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Introduction to Psychopathology, Diagnosis and Categorisation Questions with Correct Answers $14.49
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Introduction to Psychopathology, Diagnosis and Categorisation Questions with Correct Answers

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  • Diagnosis and Psychopathology
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  • Diagnosis And Psychopathology

What is abnormal psychology? Correct Answer-concerned with deviations from 'normality' in behaviour and/or thinking which are perceived to be negative either for individuals and society What is psychopathology? Correct Answer-concerned with the nature, development and treatment of psychological ...

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  • 20. august 2024
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  • Fragen & Antworten
  • Diagnosis and Psychopathology
  • Diagnosis and Psychopathology
Introduction to Psychopathology, Diagnosis and
Categorisation Questions with Correct Answers
What is abnormal psychology? Correct Answer-concerned with
deviations from 'normality' in behaviour and/or thinking which are
perceived to be negative either for individuals and society

What is psychopathology? Correct Answer-concerned with the nature,
development and treatment of psychological disorders

What are the 3 D's of psychopathology? Correct Answer-deviance,
distress, disability + dysfunction

What is deviance? Correct Answer-infrequent or extreme thought

What are some of the behaviours associated with deviance? Correct
Answer-often violating social norms, conversing with auditory
hallucinations, repetitive rituals

What is the issue with the description of how deviance is shown in
individuals? Correct Answer-too broad and narrow. psychological
disorders do not always involve extreme behaviours, even so these
behaviours are not always the sign of a disorder

What is distress? Correct Answer-an individual's behaviour/mental state
may be classified as disordered if it causes great distress

, What are examples of distress being shown? Correct Answer-depression
+ anxiety

What is the issue with the description of how distress is shown in
individuals? Correct Answer-it is not always the sign of a disorder, it
could be shown due to grief, child birth, neglect, abuse or poverty e.t.c.

What 2 disorders are associated with people who are unaware of the
negative effects of their behaviour? Correct Answer-anti-social
personality disorder + narcissistic personality disorder

What is disability and dysfunction? Correct Answer-impairment in
important areas of life

What are examples of disability and dysfunction being shown? Correct
Answer-inability to pursue goals or navigate successfully in life. phobias
can prevent social interaction and/or limit work possibilities. substance
use disorders can damage relationships and impair everyday functioning

What is the issue with the description of how disability + dysfunction is
shown in individuals? Correct Answer-high functioning people can still
be affected

According to the DSM-5 what does the definition of a mental disorder
include? Correct Answer-the disorder occurs within the individual.
clinically significant difficulties in thinking, feeling or behaving.

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