HRCI aPHR Certification Study Guide
Professional Certification - based on work experience, education, and require re-certification
Certificate Program - Does not require work experience, education, or re-certification
The Clayton Act (1914) - prohibits mergers and acquisitions that would less competition, a
single person cannot be a director of two or more competing corporations, and restricts use of
injunctions against labor, and legalized peaceful strikes, picketing, and boycotts.
Thei Consumeri Crediti Protectioni Acti (1968)i -i Limitsi thei amounti ofi wagesi thati cani bei
garnishedi ori withheldi ini anyi onei weeki andi prohibitsi employeei dismissali becausei ofi
Thei Copelandi "Anti-Kickback"i Acti (1934)i -i Precludesi ai federali contractori ori subcontractori
fromi inducingi ani employeei toi givei upi anyi parti ofi theiri wagesi toi thei employersi fori thei
benefiti ofi havingi ai job.
Thei Copyrighti Acti (1976)i -i Protectioni ofi "originali works"i fori authorsi soi othersi mayi noti
print,i duplicate,i distribute,i ori selli theiri work.
Thei Copyrighti Termsi Extensioni (1998)i -i Furtheri extendedi copyrighti protectioni toi thei
durationi ofi thei author'si lifei plusi 70i yearsi fori generali copyrightsi andi toi 95i yearsi fori worksi
madei fori hirei andi worksi copyrightedi beforei 1978.
Thei Davis-Baconi Acti (1931)i -i Requiresi contractorsi andi subcontractorsi workingi oni federali
governmenti constructioni projectsi ($2000+)i toi payi theiri employeesi "prevailingi wages".i Onlyi
appliesi toi laborersi andi mechanics.i Allowsi traineesi andi apprenticesi toi bei paidi less.
Thei Dodd-Franki Walli Streeti Reformi andi Consumeri Protectioni Acti (2010)i -i Regulatesi thei
financiali marketsi andi protectsi consumers.i Includesi ai non-bindingi votei fori stakeholdersi oni
,executivei compensation,i goldeni parachutes,i andi returni ofi executivei compensationi basedi oni
inaccuratei financiali statements.
Thei Economici Growthi andi Taxi Reliefi Reconciliationi Acti (EGTRRA)i (2001)i -i Adjusti
pensioni vestingi schedules,i increasingi retirementi plani limits,i permittingi pretaxi catch-upi
contributionsi byi participantsi olderi thani 50.
Thei Electronici Communicationsi Privacyi Acti (ECPA)i (1986)i -i Providesi rulesi fori access,i use,i
disclosure,i interpretation,i andi privacyi protectionsi ofi electronici communications,i andi theyi
providei thei possibilityi ofi bothi civili andi criminali penaltiesi fori violations.i Ex:i monitoringi
employeei emails,i messages,i recordingi calls,i andi camerasi ini thei workplace.i Thei employeri
needsi toi givei properi notice.
Employeei Polygraphi Protectioni Acti (1988)i -i Federali lawi thati prohibitsi thei usei ori suggestioni
ofi liei detectori testsi ini mosti employmenti situations
Thei Employeei Retirementi Incomei Securityi Acti (ERISA)i (1974)i -i setsi minimumi standardsi
fori mosti voluntarilyi establishedi retirementi andi healthi plansi ini privatei industryi toi providei
protectioni fori individualsi ini thesei plans.
Thei Equali Payi Acti (1963)i -i Ani amendmenti toi thei Fairi Labori Standardsi Act,i thisi acti requiresi
equali payi fori meni andi womeni doingi equali work.
Thei FAAi Modernizationi andi Reformi Acti (2012)i -i Includesi measuresi thati amendi thei Railwayi
Labori Acti toi changei unioni certificationi electioni processesi ini thei railroadi andi airlinei
industriesi andi imposei greateri oversighti ofi thei regulatoryi activitiesi ofi thei Nationali Mediationi
Board.i Requiresi ai Governmenti Accountabilityi Officei (GAO)i reviewi andi auditi ofi NMBi
operationsi everyi 2i years.
Thei Fairi andi Accuratei Crediti Transactionsi Acti (FACT)i (2003)i -i Amendmentsi toi thei Fairi
Crediti Reportingi Acti toi providei financiali privacyi ofi employeesi andi jobi applicants.i
Requirementsi ini thirdi parti investigationsi ofi employeei misconducti charges.
,Thei Fairi Crediti Reportingi Acti (FCRA)i (1970)i -i Thisi lawi protectsi consumersi againsti
inaccuratei crediti reportingi andi requiresi lendersi andi creditorsi toi correcti errors.i Iti permitsi
consumeri crediti reportingi agenciesi toi issuei crediti reportsi toi usersi onlyi fori specifiedi purposesi
andi onlyi underi certaini circumstances,i requiresi creditorsi toi informi thei consumeri ifi crediti hasi
beeni deniedi becausei ofi informationi oni thei consumer'si crediti reporti (andi alsoi givesi
consumersi thei righti toi thei sourcei ofi suchi information),i andi providesi thei consumeri withi
mechanismsi byi whichi toi requesti ai copyi ofi hisi ori heri crediti reporti andi toi challengei
informationi containedi therein.
Thei Fairi Labori Standardsi Acti (FLSA)i (1938)i -i Thisi federali lawi coversi employersi engagedi
ini interstatei commerce,i regulatesi childi labor,i maximumi hours,i andi minimumi wages.i Thei
law,i amongi otheri things,i specificallyi prohibitsi childreni underi thei agei ofi 14i fromi mosti typesi
ofi work,i makingi exceptionsi for,i e.g.,i lawni care,i newspaperi delivery,i andi entertainment,i andi
restrictsi thei employmenti ofi childreni betweeni thei agesi ofi 15-18i ini variousi ways.i Iti alsoi
requiresi employersi toi payi employeesi whoi agreei toi worki morei thani 40i hoursi peri weeki noi
lessi thani onei andi ai halfi (1½)i timesi theiri regulari payi fori alli hoursi overi 40.
FLSA:i Recordi Keepingi -i •i Personali information
•i Houri &i dayi worki weeki begins
•i Totali hoursi workedi peri worki dayi &i peri worki week
•i Regulari hourlyi payi ratei fori anyi weeki involvingi overtimei
•i Totali overtimei payi fori worki week
•i Deductionsi fromi ori additioni toi wages
•i Totali wagesi paidi eachi payi period
•i Datei ofi paymenti andi payi periodi covered
Childi Labori Provisionsi -i Limitsi hoursi ofi worki fori minorsi underi 16i andi listsi hazardousi
occupationsi tooi dangerousi fori them
Foreigni Corrupti Practicesi Acti (FCPA)i (1997)i -i Prohibitsi Americani companiesi fromi makingi
corrupti paymentsi toi foreigni officialsi fori thei purposei ofi obtainingi ori keepingi business.
Thei Healthi Insurancei Portabilityi andi Accountabilityi Acti (HIPAA)i (1996)i -i Ensuresi thati
individualsi whoi leave/losei theiri jobsi cani obtaini healthi coveragei eveni ifi theyi ori someonei ini
, theiri familyi hasi ai seriousi illness,i injury,i ori pregnant.i Iti allowsi peoplei toi changei jobsi withouti
lossi ofi coverage.
Thei Immigrationi andi Nationalityi Acti (INA)i (1952)i -i Fundamentali bodyi ofi USi immigrationi
law.i Provisionsi applyi toi alli employers.i Addressesi employmenti eligibilityi andi employmenti
verification;i definesi thei conditionsi fori thei temporaryi andi permanenti employmenti ofi aliensi ini
thei US
Immigrationi Reformi andi Controli Acti ofi 1986i -i Federali lawi requiringi employersi toi verifyi
andi maintaini recordsi oni applicants'i legali rightsi toi worki ini thei Unitedi States
Thei IRSi Intermediatei Sanctionsi (2002)i -i Providesi guidelinesi regardingi thei determinationi ofi
reasonablei compensationi fori executivesi ofi nonprofiti organizations;i allowsi thei IRSi toi imposei
penaltiesi wheni iti determinesi thati topi officialsi havei receivedi excessivei compensationi fromi
theiri organizations
Thei Labori Managementi Relationsi Acti (LMRA)i -i Acti thati providesi balancei ofi poweri
betweeni unioni andi managementi byi designatingi certaini unioni activitiesi asi unfairi labori
practices;i alsoi knowni asi Taft-Hartleyi Act.
Thei Labori Managementi Reportingi andi Disclosurei Acti -i Ai federali lawi enactedi ini 1959i thati
establishedi ai systemi ofi reportingi andi checksi intendedi toi uncoveri andi preventi fraudi andi
corruptioni amongi unioni officialsi byi regulatingi internali operatingi proceduresi andi unioni
matters.i Alsoi knowni asi Landrum-Griffini Act.
Thei Minei Safetyi andi Healthi Acti (1977)i -i Establishedi mandatoryi minei safetyi andi healthi
standardsi andi createdi MSHA,i broughti alli coal,i metal,i andi noni metali operationsi together.
Nationali Industriali Recoveryi Acti -i Ai Newi Deali legislationi thati focusedi oni thei employmenti
ofi thei unemployedi andi thei regulationi ofi unfairi businessi ethics.i Thei NIRAi pumpedi cashi intoi
thei economyi toi stimulatei thei jobi marketi andi createdi codesi thati businessesi werei toi followi toi
maintaini thei ideali ofi fairi competitioni andi createdi thei NRA.