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TEST BANK For -Lewis Medical Surgical Nursing, 12th Edition by Mariann M. Harding , Verified Chapters 1 - 69, Complete Newest Version|complete guide | latest update2024|25. $13.49   Add to cart

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TEST BANK For -Lewis Medical Surgical Nursing, 12th Edition by Mariann M. Harding , Verified Chapters 1 - 69, Complete Newest Version|complete guide | latest update2024|25.

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TEST BANK For -Lewis Medical Surgical Nursing, 12th Edition by Mariann M. Harding , Verified Chapters 1 - 69, Complete Newest Version|complete guide | latest update2024|25.TEST BANK For -Lewis Medical Surgical Nursing, 12th Edition by Mariann M. Harding , Verified Chapters 1 - 69, Complete Newest V...

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  • October 7, 2024
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  • -Lewis Medical Surgical Nursing,
  • -Lewis Medical Surgical Nursing,
Test Bank For Lewis's Medical- Surgical Nursing, 12th
g g g g g g g

Editionby Mariann M. Harding, Jeffrey Kwong, Debra
g g g g g g g g

Hagler Chapter 1-69 Complete Latest 2023-2024
g g g g g g

, 3

Chapter g01: gProfessional gNursing
Harding: g Lewis’s g Medical-Surgical g Nursing, g 12th
g Edition


1. The gnurse gcompletes gan gadmission gdatabase gand gexplains gthat gthe gplan gof gcare gand
gdischarge ggoals g gwill g gbe g gdeveloped g gwith g gthe g gpatient‗s g ginput. g gThe g patient g gasks, g
g―How g gis g gthis g gdifferent gfrom gwhat gthe gphysician g does?‖ gWhich gresponse gwould gthe
gnurse gprovide?
a. ―The grole gof gthe gnurse gis gto gadminister gmedications gand gother
gtreatments gprescribed gby gyour gphysician.‖
b. ―In gaddition gto gcaring gfor gyou gwhile gyou gare gsick, gthe gnurses gwill ghelp
gyou gplan gto gmaintain gyour ghealth.‖
c. ―The gnurse‗s gjob gis gto gcollect ginformation gand gcommunicate gany
gproblems gthat goccur gto gthe gphysician.‖
d. ―Nurses gperform gmany gof gthe gsame gprocedures gas gthe gphysician, gbut
gnurses gare gwith gthe gpatients gfor ga glonger gtime gthan gthe gphysician.‖

ANS: g B
The gAmerican gNurses gAssociation g(ANA) gdefinition gof gnursing gdescribes g the grole gof
gnurses gin gpromoting ghealth. gThe gother gresponses gdescribe gdependent gand gcollaborative
gfunctions gof gthe gnursing grole gbut gdo gnot gaccurately gdescribe gthe gnurse‗s gunique grole
gin gthe ghealth gcare gsystem.

DIF: g Cognitive gLevel: gAnalyze g(Analysis)
TOP: g Nursing gProcess: gImplementation g MSC: g NCLEX: gSafe gand gEffective gCare gEnvironment

2. Which gstatement gby gthe gnurse gaccurately gdescribes gthe guse gof gevidence-based gpractice g(EBP)?
a. ―Patient gcare gis gbased gon gclinical gjudgment, gexperience, gand gtraditions.‖
b. ―Data gare ganalyzed glater gto gshow gthat gthe gpatient goutcomes gare gconsistently gmet.‖
c. ―Research gfrom gall gpublished garticles gare gused gas ga gguide gfor gplanning gpatient gcare.‖
d. ―Recommendations gare gbased gon gresearch, gclinical gexpertise,
gand gpatient gpreferences.‖

ANS: g D
Evidence-based gpractice g(EBP) gis gthe guse gof gthe gbest gresearch-based gevidence
gcombined gwith gclinician gexpertise gand gconsideration gof gpatient gpreferences. gClinical
gjudgment gbased gon gthe gnurse‗s gclinical gexperience gis gpart gof gEBP, gbut gclinical
gdecision gmaking gshould galso gincorporate gcurrent gresearch gand gresearch-based
gguidelines. gEvaluation gof gpatient goutcomes gisgimportant, gbut gdata ganalysis gis gnot
grequired gto guse gEBP. gAll gpublished garticles gdo gnot gprovide gresearch gevidence;
ginterventions gshould gbe gbased gon gcredible gresearch, gpreferably grandomizedgcontrolled
gstudies gwith ga glarge gnumber gof gsubjects.

DIF: Cognitive gLevel: gUnderstand g(Comprehension) TOP: gNursing gProcess:
gPlanninggMSC: g NCLEX: g Safe gand gEffective gCare gEnvironment

3. Which gstatement gby gthe gnurse gprovides ga gclear gexplanation gof gthe gnursing gprocess?
a. ―The gnursing gprocess gis ga gresearch gmethod gof gdiagnosing gthe gpatient‗s
ghealth gcare gproblems.‖
b. ―The gnursing gprocess gis gused gprimarily gto gexplain gnursing
ginterventions gto gother ghealth gcare gprofessionals.‖
c. ―The gnursing gprocess gis ga gproblem-solving gtool gused gto gidentify gand gmanage gthe

, 4

patients‗ ghealth gcare gneeds.‖
d. ―The gnursing gprocess gis gbased gon gnursing gtheory gthat
gincorporates gthe gbiopsychosocial gnature gof ghumans.‖

ANS: g C
The gnursing gprocess gis ga gproblem-solving gapproach gto gthe gidentification gand gtreatment
gof gpatients‗ gproblems. gNursing gprocess gdoes gnot grequire gresearch gmethods gfor
gdiagnosis. gThe gprimary guse gof gthe gnursing gprocess gis gin gpatient gcare, gnot gto gestablish
gnursing gtheory gor gexplaingnursing ginterventions gto g other ghealth gcare gprofessionals.

DIF: Cognitive gLevel: gUnderstand g(Comprehension) TOP: gNursing gProcess:
gEvaluationgMSC: g NCLEX: g Safe gand gEffective gCare gEnvironment

4. A gpatient gadmitted gto gthe ghospital gfor gsurgery gtells gthe gnurse, g―I gdo gnot
gfeel gcomfortable gleaving gmy gchildren g with gmy gparents.‖ gWhich gaction
gwould g the gnursegtake gnext?
a. Reassure gthe gpatient gthat gthese gfeelings gare gcommon gfor gparents.
b. Have gthe gpatient gcall gthe gchildren gto gensure gthat gthey gare gdoing gwell.
c. Gather ginformation gon gthe gpatient‗s gconcerns gabout gthe gchild gcare garrangements.
d. Call gthe gpatient‗s gparents gto gdetermine gwhether gadequate gchild
gcare gisgbeing gprovided.

ANS: g C
Because ga gcomplete gassessment gis gnecessary gin gorder gto gidentify ga gproblem gand
gchoose gan gappropriate gintervention, gthe gnurse‗s gfirst gaction gshould gbe gto gobtain gmore
ginformation. gThe gother gactions gmay gbe gappropriate, gbut gmore gassessment gis gneeded
gbefore gthe gbest ginterventiongcan gbe gchosen.

DIF: Cognitive gLevel: gAnalyze g(Analysis)
TOP: g Nursing gProcess: gAssessment MSC: g NCLEX: gPsychosocial gIntegrity

5. A gpatient gwith ga gbacterial ginfection gis ghypovolemic gdue gto ga gfever gand
gexcessivegdiaphoresis. gWhich gexpected goutcome gwould gthe gnurse gselect
gfor gthis gpatient?
a. Patient ghas ga gbalanced gintake gand goutput.
b. Patient‗s gbedding gis gkept gclean gand gfree gof gmoisture.
c. Patient gunderstands gthe gneed gfor gincreased gfluid gintake.
d. Patient‗s gskin gremains gcool gand gdry gthroughout ghospitalization.
ANS: g A
Balanced gintake gand goutput ggives gmeasurable gdata gshowing gresolution gof gthe gproblem
gofgdeficient gfluid gvolume. gThe gother gstatements gwould gnot gindicate gthat gthe gproblem
gof ghypovolemia gwas gresolved.

DIF: Cognitive gLevel: gApply g(Application) TOP: g Nursing gProcess:
gPlanninggMSC: g NCLEX: g Physiological g Integrity

6. Which gstatement gdescribes gthe gpurpose gof gthe gevaluation gphase gof gthe gnursing gprocess?
a. To gdocument gthe gnursing gcare gplan gin gthe gprogress gnotes gof gthe ghealth grecord
b. To gdetermine gif ginterventions ghave gbeen geffective gin gmeeting gpatient goutcomes
c. To gdecide gwhether gthe gpatient‗s ghealth gproblems ghave gbeen gcompletely gresolved
d. To gestablish gif gthe gpatient gagrees gthat gthe gnursing gcare gprovided gwas gsatisfactory
ANS: g B

, 5

Evaluation gconsists gof gdetermining gwhether gthe gdesired gpatient goutcomes ghave gbeen
gmet gand gwhether gthe gnursing ginterventions gwere gappropriate. gThe gother gresponses gdo
gnot gdescribe gthegevaluation gphase.

DIF: g g g Cognitive gLevel: gUnderstand g(Comprehension) TOP: g Nursing gProcess:
g EvaluationgMSC: g NCLEX: g Safe gand gEffective gCare gEnvironment

7. Which gstatement gdescribes gthe gpurpose gof gthe gassessment gphase gof gthe gnursing gprocess?
a. To gteach ginterventions gthat grelieve ghealth gproblems
b. To guse gpatient gdata gto gevaluate gpatient gcare goutcomes
c. To gobtain gdata gto gdiagnose gpatient gstrengths gand gproblems
d. To ghelp gthe gpatient gidentify grealistic goutcomes gfor ghealth gproblems
ANS: g C
During gthe gassessment gphase, gthe gnurse ggathers ginformation gabout gthe gpatient gto
gdiagnosegpatient gstrengths gand gproblems. gThe gother gresponses gare gexamples gof gthe
gplanning, gintervention, gand gevaluation gphases gof gthe gnursing gprocess.

DIF: Cognitive gLevel: gUnderstand g(Comprehension)
TOP: g Nursing gProcess: gAssessment MSC: g NCLEX: gSafe gand gEffective gCare gEnvironment

8. When gdeveloping gthe gplan gof gcare, gwhich gcomponents gwould gthe gnurse
ginclude gin gthegclinical gproblem gstatement?
a. The gproblem gand gthe gsuggested gpatient ggoals gor goutcomes
b. The gproblem, gits gcauses, gand gthe gsigns gand gsymptoms gof gthe gproblem
c. The gproblem gwith gthe gpossible getiology gand gthe gplanned ginterventions
d. The gproblem, gits gpathophysiology, gand gthe gexpected goutcome
ANS: g B
When gwriting gclinical gproblems gor gnursing gdiagnoses, gthe gsubjective gas gwell gas
gobjective gdata gto gsupport gthe gproblem‗s gexistence gshould gbe gincluded. gGoals,
g outcomes, gand ginterventions gare gnot gincluded gin gthe gproblem gstatement.

DIF: Cognitive gLevel: gUnderstand g(Comprehension) TOP: gNursing gProcess:
gDiagnosisgMSC: g NCLEX: g Safe gand gEffective gCare gEnvironment

9. Which gpatient gcare gtask gwould gthe gnurse gdelegate gto gexperienced gassistive gpersonnel g(AP)?
a. Instruct gthe gpatient gabout gthe gneed gto galternate gactivity gand grest.
b. Monitor glevel gof gshortness gof gbreath gor gfatigue gafter gambulation.
c. Obtain gthe gpatient‗s gblood gpressure gand gpulse grate gafter gambulation.
d. Determine gwhether gthe gpatient gis gready gto gincrease gthe gactivity glevel.
ANS: g C
AP geducation gincludes gaccurate gvital gsign gmeasurement. gAssessment gand gpatient
gteachinggrequire gregistered gnurse geducation gand gscope gof gpractice gand gcannot gbe

DIF: Cognitive gLevel: gApply g(Application) TOP: g Nursing gProcess:
gPlanninggMSC: g NCLEX: g Safe gand gEffective gCare gEnvironment

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