Crossift Level 1
Aim of Crossfit - ANSbroad, general and inclusive fitness
Prescription - ANSconstantly varied, high intensity, functional movement
Functional movement - ANSload, distance and speed
Diet - ANSlays the molecular foundations for fitness and health.
Metabolic Conditioning - ANSbuilds capacity in each of three metabolic pathways, beginning
with aerobic, then lactic acid, and then phosphocreatine pathways
Gymnastics - ANSestablishes functional capacity for body control and range of motion.
Weightlifting and throwing - ANSdevelop ability to control external objects and produce power.
Sport - ANSapplies fitness in competitive atmosphere with more randomized movements and
skill mastery
two anaerobic systems - ANSthe phosphagen system and the lactic acid system
two Olympic lifts - ANSthe clean and jerk and the snatch
olympic lifts train athletes to... - ANSeffectively activate more muscle fibers more rapidly than
through any other modality of training apply force to muscle groups in proper sequence, i.e.,
from the center of the body to its extremities condition the body to receive such forces from
another moving body both safely and effectively
(develop an athletes' explosive power, control of external objects, and mastery of critical motor
recruitment patterns)
studies have demonstrated the Olympic lifts
unique capacity to... - ANSdevelop strength, muscle, power, speed, coordination, vertical leap,
muscular endurance, bone strength, and the physical capacity to withstand stress
extraordinary value of gymnastics as a training
modality lies in... - ANSits reliance on the body's own weight as the sole source of resistance.
This places a unique premium on the improvement of strength to weight ratio
Gymnastics develops what movements? - ANSpull-ups, squats, lunges, jumping, push-ups, and
numerous presses to handstand, scales, and holds.
, Gymnastics is... - ANSthe ultimate approach to improving coordination, balance, agility,
accuracy, and flexibility.
CrossFit program embraces... - ANSshort, middle, and long distance metabolic conditioning,
low, moderate, and heavy load assignment. We encourage creative and continuously varied
Among the hormonal responses vital to athletic
development are... - ANSsubstantial increases in testosterone, insulin-like growth factor, and
human growth hormone
Neuroendocrine adaptation - ANSa change in the body that affects you either neurologically or
hormonally. Most important adaptations to exercise are in part
or completely a result of a hormonal or neurological shift
Power - ANStime rate of doing work
what is associated with a high neuroendocrine response? - ANSHeavy load weight training,
short rest between
sets, high heart rates, high intensity training, and short
rest intervals
Cross training - ANSexceeding the normal parameters of the regular demands of your sport or
types of cross training - ANSfunctional, metabolic, and modal. That is
we regularly train past the normal motions, metabolic
pathways, and modes or sports common to the athlete's
sport or exercise regimen
The four defining themes of the Crossfit program - ANSneuroendocrine response, power, cross
training, functional movement
Functional Movements - ANSmovements that mimic motor recruitment patterns that are found in
everyday life.
The bulk of isolation movements are non-functional movements. By contrast the compound or
multi-joint movements are functional.
mechanically sound and therefore safe, and secondly they are the movements that elicit a high
neuroendocrine response.
CrossFit dietary prescription is as follows: - ANSProtein should be lean and varied and account
for about 30% of your total caloric load.
Carbohydrates should be predominantly low-glycemic and account for about 40% of your total
caloric load.