HWCCP Exam Questions and Answers Rated A
5 major risk factors (behavioral) - ANSWER-sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking,
stress, poor nutrition
6 most common chronic conditions - ANSWER-obesity, hypertension, diabetes,
inflammatory diseases, cancer, chronic pain
definition of a health & wellness coach - ANSWER-Health & wellness Coaches are
professionals from diverse backgrounds and education who work with individuals and
groups in a client-centered process to facilitate and empower the client to achieve self-
determined goals related to health & wellness.
How do you know that successful coaching has taken place? - ANSWER-Successful
coaching takes place when coaches apply clearly defined knowledge and skills so that
clients mobilize internal strengths and external resources for sustainable change
CDC - ANSWER-Center for Disease Control
NIH - ANSWER-National Institutes of Health
Name of the CDC recommendation for dietary guidelines - ANSWER-Choose my Plate
HHS - ANSWER-U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
The CDC reports that ____ of the 10 leading causes of death in the U.S. are chronic
diseases, and almost ____ of Americans live with at least one chronic illness. -
ANSWER-The CDC reports that 7 of the 10 leading causes of death in the U.S. are
chronic diseases, and almost half of Americans live with at least one chronic illness.
According to the CDC, ___________________ __________ is a public health epidemic
- ANSWER-According to the CDC, insufficient sleep is a public health epidemic
Lack of sleep is linked to: - ANSWER-traffic accidents, work injuries, and occupational
Chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, depression, obsesity and cancer can
be exacerbated by - ANSWER-sleep insufficiency
What is emotional wellness? - ANSWER-Emotional wellness is more than just
managing stress, it involves being attentive to your thoughts, feelings or behaviors
whether they are positive or negative
,3 active risk behaviors that exceed the scope and practice of coaching that should be
referred to the appropriate professional referrals are: - ANSWER-alcohol abuse,
prescription painkiller abuse and other substance abuse
Stress can be both negative and positive. - ANSWER-A knowledgeable coach will be
able to recognize negative stress and leverage positive stress
What can be a barrier to making healthy lifestyle changes? - ANSWER-High levels of
negative stress can be a barrier to making healthy lifestyle changes
Prior to a coaching session, the coach should do what 3 things? - ANSWER-The coach
should review materials, eliminate distractions and take the time to become mindful and
3 competencies for the coach preparation prior to session: - ANSWER-1. coach is calm,
present and emotionally available
2. review available client materials
3. logistics (meeting location, conference call arrangements, etc)
The coach clarifies roles and expectations: - ANSWER-e.g., the coach will not diagnose
prescribe, nor give unsolicited advice; the client will self-determine his/her vision, goals,
and action steps; and the client will be actively engaged in trying new behaviors as
planned with the coach
What are the aims of the coach's intake or initial session? - ANSWER-are to describe
the coaching process, review
information and assessments provided by the client, and determine if the client is an
appropriate candidate for coaching.
6 competencies for the first session: - ANSWER-1.2.1. Set the climate/stage Establish rapport Gauge client's intentions for coaching/obtain information why coaching is
1.2.2. Determine if the individual is a candidate for health and wellness coaching and is
an appropriate
candidate for you specifically
1.2.3. Explain the coaching process
1.2.4. Establish the Coaching Agreement Guidelines and specific parameters of the coaching relationship (e.g., roles,
logistics, fees,
scheduling, inclusion of others if appropriate, confidentiality) Client vs. coach responsibilities, setting appropriate expectations Understand type of coaching relationship (i.e., short laser coaching session vs.
coaching relationship, telephonic, coaching apps, face-to-face, incentivized coaching)
,1.2.5. Review assessments, if any used, and other data sources
1.2.6. Ensure appropriate time management of this and all sessions
Logistics & responsibilities (Client Vs Coach) are confirmed in what document? -
ANSWER-A written Coaching Agreement
In the initial stages of coaching, time is spent doing what? - ANSWER-Exploring the
client's values, vision, purpose and priorities
So that goals are not set prematurely in early sessions, the coach should do what? -
ANSWER-The coach should spend time adequately exploring the client's understanding
of his/her health and wellness
The focus for a coaching session should be selected by: - ANSWER-the client; the
client is empowered to select an area that feels important, motivating or timely. The
coach is not the "expert" and should not decide what is most appropriate
8 competencies for early sessions: - ANSWER-1.3.1. Have client assess current state
of his/her health and/or wellbeing
1.3.2. Explore the client's vision of his/her optimal health and/or wellbeing
1.3.3. Identify gaps between current state and client's desired lifestyle/outcomes
1.3.4. Explore client preference for priority areas of focus
1.3.5. Establish or refine client's specific long-term goals that lead toward desired
1.3.6. Establish or refine client's short-term SMART goals or action steps for what will
be accomplished
between sessions
1.3.7. Support the client in achieving the SMART goals or action steps including back-
up plans
1.3.8. Establish client's preferences for maintaining accountability
SMART goals stands for - ANSWER-S - specific, significant, stretching
M - measurable, meaningful, motivational
A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented
R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented
T - time-based, time-bound, timely, tangible, trackable
At the end of each coaching session, the client should do what? - ANSWER-The client
should articulate new personal discoveries
10 competencies of routine follow up sessions: - ANSWER-1.4.1. Connect, have client
self-assess state at beginning of each session
1.4.2. Check-in on prior session commitments/action steps
, 1.4.3. Invite client to select focus for session
1.4.4. Establish or refine client's short-term SMART goals or action steps for what will
be accomplished
between sessions
1.4.5. Use appropriate skills/processes depending on client's focus (see Section 2)
1.4.6. Articulate new action steps and adjust plan if needed, with self-monitoring
1.4.7. Discover and reflect client's learning, including "take-aways" from session
1.4.8. Communicate appreciation of client's work
1.4.9. Invite the client to provide feedback to the coach on the coaching provided
1.4.10. Schedule next session
At the beginning of each coaching session, the coach should ask about what? -
ANSWER-The coach should ask about the client's current state (ex. energy, mood) &
throughout the session, the coach should refer to any shifts in the client's state
In the final coaching session, the coach's focus is on what 3 things? - ANSWER-The
coach's focus is on recognition of progress, learning and closure
the 2 competencies of the coaching program termination are: - ANSWER-1.5.1. Invite
the client to reflect on, assess, and to articulate progress made, challenges
lessons learned, and growth attained
1.5.2. Assist in developing sustainable pathway forward and/or maintenance/relapse
prevention plan
including available support and resources
How does a coach facilitate behavior change for a client? - ANSWER-A coach facilitates
behavior change by empowering the client to self-discover values, resources, and
strategies that are individualized and meaningful
The coach does what within a client-centered relationship? - ANSWER-The coach
provides the structure of the session and serves as a facilitative partner.
The 6 competencies for a client-centered relationship are: - ANSWER-2.1.1. Client's
agenda, needs, interests, and preferences (vs. coach's) drives the coaching relationship
2.1.2. Share coach's personal information/experience only when appropriate
2.1.3. Share information or recommendations only when specifically asked or given
permission to do so or as otherwise required within scope of practice
2.1.4. Observe, name, and refer to client's beliefs and values
2.1.5. Convey the belief that client is resourceful, expert in own experience
2.1.6. Adjust approach according to client's health literacy
What drives the coaching relationship? - ANSWER-The client's agenda, needs,
interests and preferences