Interpersonal Relationships
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)
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Interpersonal Relationships: book and lectures
- Zusammenfassung • 53 Seiten • 2020
- 4,49 €
- 7x verkauft
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2019-2020. Summary from the course "Interpersonal Relationships" at the Radboud University. Everything you need for the exam: a summary of the book "Intimate Relationships" by Miller and all the information from the lectures from Johan Karreman, including screenshots of the studies he talked about.
Interpersonal Relationships Summary Lectures
- Notizen • 40 Seiten • 2017
- 6,49 €
- 4x verkauft
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Studying this lecture summary will guarantee you good chances to pass the exam, probably even with a good grade (the book and the articles were not that important for this course). The summary is supplemented with all necessary images from the slides.
Samenvatting Interpersonal Relationships [Miller]
- Zusammenfassung • 72 Seiten • 2015
- 7,49 €
- 3x verkauft
- + erfahre mehr
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