1. What are Zara’s competitive advantages, and what are they based on? 
2. How are they build within the organization? 
Case result: 3/3 Points
Assignment - Case Study - Barilla
- Andere • 3 Seiten • 2023
- 8,99 €
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In this case study, the following questions are addressed: 
1. Describe Barilla's supply chain. Which problems is Barilla experiencing and what are the underlying reasons for the problems? 
2. Describe Vitali's Just-in-Time-Delivery (JITD) plan. How could this plan improve Barilla's profitability and which conflicts did the plan face? 
Case result: 2/3 Points
Assignment - Case Study - Burlington Northern
- Andere • 3 Seiten • 2023
- 8,99 €
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In this case study, the following questions are addressed: 
1. Based on the given shipper information, calculate the total cost of logistics of the current rail and a truck shipment. 
2. How can BNSF improve it’s competitiveness? 
Case result: 3/3 Points
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