Consumer Behaviour
Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)
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Notes from all lectures & Summary of all articles - Consumer Behaviour
- Paket-deal • 2 Sachen • 2021
- 7,49 €
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Notes from all lectures & summary of all articles from the course Consumer Behaviour. Master Business Administration 2021 (February). The summary of articles includes an overview with links to the articles.
Summary of all articles (including overview) - Consumer Behaviour 2021
- Zusammenfassung • 20 Seiten • 2021
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 4,99 €
- 3x verkauft
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Summary of all articles (including overview) from the course Consumer Behaviour. Master Business administration 2021 (April).
All lectures - Consumer Behaviour 2021
- Zusammenfassung • 38 Seiten • 2021
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 4,49 €
- 1x verkauft
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The notes from all lectures from the course Consumer Behaviour. Master Business administration 2021 (February).
Complete summary of Consumer Behaviour 2021/2022 (grade 7.8)
- Zusammenfassung • 129 Seiten • 2021
- 5,49 €
- 8x verkauft
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Detailed summary of Consumer Behaviour. For each week: all the lectures and seminars in combination with the articles. Course in 2021/2022. Grade 7.8. Good luck!
Consumer Behavior Summary (UvA Master Business & Administration)
- Zusammenfassung • 12 Seiten • 2021
- 5,48 €
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Samenvatting van alle knowledge clips en artikelen (exam materials): 
Krishna (2012), Biswas et al. (2019), Trope et al. (2007), Miron-Shatz et al. (2009), Van De Ven et al. (2011), Levin & Gaeth (1988), Hsee et al. (1999), Shampanier & Ariely (2007), Han et al. (2010), Chae et al. (2017), Melumad & Meyer (2020), Sanbonmatsu & Kardes (1988), Berger & Milkman (2012), Pham et al. (2013), Kivetz et al. (2006), Okada (2005), Khan & Dhar (2006), Goldstein et al. (2008), Cheema & Bagchi (2011).
Möchtest du deine Ausgaben wieder reinholen?
Msc Business Administration - Consumer Marketing
- Paket-deal • 2 Sachen • 2020
- 9,48 €
- 32x verkauft
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Consumer Research in Marketing (6314M0373Y) - Video Lectures & Articles Summary - 2020-2021

Consumer Behaviour (6314M0159Y) - Video Lectures & (blog) articles summary - 2020-2021
Consumer Behaviour (6314M0159Y) - Video Lectures & (blog) articles summary - 2020-2021
- Zusammenfassung • 54 Seiten • 2020
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 6,48 €
- 16x verkauft
- + erfahre mehr
Extensive summary of all covered video lectures, articles and extra blog articles for the UvA Master course Consumer Behaviour 2020-2021.
Consumer Behaviour - Lecture slides and articles
- Paket-deal • 2 Sachen • 2020
- 5,49 €
- 1x verkauft
- + erfahre mehr
Consumer Behaviour - Lecture slides and articles
Summary articles Consumer Behaviour (6314M0159Y)
- Zusammenfassung • 27 Seiten • 2020
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 4,09 €
- 12x verkauft
- + erfahre mehr
(1) Krishna 2021: An integrative review of sensory marketing; (2) Trope 2007: construal levels and psychological distance; (3) Miron-Shatz 2009: memories of yesterday's emotions; (4) Levin 1988: how consumers are affected by the framing of attribute information before and after consuming the product; (4) Hsee 1999: preference refersals between joint and separate evaluations of options; (5) Shampanier 2007: zero as a special price; (6) Han 2010: signaling status with luxury goods; (7) Chae 2017: ...
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