Hondros Nur 176 exam 1
Hondros Nur 176 exam 1 questions and
answers 2025
Interventions to prevent diabetes -Answer- ✔Maintain healthy weight, diet and exercise
Signs of type 1 diabetes -Answer- ✔3 polys, blurred vision, cold feet, numbness, shiny
thin skin w/ no hair, age 30 and under, sudden onset, underweight,
Signs of type 2 diabetes -Answer- ✔No symptoms at first , later develop the 3 polys,
obesity, Nigricans (black line on back of neck) skin tags
S/S of hypoglycemia -Answer- ✔Fatigue, weakness, irritability, reduce cognition,
tremors, seizures, diaphoresis( sweating)
S/S of hyperglycemia -Answer- ✔3 polys, fruity breath
S/S of diabetic ketoacidosis and treatment -Answer- ✔High BS, high HR, restlessness,
weight loss, fruity breath, kussmaul(fast deep RR) -- treatments; IV regular insulin
First intervention if a pt. Presents with s/s of hypo/hyperglycemia -Answer- ✔Check
blood sugar
Prevention of long term complications of diabetes -Answer- ✔Takes meds, daily feet
care, yearly renal test, eye exams every 6 months, LDL less than 150
Dietary teaching for a diabetic patient -Answer- ✔Meals at the same time every day,
decrease saturated fats, increase exercise , refer pt. To MyPlate learning tool,
Diabetic Pt. should never increase carbs unless... -Answer- ✔Sugar is low before
Discharge teaching for diabetic pt. -Answer- ✔Know hypo/hyperglycemia s/s, know that
stress and illness increase BS , see a diabetic educator, know what the effect of
Exercise can have on Bs
Diabetic foot care -Answer- ✔Clean w/ soap and warm water, clean socks everyday, cut
toe nails straight across, keep feet dry, no powder or lotion b/t toes , wear shoes ,
inspect feet daily, no gardners
Lipid analysis -Answer- ✔LDL-leas than 100 HDL- more than 40 Triglycerides- more
than 150
Hondros Nur 176 exam 1
, Hondros Nur 176 exam 1
What are low and high levels of HDL indicative of -Answer- ✔High- insulin resistance,
low- insulin sensitivity
What insulins can not be mixed? -Answer- ✔Levemir and Lantus ( detemir and glargine
How to mix insulin -Answer- ✔Short acting to long acting, regular to NPH, Clear to
Should a nurse hold a patients insulin before consulting a dr? -Answer- ✔No
No insulin, beta cells are destroyed is a result of ? -Answer- ✔Diabetes type 1
Beta cells exhaustion , insulin resistance is a result of ? -Answer- ✔Diabetes type 2
Rapid acting insulin -Answer- ✔Lispro(Humalog) aspart(Novolog) glulisine(Apidra)
Onset, peak and duration of Novolog and Apidra -Answer- ✔Onset-15-30, Peak-1-3hr,
onset, peak and duration of humalog -Answer- ✔Onset-15-30, Peak-1-2hr, duration-3-
Short acting insulin( regular) -Answer- ✔Humulin R, Novolin R, ReliOn R, Onset-30-60 ,
Peak-2-4hr, duration-6-8hr
Intermediate insulin (NPH) -Answer- ✔Humulin N, Novolin N, ReliOn N, Onset-1-4hr
Peak-4-12hr, duration-12-16hr
Long acting insulin -Answer- ✔Lantus and levemir Onset-1-2hr, Peak- none, duration-
Which insulin is the only one that can be given through IV ? -Answer- ✔Regular
What is glucagon used for? -Answer- ✔Makes glucose. Received if BS is low
If a pt. Is lethargic, what form of glucose should be administered? -Answer- ✔Glucagon
gel in cheek
What is Lipohypotrophy and the prevention ? -Answer- ✔Lump under subcut tissue due
to repeated injections at the same site. Rotate sites
S/s of brain tumor -Answer- ✔Vision changes, confusion and headache
Hondros Nur 176 exam 1