Chapter z1 zTest zBank zfor zIntroduction zto zDiagnostic zMicrobiology zfor zthe zLaboratory zSciences, zSecond
Import zSettings:
Base zSettings: zBrownstone
zDefault zInformation zField:
zComplexity zInformation zField:
zAhead zInformation zField:
zSubject zInformation zField: zTitle
Information zField: zFeedback
zInformation zField: zTaxonomy
zInformation zField: zObjective
zHighest zAnswer zLetter: zD
Multiple zKeywords zin zSame zParagraph: zNo
NAS zISBN13: z9781284202212, zadd zto zAhead, zTitle ztags
Chapter: zChapter z01 z- zQuiz
Multiple zChoice
1. Which zof zthe zfollowing zis za zphenotypical zcharacteristic zused zfor zclassifying zbacteria?
A) Staining zcharacteristics
B) Macroscopic zmorphology
C) Nutritional zneeds
D) All zof zthese zare
zcorrect. zAns: zD
Complexity: zEasy
Ahead: zClassification zand
zTaxonomy zSubject: zChapter z1
Title: zTaxonomy, zthe zMicrobial zCell, zMetabolism, zand
zGenetics zTaxonomy: zRecall
2. Which zof zthe zfollowing zis zwritten zcorrectly zusing zthe zbinomial zsystem zof znomenclature?
B) Streptococcus zpyogenes
C) Staphylococcus z Epidermidis
D) enterococcus
zfaecalis zAns: zB
Ahead:Classification zand
zTaxonomy zSubject: zChapter z1
Title: zTaxonomy, zthe zMicrobial zCell, zMetabolism, zand
zGenetics zTaxonomy:Application
3. The zbacterial zcell:
A) does znot zhave zany zorganelles.
B) contains zDNA zwithin zthe zcytoplasm.
C) contains z40S zand z60S zribosomal zsubunits.
,Chapter z1 zTest zBank zfor zIntroduction zto zDiagnostic zMicrobiology zfor zthe zLaboratory zSciences, zSecond
D) has zdouble-stranded zDNA zthat zis zbound zto
zhistones. zAns: zB
zComponents zSubject:
zChapter z1
Title: zTaxonomy, zthe zMicrobial zCell, zMetabolism, zand
zGenetics zTaxonomy:Recall
4. Which zof zthe zfollowing zextensions zenable zthe zbacterial zcell zto zattach zto zhost zcells?
A) Flagella
B) Pili
C) Plasmids
D) Ribosomes
zAns: zB
Ahead: zBacterial zComponents
zSubject: zChapter z1
Title: zTaxonomy, zthe zMicrobial zCell, zMetabolism, zand
zGenetics zTaxonomy: zRecall
5. The zgram-positive zcell zwall zcontains zall zof zthe zfollowing, zexcept:
A) O zantigen.
B) peptidoglycan.
C) teichoic zacids.
D) lipoteichoic
zacids. zAns: zA
zComponents zSubject:
zChapter z1
Title: zTaxonomy, zthe zMicrobial zCell, zMetabolism, zand
zGenetics zTaxonomy:Application
6. Exotoxins:
A) are zsecreted zby zgram znegative zbacteria.
B) may zbe zextracellular zenzymes.
C) consist zof zLPS.
D) can zinduce zfever zupon zcell
zlysis. zAns:B
zComponents zSubject:
zChapter z1
Title: zTaxonomy, zthe zMicrobial zCell, zMetabolism, zand
zGenetics zTaxonomy:Application
7. Gram-positive zbacteria zcontain z , zwhich zare znot zfound zin zgram-negative zbacteria.
,Chapter z1 zTest zBank zfor zIntroduction zto zDiagnostic zMicrobiology zfor zthe zLaboratory zSciences, zSecond
zA) capsules
B) periplasmic zspace zand zan zouter zmembrane
C) teichoic zacids
, Chapter z1 zTest zBank zfor zIntroduction zto zDiagnostic zMicrobiology zfor zthe zLaboratory zSciences, zSecond
D) cross-linked
zpeptidoglycans zAns: zC
zComponents zSubject:
zChapter z1
Title: zTaxonomy, zthe zMicrobial zCell, zMetabolism, zand
zGenetics zTaxonomy:Recall
8. The z are zimportant zfor zmotility zof zthe zbacterial zcell.
A) pili
B) capsules
C) flagella
Ans: zC
Ahead: zBacterial zComponents
zSubject: zChapter z1
Title: zTaxonomy, zthe zMicrobial zCell, zMetabolism, zand
zGenetics zTaxonomy:Recall
9. The zmorphology zof zthose zbacteria zthat zare zround zand zarranged zin zpairs zis zknown zas:
A) diplococci.
B) streptococci.
C) bacilli.
D) coccobacilli.
zAns: zA
Ahead:Characteristics zof zEukaryotes zand
zProkaryotes zSubject: zChapter z1
Title: zTaxonomy, zthe zMicrobial zCell, zMetabolism, zand
zGenetics zTaxonomy:Application
10. Microorganisms zthat zare zof zthe zsame zspecies, zbut zhave zdifferent zphysiologic
zcharacteristics, zare zknown zas:
A) subspecies.
B) biotypes.
C) serovars.
D) strains.
zAns: zB
Ahead: zClassification zand
zTaxonomy zSubject: zChapter z1
Title: zTaxonomy, zthe zMicrobial zCell, zMetabolism, zand
zGenetics zTaxonomy:Recll
11. Those zbacteria zthat zcan zuse zaerobic zrespiration zor zfermentative zprocesses zfor
zmetabolism zare zcategorized zas:
A) microaerophiles.