Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing 10th
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Edition Marquis Huston
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Test Bank
,Table of Contents
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Unit I : The Critical Triad: Decision Making, Management, and Leadership
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o Chapter 1: Decision Making, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, and Clinical Reasoning
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Requisites for Successful Leadership and Management
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o Chapter 2: Classical Views of Leadership and Management
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o Chapter 3: Twenty-First-Century Thinking About Leadership and Management
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Unit II: Foundation for Effective Leadership and Management: Ethics, Law, and Advocacy
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o Chapter 4: Ethical Issues
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o Chapter 5: Legal and Legislative Issues
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o Chapter 6: Patient, Subordinate, Workplace, and Professional Advocacy
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Unit III: Roles and Functions in Planning
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o Chapter 7: Organization Planning
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o Chapter 8: Planned Change
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o Chapter 9: Time Management
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o Chapter 10: Fiscal Planning and Health-Care Reimbursement
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o Chapter 11: Career Planning and Development in Nursing
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Unit IV: Roles and Functions in Organizing
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o Chapter 12: Organization Structure
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o Chapter 13: Organization, Political, and Personal Power
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o Chapter 14: Organizing Patient Care
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Unit V: Roles and Functions in Staffing
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o Chapter 15: Employee Recruitment, Selection, Placement, and Indoctrination
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o Chapter 16: Educating and Socializing Staff in a Learning Organization
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o Chapter 17: Staffing Needs and Scheduling Policies
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Unit VI: Roles and Functions in Directing
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, o Chapter 18: Creating a Motivating Climate
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o Chapter 19: Organization, Interpersonal, and Group Communication in Team Building
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o Chapter 20: Delegation
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o Chapter 21: Conflict, Workplace Violence, and Negotiations
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o Chapter 22: Collective Bargaining, Unionization, and Employment Laws
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Unit VII: Roles and Functions in Controlling
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o Chapter 23: Quality Control in Creating a Culture of Patient Safety
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o Chapter 24: Performance Appraisal
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o Chapter 25: Problem Employees: Rule Breakers, Marginal Employees, and the
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Chemically or Psychologically Impaired
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, Chapter wr1 wrDecision wrMaking, wrProblem wrSolving, wrCritical wrThinking, wrand wrClinical
wrReasoning: wrRequisites wrfor wrsuccessful wrleadership wrand wrmanagement
1. What wrstatement wris wrtrue wrregarding wrdecision wrmaking?
A) It wris wran wranalysis wrof wra wrsituation
B) It wris wrcloselywrrelated wrto wrevaluation
C) It wrinvolves wrchoosing wrbetween wrcourses wrof wraction
D) It wris wrdependent wrupon wrfinding wrthe wrcause wrof wra wrproblem
Ans: wrC wrFeedback:
Decision wrmaking wris wra wrcomplex wrcognitive wrprocess wroften wrdefined wras wrchoosing wra wrparticular
course wrof wraction. wrProblem wrsolving wris wrpart wrof wrdecision wrmaking wrand wris wra wrsystematic
wr process wrthat wrfocuses wron wranalyzing wra wrdifficult wrsituation. wrCritical wrthinking, wrsometimes
wr referred wrto wras wrreflective wrthinking, wris wrrelated wrto wrevaluation wrand wrhas wra wrbroader wrscope
wr than wrdecision wrmaking wrand wrproblem wrsolving.
2. What
1. A) w r Its wrneed wrfor wrimplementation wrtime
2. B) wrIts wrlack wrof wra wrstep wrrequiring wrevaluation wrof wrresults
3. C) w r Its wrfailure wrto wrgather wrsufficient wrdata
4. D) w r Its wrfailure wrto wrevaluate wralternatives
Ans: wrA
wr Feedbac
The wrtraditional wrproblem-solving wrmodel wris wrless wreffective wrwhen wrtime wrconstraints wrare wra
wr consideration. wrDecision wrmaking wrcan wroccur wrwithout wrthe wrfull wranalysis wrrequired wrin
wr problem wrsolving. wrBecause wrproblem wrsolving wrattempts wrto wridentify wrthe wrroot wrproblem wrin
wr situations, wrmuch wrtime wrand wrenergy wrare wrspent wron wridentifying wrthe wrreal wrproblem.
3. Which wrof wrthe wrfollowing wrstatements wris wrtrue wrregarding wrdecision wrmaking?
1. A) wrScientific wrmethods wrprovide wridentical wrdecisions wrby wrdifferent wrindividuals
wrfor wrthe wrsame wrproblems