NUR 176 final exam hondros
NUR 176 final exam Hondros study
guide 2025
Ways to stop the chain of infection
stop transmission, don't give it a reservoir
reasons infectious agent can cause infection
get in through break in skin, pt is immunocompromised
what is true about Herpes Simplex Virus
there are 2 types HSV1-cold sores and HSV 2-genital, there is no cure it lays dormant
Tx for HSV-1 (meds)
acyclovir, valacyclovir
nursing interventions for HSV-2
treat symptoms, prevent spread, keep lesions clean and dry
Herpes Zoster(shingles) occurs in pt with hx of chickenpox, what can cause an outbreak
age, stress, infection
Post therapeutic neuralgia
nerve pain exist after shingles has cleared up
Tx for Herpes Zoster
treat anxiety and prevent secondary complications
antiviral, steroids, analgesics, Zostavax vaccine(55and older)
Rash along nerve track, can cause blindness, deafness, and inflammation of brain
Herpes Zoster
Bacterial (strep or staph) infection of the skin and underlying tissues, it's not contagious
but can spread to other areas on pt
Tx for Cellulitis
NUR 176 final exam hondros
, NUR 176 final exam hondros
antibiotics, elevate, cold compresses
Pt education for Cellulitis
teach S/S(warm,red,swollen, drainage), finish all antibiotics, good nutrition
Risk factors for Cellulitis
DM, PVD, lymphedema, malnutrition, compromised immune system, autoimmune
disorders, surgery
Pediculosis (lice) pt education
don't share hats, combs treat family and house
nits seen on body, pinpoint raised red macules, itch
S/S pediculosis
Scabies is caused by
itch mite
wavy brown lines on body, severe itch are S/S of
Tx for scabies
permethrin cream, treat close contacts
Pt comes in complaining of burning, pain, itching and you observe edema and papules
on skin what is the first question you ask them?
have you changed anything recently or been around poison ivy
S/S of RA
tender, warm, swollen joints stiffness 1st hour after waking up, fatigue, fever
Tx for RA
rest/activity balance, NSAIDS, warm compresses, therapy, DMARDS (disease modifying
S/S of Lupus
butterfly rash, fatigue, fever, arthritis, heart, lung and kidney problems
diagnostic testing for lupus (ruling out other issues)
NUR 176 final exam hondros