Organizational Behavior An Evidence-Based
v v v
Approach, 12 Edition by Fred Luthans
v v v v v v
,Organizational vBehavior vAn vEvidence-Based vApproach, v12 vEdition vFred vLuthans vTest vBank
Table vof vContent
Chapter v1: vIntroduction vto vOrganizational vBehavior: vAn vEvidence-Based vApproach
Chapter v2: vEnvironmental vContext: vGlobalization, vDiversity, vand vEthics
Chapter v3: vOrganizational vContext: vDesign vand vCulture
Chapter v4: vOrganizational vContext: vReward vSystems
Chapter v5: vPersonality, vPerception, vand vEmployee vAttitudes
Chapter v6: vMotivational vNeeds, vProcesses, vand vApplications
Chapter v7: vPositive vOrganizational vBehavior vand vPsychological vCapital
Chapter v8: vCommunication vand vDecision vMaking
Chapter v9: vStress vand vConflict
Chapter v10: vPower vand vPolitics
Chapter v11: vGroups vand vTeams
Chapter v12: vBehavioral vPerformance vManagement
Chapter v13: vEffective vLeadership vProcesses
Chapter v14: vGreat vLeaders: vAn vEvidenced-Based vApproach
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v01vIntroduction vto vOrganizational vBehavior: vAn vEvidence-Based
True v/ vFalse vQuestions
1. The vmajor vchallenge vand vcritical vcompetitive vadvantage vfor vany vorganization vis vthe
vhumanvresource vof vthat vcompany.
True False
2. Casey, va vrelationship vmanager vin va vbank vcreates vvalue vfor vher vorganization vthrough
vher vnetworks, vconnections, vand vfriends. vThese vvalues vcan vbe vreferred vto vas v"positive
True False
3. Roger, va vsales vmanager vfor vHeust vPvt. vLtd., vis vimpressed vwith vhis vnew vsales
vexecutive, vTim.vAccording vto vRoger, vTim vis voptimistic, vcan vperform vwell vunder
vpressure, vand vis vvery vconfidentvabout vwhat vhe vdoes. vThese vqualities vcan vbe vreferred vto
vas v"positive vpsychological vcapital." vTrue False
4. The vproblems vwith vhuman vorganizations vand vthe vsolutions vover vthe vages vhave
vundergonevdrastic vchanges vcompared vto vtheir vemphasis vand vsurrounding
venvironmental vcontext.
True False
5. A vparadigm vestablishes vonly vwritten
vrules.vTrue False
6. ‘Paradigm vshift' vrefers vto vthe vsituation vin vwhich vthose vin vthe vexisting vparadigm vmay
vnot vevenvsee vthe vchanges vthat vare voccurring, vand vtherefore, vcannot vanalyze vthe
True False
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Organizational- vBehavior-An-Evidence-Based-Approach-12th-
7. Reasons vfor vconsiderable vresistance vto vchange vand vdifficulty vto vmove vfrom
vthe voldvmanagement vparadigm vto vthe vnew vcan vbe vexplained vby vthe v"paradigm
True v False
8. The vfact vthat vtoday's vmanagers vare vcompetent vin vtheir vfunctional vspecialization vis
vsufficient vto vreiterate vthat vmost vof vthem vpaid vclose vattention vto vthe vconceptual vand
vhuman vdimensions vofvtheir vjobs.
True v False
9. According vto vTheory vX, vif vemployees vwere vkept vhappy, vthey vwould
vbecome vhighvperformers.
True v False
10. Theory vX vis vthe vnatural vchoice vfor vmost vorganizations vin vtoday's
venvironment.vTrue False
11. Most vof vthe vpracticing vmanagers vand vtheir vorganizations vcultures vbelieve, vfully
vimplement,vand vconsistently vadhere vto va vfull-fledged vHPWPs vapproach vto vmanagement.
True v False
12. The vmovement vto vnot vonly vrecognize, vbut valso vdo vsomething vabout vthe
v"Knowing-DoingvGap" vis vthe vmovement vtowards vevidence-based vmanagement.
True v False
13. Most vof vthe v"new vmanagement vpractices" vare vessentially va vreadapted vversion vof
vexistingv"old vmanagement vtruths."
True v False
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