aPHR Certification Study Guides
Human Resource Managment (HRM) - HRM consists of an organization's "people practices" -
the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and
Explain how HRM contributes to an organization's performance - Through its practices or
process, The HRM influences who works for the organization and how those people work. These
human resources, if well managed, have the potential to be a source of sustainable competitive
advantage, contributing to basic objectives such as quality, profits, and customer satisfaction.
HRM iProcess/ ipractices i- i1) iAnalysis iand iDesign iof iwork
2) iHR iplanning i
3) iRecruitment i
4) iSelection
5)Training iand idevelopment i
6)Compensation i
7)Performance iManagement i
8) iEmployee iRelations
Human iCapital i- iAn iOrganization's iemployees, idescribed iin iterms iof itheir itraining,
iexperience, ijudgement, iintelligence, irelationships, iand iinsight.
Human iResources iqualities ivaluable ito ithe isuccess iof iorganizations i- i1) iHuman iResources
iare iVALUABLE- ihigh-quality iemployees iprovide ia ineeded iservice ias ithey iperform imany
icritical ifunctions. i
2) iHuman iResources iare iRARE- ia iperson iwith ihigh ilevels iof ithe ineeded iskills iand
iknowledge iis inot icommon
3) iHuman iResources iCANNOT iBE iIMITATED i- i
4) iHuman iResources ihave iNO iGOOD iSUBSTITUTES
,High iPerformance iWork iSystem i- iAn iorganization iin iwhich itechnology, iorganizational
istructure, ipeople, iand iprocesses iwork iseamlessly ito igive ian iorganization ian iadvantage iin ithe
icompetitive ienvironment.
Maintaining ia iHigh-Performance iWork iSystem imay iinclude: i- i-Development iof itraining
-Recruitment iof ipeople iwith inew iskill isets i
- iEstablishment iof irewards ifor isuch ibehaviors ias iteam iwork, iflexibility, iand ilearning
Ratio iof iHR iemployees ito itotal iemployees i- i2 ifull itime iHR istaff ipersons ifor ievery i100
iemployees ion ipayroll.
In ismall iorganizations ithe iratio iis imuch ihigher
Administrative irole iof iHRM i- iHandling iadministrative itasks i( ihiring iemployees, ianswering
iquestions iabout ibenefits) iefficiently iand iwith ia icommitment ito iquality. iThis irequires
iexpertise iin ithe iparticular itask
Business iPartner irole iof iHRM i- iDeveloping ieffective iHR isystems ithat ihelp ithe iorg imeet iits
igoals iattracting, ikeeping, iand ideveloping ipeople iwith ithe iskill iit ineeds.
For ithe isystems ito ibe ieffective, iHR ipeople imust iunderstand ithe ibusiness iso iit ican iunderstand
iwhat ithe ibusiness ineeds
Strategic ipartner irole i- iContributing ito ithe icompany's istrategies ithrough ian iunderstanding iof
iits iexisting iand ineeded iHR iand iways iHR ipractices ican igive ithe icompany ia icompetitive
iadvantage. i
For istrategic iideas ito ibe ieffective, iHR ipeople imust iunderstand ithe ibusiness, iit's iindustry, iand
iits icompetitors
Job iAnalysis i- iThe iprocess iof igetting idetailed iinformation iabout ijobs
Work iFlow iDesign i- iThe iprocess iof ianalyzing ithe itasks inecessary ifor ithe iproduction iof ia
iproduct ior iservice
,Job i- iA iset iof irelated iduties
Position i- iA iset iof iduties iperformed iby ia iparticular iperson
Job iDescription i- iA ilist iof ithe itasks, iduties, iand iresponsibilities i(TDRs) ithat ia iparticular ijob
Job iSpecification i- iA ilist iif ithe iknowledge, iskills, iabilities, iand iother icharacteristics ithat ian
iindividual imust ihave ito iperform ia iparticular ijob
Job iDesign i- iThe iprocess iof idefining ithe iway iwork iwill ibe iperformed iand ithe itasks ithat ia
igiven ijob irequires
Industrial iEngineering i- iThe istudy iof ijobs ito ifind ithe isimplest iway ito istructure iwork iin iorder
ito imaximize iefficiency
Job ienlargement i- iBroadening ithe itypes iof itasks iperformed iin ia ijob
Job iextension i- iEnlarging ijobs iby icombining iseveral irelatively isimple ijobs ito ifor ia ijob iwith ia
iwider irange iof itasks
Job irotation i- iEnlarging ijobs iby imoving iemployees iamong iseveral idifferent ijobs
Job ienrichment i- iEmpowering iworkers iby iadding imore idecision imaking iauthority ito ijobs
Flextime i- iA ischeduling ipolicy iin iwhich ifull itime iemployees imay ichoose istarting iand iending
itimes iwithin iguidelines ispecified iby ithe iorganization
Job isharing i- iA iwork ioption iin iwhich itwo ipart itime iemployees icarry iout ithe itasks iassociated
iwith ia isingle ijob
, Telework ior iTelecommuting i- iMeans idoing ione's iwork iaway ifrom ia icentrally ilocated ioffice
Ergonomics i- iThe istudy iof ithe iinterface ibetween iindividuals' iphysiology iand ithe
icharacteristics iof ithe iphysical iwork ienvironment
Position iAnalysis iQuestionnaire i(PAQ) i- iA istandardized ijob ianalysis iquestionnaire icontaining
i194,questions iabout iwork ibehaviors, iwork iconditions, iand ijob icharacteristics ithat iapply ito ia
iwide ivariety iof ijobs
Flesh ian iJob iAnalysis iSystem i- iJob ianalysis itechnique ithat iasks isubject imatter iexperts ito
ievaluate ia ijob iin iterms iof ithe iabilities irequired ito iperform
Competency i- iAn iarea iof ipersonal icapability ithat ienables iemployees ito iperform itheir iwork
Recruitment i- iThe iprocess ithrough iwhich ithe iorganization iseeks iapplicants ifor ipotential
Selection i- iThe iprocess iby iwhich ithe iorganization iattempts ito iidentify iapplicants iwith ithe
inecessary iknowledge, iskills, iabilities, iand iother icharacteristics ithat iwill ihelp ithe iorganization
iachieve iits igoals
Top i5 iqualities iemployers ilook ifor iin iemployees i- i1)- iTeamwork iSkills
2)- iVerbal iCommunications iSkills
3)- iDecision iMaking, iProblem iSolving i
4)- iGathering i/ iProcessing iinformation i
5)- iPlanning/ iPrioritizing iTasks
Training i- iA iplanned ieffort ito ienable iemployees ito ilearn ijob-related iknowledge, iskills, iand