NUR176 Exam 2
Nur 176 Exam 2 Study Questions and
Answers Top Rated 2025
Pt complains of the following symptoms associated with urinating; hesitancy,
intermittent stream, frequency, urgency and nocturia what do you suspect is wrong?
Interventions after TURP
bladder irrigation to prevent clots, blood in urine is normal, pain management for
bladder spasms
How do you prevent Cystitis(UTI)?
wipe front to back, showers instead of baths, urinate after intercourse, increase fluids,
no perfume or scented toilet paper, wear cotton underwear, cranberry juice
Pt states they are experiencing the following symptoms when urinating; blood in my
urine, frequent trips to the bathroom, always feels like I have to pee, they also have a
fever, what do you expect is wrong?
Lab and treatment for UTI
urine culture and sensitivity to determine antibiotic to give
S/S of peritonitis
abdominal pain, abdominal rigidity and distension, fever, cloudy drainage
What will you do about the cloudy drainage from peritoneal dialysis?
get a culture to determine treatment for infection
How often does a pt do Peritoneal Dialysis?
3-4 times a day
If fluid isn't coming out after it infused during peritoneal dialysis, what do you do?
check tubing for kinks, reposition them
What do you monitor for in your pt receiving dialysis?
NUR176 Exam 2
, NUR176 Exam 2
weight before and after, and monitor for hypotension during
5-6 soft stools daily, pain in abdomen and joints, mucous in stool, loss of appetite, fever,
fatigue, cramping are all S/S of what GI condition?
poor skin turgor, hypotension, dry mucous membranes, dark urine, elevated BUN are
some S/S of what
What labs will you run for Anemia?
CBC, Hemoglobin
pt education on diet if they have pernicious anemia?
meat, eggs, dairy and foods that have folic acid
Pt comes in and they are experiencing sickle cell crisis what are the interventions you
will HOP to?
Pain management
What are some S/S of Anemia
fatigue, weakness, pallor, SOB, lightheadedness
What is pt education for pt with anemia?
conserve energy-rest between activities, monitor urine and stools for blood
What are some treatments for Anemia?
diet high in iron(liver) or iron supplements
what do you suspect is the problem with your pt complaining of being tired, weak, their
skin is itchy and they have a dusky gray color to their skin?
Chronic Renal Failure
Labs you would run for Chronic Renal Failure?
BUN, Cr, potassium, Hgb, Urine specific gravity
What is the normal lab value for Urine Specific Gravity?
NUR176 Exam 2