Describe toxic behaviors and their negative effects upon an organization.
•shaming (the exercise of humiliation, sarcasm, potshots, or mistake-pointing
with the intent of reducing another's self-worth),
• passive hostility (the use of passive-aggressive behavior with the intent of
directing one's anger inappropriately),
• team sabotage (meddling with the intent to either establish one's personal
power base or make the team less productive),
• indifference (an apparent lack of regard and compassion for the welfare of
• negativity (an interpersonal style that has a negative impact on organizational
• exploitation (the perception that the superior is getting ahead at team member
Describe methods that SNCOs can use to help facilitate a positive culture in an
Leader training and development- The means of addressing toxic,
counterproductive leadership cannot be limited to punishment, removal, and
dismissal nor individualistic character development. Leaders need skills in
demonstrating and promoting resect among team members
Leader assessment- Since toxic leaders are experts in appearances, they tend to
benefit from the biased performance evaluation system. Supervisory leaders need
,skills in identifying toxic behaviors, confronting subordinates, and coaching
soldiers in healthy leadership
Organizational culture and policies- The purpose of the military departments' core
values is to clarify expectations and behaviors as a means of addressing toxic
leadership. the military departments need to reinforce a culture that truly reflects
the highest standards of values-based behavior. Tis means that members not only
refrain from disrespecting each other but that they also demonstrate the highest
resect for each other; that they not only give the appearance of selfless service as
they pursue personal benefits but that they also serve to empower others'
success, even if they receive nothing in return; and that they also hold each other
Identify conditions in which toxic behaviors can manifest themselves in an
An organization experiences toxicity because its culture, policies, and systems
create the conditions for tolerating and enabling uncivil behaviors.
Typically, an organization identifies the problem only as the toxic individual,
overlooking the environmental factors in its culture, policies, and systems that are
creating the conditions for the toxicity to flourish.
Leaders often take a strong stance against incivility yet respond to allegations of
workplace toxicity with surprise, denial, excuses, and disbelief.
A leader may be aware of but willing to tolerate toxic behaviors due to the
personal or professional benefits resulting from the toxic person's short-term
factual or perceived productivity.
,Many times, an organization does not know how to deal with a toxic person and
either reassigns or isolates and reallocates the toxic person's responsibilities to
other, already overworked personnel, none of which actions address the
behavior. Or, as is often the case, the toxic person is left in place and the targeted
person is reassigned out of the toxic situation
We focus on 3 of Schein's 12 embedding mechanisms, 2 primary and 1 secondary,
to show where potential exists to transform culture in the Defense Department.
The three-step process is as follows:
• assess and benchmark organizational culture-- : What leaders pay attention to,
measure, and control on a regular basis
• embrace feedback-- Leader reactions to critical incidents and organizational
• transform the culture-- Changing organizational systems and procedures--1.
Leadership buy-in to subordinates 2. Subordinate gives permission to be taught 4.
Leader and subordinates become vulnerable (creating the ability to identify
strengths and weaknesses) 5. Proper administration of feedback.
Changing organizational systems and procedures BEST describes which of the
following embedding mechanisms, which serve as the conscious and
subconscious ways of forming organization culture?
Transform the culture
In an article by Chaplain Kenneth R. Williams, he used a formulaic model to
calculate the approximate monetary costs of toxic behavior in an organization.
The formula calculated costs for worrying, physical and mental health,
absenteeism, avoidance, and conversations with co-workers. Which of the five
, effects of toxic leadership measured caused the LEAST financial impact for the
Cost of absenteeism
Treating each individual with dignity and fairness, with the operational premise
that you treat others in concert with the way you would like to be treated BEST
defines which of the following?
Respectful engagement
pattern of combined, counterproductive behaviors
encompassing not only harmful leadership but also abusive supervision, bullying,
and workplace incivility, involving
leaders, peers, and direct reports as offenders, incorporating six specific
behaviors (see table):
1. shaming
2. passive