10/15/24, 7:44 AM ENPC 6th Edition Provider Exam Self Test Questions /2024-2025 update Flashcards | Quizlet
ENPC 6th Edition Provider Exam Self Test
Questions /2024-2025 update
Terms in this set (128)
A 4-day-old who is B
brought to the
emergency department Dextrose 10% is the preferred concentration for
with the parental neonates with hypoglycemia to protect their fragile
complaint of "not acting vasculature while providing needed glucose.
right" is found to be Dextrose 5% is not used to treat hypoglycemia in
hypoglycemic. What is children. Dextrose 25% is used for children above
the appropriate glucose the age of 5 years. Dextrose 50% is not
concentration to recommended for use in pediatrics unless it is
administer to this diluted.
A.Dextrose 5%
B.Dextrose 10%
C.Dextrose 25%
D.Dextrose 50%
Assessment of the A
fontanelle provides the
most useful information A sunken fontanelle is a red flag for circulation
for which two assessment in pediatric triage and may indicate
components of the dehydration . A bulging fontanel is a red flag for
primary survey? disability assessment in pediatric triage and can
A.Circulation and indicate increased intracranial pressure.
B.Breathing and
C.Disability and exposure
D.Circulation and
,10/15/24, 7:44 AM ENPC 6th Edition Provider Exam Self Test Questions /2024-2025 update Flashcards | Quizlet
Which of the following C
indicates the need for
additional caregiver
education regarding a
urinary tract infection?
A.I should encourage my
child to drink extra fluids.
B.I need to make a
follow-up appointment
with child's physician.
C.My child will grow out
of their frequent urinary
tract infections.
D.My child should
complete all of their
antibiotic medication.
A nurse providing trauma D
informed care to the
family of a seriously ill Caregivers experiencing the crisis of a critically ill
child should be doing child have low attentiveness and increased stress so
which of the following? would benefit from having a member of the
A.Placing the family in a healthcare team to stay with them as much as
quiet, secluded room possible and communicate updates on the plan of
B.Referring to their child care. Caregivers should be allowed to stay with their
as "the patient" child as much as possible and not placed in a
C.Making sure the family secluded room away for them.
does not stay at the
D.Appointing one staff
member to stay with the
, 10/15/24, 7:44 AM ENPC 6th Edition Provider Exam Self Test Questions /2024-2025 update Flashcards | Quizlet
The caregiver of a 7-year C
old reports witnessing a
seizure at home, but no Burn injuries result in fluid and electrolyte shifts
seizure history. The leading to hypovolemia and electrolyte imbalances.
patient is post-ictal with a Early identification and treatment of electrolyte
heart rate of 142 beats imbalances can help prevent further seizures.
per minute, respiratory Contacting child protective services and other
rate of 36 breaths per authorities can wait. The patient is post-ictal so does
minute, and blood not require lorazepam medication at this time. Pain
pressure of 86/72 mm medication can and should be considered with
Hg. Significant burns are significant burns, but is not a priority.
noted to the patient's
back and lower
extremities. The caregiver
states the burns
accidentally occurred
three days ago, but was
afraid to bring the patient
in due to an ongoing
child welfare
investigation.Which of the
following groups of
interventions are the
priority for this patient?
A.Call police and child
welfare authorities and
have security detain the
B.Administer intravenous
analgesics and obtain a
point of care glucose
C.Draw a metabolic
panel, point of care
glucose, and administer a
fluid bolus
D.Administer lorazepam
and a fluid bolus and
place on seizure
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