TEST BANK - Community and Public Health Nursing:
x x x x x x x
x Evidence for Practice, 3rd Edition (DeMarco),
x x x x x x
Chapters 1 - 25 | All Chapters
x x x x x x
x x
,Chapter 1: Public Health Nursing
x x x x
1. A xnurse xis xstriving xto x practice xpatient-centered xcare xat xa xhospital. xWhich xaction
xbestxexemplifies xproviding xpatient-centered xcare?
A) Having xa xclient xcomplete xa xself-reported xfunctional xstatus xindicator xand
x thenxreviewing xit xwith xthe xclient
B) Explaining xto xa xclient xthe xbenefits xof xcomputer-assisted xrobotic
surgicalxtechniques, xwhich xthe xhospital xrecently ximplemented
C) Recording xa xclient's xsigns xand xsymptoms xin xan xelectronic xhealth xrecord
D) Performing xcontinuous xglucose xmonitoring xof xa xclient xwhile xthe xclient xis
x in xthexhospital
Patient-centered xcare xconsiders xcultural xtraditions, xpersonal xpreferences, xvalues,
x families, xand xlifestyles. xClients xbecome xactive xparticipants xin xtheir xown xcare, xand
x monitoring xhealth xbecomes xthe xclient's xresponsibility. xTo xhelp xclients xand xtheir
x healthcare xproviders xmake xbetter xdecisions, xthe xAgency xfor xHealthcare xResearch
x and xQuality x(AHRQ) xhas xdeveloped xa xseries xof xtools xthat xempower xclients xand
x assist xproviders xin xachieving xdesired xoutcomes, xincluding xclient-reported xfunctional
x status xindicators. xComputer-assisted xrobotic xsurgical xtechniques, xelectronic xhealth
xrecords, xandxcontinuous xglucose xmonitoring xin xthe xhospital xare xall xtechnological
x advances xin xhealthcare, xbut xthey xdo xnot xhelp xthe xclient xbecome xa xmore xactive
x participant xin xhis xor xherxcare, xand xthus xare xnot x good xexamples xof xpatient-centered
x care.
Origin: x Chapter x1- xPublic xHealth xNursing, x2
2. A xnurse xis xcaring xfor xan xolder xclient xwho xis xstruggling xto xmanage xher xtype x2
x diabetes xmellitus. xThe xnurse xshould xrecognize xwhich xsocial xdeterminants xof xthis
xclient's xhealth?x(Select x all xthat x apply.)
A) Household xincome xof x$23,000 xper xyear
B) Reading xlevel xof xa xthird xgrader
, C) Medication xineffective xdue xto xerror xin xprescription
D) Originally xfrom xSudan
E) No xfamily xin xthe
x x A, xB,
x D, xE xFeedback:
The xsocial xconditions xin xwhich xpeople xlive, xtheir xincome, xsocial xstatus, xeducation,
x literacy, xhome xand xwork xenvironment, xsupport x networks, xgender, xculture, xand
x availability xof xhealth xservices xare xthe xsocial xdeterminants xof xhealth. xThese
x conditions xhave xan ximpact xon xthe xextent xto xwhich xa xperson xor xcommunity
x possesses xthe xphysical, xsocial, xand xpersonal xresources xnecessary xto xattain xand
x maintain xhealth. xA xmedical xerrorxon xthe xpart xof xthe xclient's xprimary xcare xprovider
x or xnurse xwould xnot xconstitute xa xsocial xdeterminant xof xthe xclient's xhealth.