BBS2001 Threats and defence mechanisms
Maastricht University (UM)
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Summary BBS2001
- Zusammenfassung • 106 Seiten • 2018
- 15,99 €
- 49x verkauft
- + erfahre mehr
Summary of the immunology course. Cases and consolidation assignments are in there, as well are the practicals and the output of the practicals (Virtual microscopy output, no guarantee that everything is 100 % correct, but I asked a lot of questions during the practical so most of it will be correct). The workshop / lecture about immunological techniques is also in there. 
At the last pages of the summary, there is a table with important cytokines.
Summary BBS2001
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Summary of the immunology course. Cases and consolidation assignments are in there, as well are the practicals and the output of the practicals (Virtual microscopy output, no guarantee that everything is 100 % correct, but I asked a lot of questions during the practical so most of it will be correct). The workshop / lecture about immunological techniques is also in there. 
At the last pages of the summary, there is a table with important cytokines.
15,99 €
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