Niere - Studienführer, Klassennotizen & Zusammenfassungen
Suchst du nach den besten Studienführern, Studiennotizen und Zusammenfassungen über Niere? Auf dieser Seite findest du 147 Studienunterlagen zu Niere.
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NR 603 Week 1 Compare and Contrast Assignment: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo and Meniere’s Disease
- Andere • 3 Seiten • 2024
- 19,12 €
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This discussion is about comparing and contrasting between Benign Positional Vertigo (BPV) and 
Meniere’s disease (MD). BPV and MD are both a neurological disorder with similar signs and symptoms 
that may cause a challenge for providers to diagnosis. BPV is a common type of vertigo that is a 
treatable peripheral vestibular disorder that occurs suddenly, with brief episodes and is caused from 
changing the position of the head and my even have signs of nystagmus (Argaet, et al, 2019). This ca...
NR 603 Week 1 Compare and Contrast Assignment: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo and Meniere’s Disease
- Andere • 3 Seiten • 2024
- 18,13 €
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This discussion is about comparing and contrasting between Benign Positional Vertigo (BPV) and 
Meniere’s disease (MD). BPV and MD are both a neurological disorder with similar signs and symptoms 
that may cause a challenge for providers to diagnosis. BPV is a common type of vertigo that is a 
treatable peripheral vestibular disorder that occurs suddenly, with brief episodes and is caused from 
changing the position of the head and my even have signs of nystagmus (Argaet, et al, 2019). This ca...
NURS 120 BrownieRecipe 2
- Prüfung • 64 Seiten • 2023
- 13,80 €
- 1x verkauft
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NURS 120 
BrownieRecipe 2 
1. Consequence of too much O2 → dry & cracking oral mucosa 
2. PE s/sx → petechiae, pleural rub, tachycardia (not bradycardia, hypertension) 
3. 1 day post surgery (thoracotomy), what should the nurse do? → teach about incentive 
spirometer and high fowler’s position (not give O2 nasal cannula) 
4. CVP increase → possible right ventricular failure 
5. Digoxin toxicity s/sx → nauseous with loss of appetite [REPEAT] 
6. Apical pulse location → (...
ATI CAPSTONE-MED SURG-ASSESSMENT 2 Ati Capstone Med Surg Assessment 2 2019 - Study Guide GREEN ------ NEW QUESTIONS YELLOW ---- AGREED ANSWER RED --- DOUBLE CHECK 1. a nurse is planning care for a client who has Meniere's disease and his experiencing e
- Prüfung • 13 Seiten • 2023
- 27,45 €
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ATI CAPSTONE-MED SURG-ASSESSMENT 2 Ati Capstone Med Surg Assessment 2 2019 - Study Guide 
1. a nurse is planning care for a client who has Meniere's disease and his experiencing episodes of vertical. which of Following intervention should the nurse include in the plan of care? a. Maintain strict bed rest ----- pg 75 
b. Restrict fluid intake to the morning hours. 
c. Administer aspirin. 
d. Provide a low-sodium diet. 
West Coast University>NURS>NURS 120BrownieRecipe 2.LATEST
- Prüfung • 50 Seiten • 2022
- 11,27 €
- 1x verkauft
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Angst, etwas zu verpassen? Dann tu es nicht!
ATI CAPSTONE-MED SURG-ASSESSMENT 2 Ati Capstone Med Surg Assessment 2 2019 - Study Guide GREEN ------ NEW QUESTIONS YELLOW ---- AGREED ANSWER RED --- DOUBLE CHECK 1. a nurse is planning care for a client who has Meniere's disease and his experiencing e
- Prüfung • 13 Seiten • 2024
- 17,64 €
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ATI CAPSTONE-MED SURG-ASSESSMENT 2 Ati Capstone Med Surg Assessment 2 2019 - Study Guide 
1. a nurse is planning care for a client who has Meniere's disease and his experiencing episodes of vertical. which of Following intervention should the nurse include in the plan of care? a. Maintain strict bed rest ----- pg 75 
b. Restrict fluid intake to the morning hours. 
c. Administer aspirin. 
d. Provide a low-sodium diet. 
BrownieRecipe 2
- Andere • 49 Seiten • 2022
- 11,27 €
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1. Consequence of too much O2 → dry & cracking oral mucosa 
2. PE s/sx → petechiae, pleural rub, tachycardia (not bradycardia, hypertension) 
3. 1 day post surgery (thoracotomy), what should the nurse do? → teach about incentive 
spirometer and high fowler’s position (not give O2 nasal cannula) 
4. CVP increase → possible right ventricular failure 
5. Digoxin toxicity s/sx → nauseous with loss of appetite [REPEAT] 
6. Apical pulse location → (image) mitral location 
7. PaO2...
ACTUAL NR 603-Week 1 Discussion- Compare and Contrast-Benign Positional Vertigo and Meniere_s Disease-Top scores-2023-2024.pdf
- Prüfung • 6 Seiten • 2023
- 13,72 €
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Viren, wie sie funktionieren
- Notizen • 2 Seiten • 2024
- 7,16 €
- + erfahre mehr
Viren, wie sie funktionieren
MENIERE S DISEASE Updated 2023 package deal
- Paket-deal • 4 Sachen • 2023
- 11,27 €
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MENIERE S DISEASE Updated 2023 /Questions And Answers Graded (A+).
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