NR 602 Mid-term questions with correct answers
Infant development Correct Answer--1m: dolls eyes, nose breathing,
hands closed, sees 20-25cm away, sleeps 16-17 hrs a day
-2m: post fontanel closes, decr head lag, coos,follows toy side to side,
sleeps 8.5-10rs/night & 6-7 hrs day
-3m: all primitive reflexes fading, holds head, bears weight on legs, does
not reach for rattle, babbling, mirrors, recognizes familiar objects and
faces, sleeps 15-16 hours per day.
Infant development Correct Answer--4m: drooling, no morrow/tonic
neck, sits if propped, plays with hands, pulls on things, shows mood,
laughs, focus on things 1/2in from face, regular sleep/wake pattern
- 5m: double birth wt, rolls back to belly, pull objects to mouth, follows
dropped object, sleeps 10-11 hrs & 3 naps.
- 6m: growth slows (3-5oz/week, 1/2in/month), rolls back to belly, sits
in chair with back, recognize parent, definite likes/dislikes, 13-14 hours
sleep, 2-3 naps.
- 7m: leans to tripod position, bounce when standing, bang objects, 4
vowels said, knows name, stranger anxiety
Infant Development Correct Answer--8m: regular b/b pattern, sits
unsupported, pincer grasp, knows "no", more stranger anxiety, sleeps
11-12hrs + 2-3 naps
- 9m: refined pincer grasp, steadily sits unsupported, pulls to stand,
wants to please parents, 2 naps
-10m: mature pincer,walks holding on, grabs by the handle,
"mama/dada", object permanence, 2 naps
,-11m: lower lat incisors, pivots when standing, imitates sounds, rolls ball
when asked
-12m: triples birth wt, length by 50%, walks holding 1 hand, 5-7 words,
security object
Tanner (pubic hair) Correct Answer-1) no pubic hair
2) initial, scarce pigmented hair along medial border of labia
3) sparse, dark, visibly pigmented curly hair on labia
4) hair coarse and curly, abundant but less than adult
5) lateral spreading, triangle spread of adult hair to medial surface of
Tanner (Males) Correct Answer-1) Prepubertal
2) enlargement of scrotum & testes & change in scrotum texture. May be
3) further penile growth (length first) & testes & scrotum
4) significantly enlarged ion length & circumference penis. more
development of glans penis. darkening of scrotal skin (facial hair after
this only)
5) adult genitals
Tanner (Breasts) Correct Answer-1) prepubertal
2) Breast buds palpable under areola, enlargement of areola
3) breast tissue palpable outside areola- no areolar development or
separation of contour
, 4) Areola elevated above contour of breast forming "double scoop"
5) Areola mound recedes back into single breast contour with areolar
hyperpigmentation, papillae development/ projection & nipple
chalazion Correct Answer--chronic sterile inflammation of eyelid from a
lipogranuloma of the meibomian gland
- initially, mild redness & swelling, then after a few days, a slow-
growing, round, nonpigmented PAINLESS mass remains.
- Acute tx: hot compress, refer to eye MD
Blepharitis Correct Answer-- acute or chronic bacterial (staph)
inflammation of eyelash follicle or sebaceous gland of eyelid. bilateral
-flaky, scaly debris over eyelid margin when awakening
- tx: warm compress, scrub with weak shampoo, sometimes bacitracin or
-no contacts during tx
Otitis Media Correct Answer-- bulging TM, ear pain, , ETD,
fever,irritability, otorrhea, absent TM mobility
-RSV/influenza most common viruses
- s.pneumonia, haemophilus, strep (bacteria)
- Tx: Amoxicillin (1st time), Amox/clavu (when AOM within 30 days),
ceftriaxone, azith (penicillin allergy)