Obstetrical (OB) Nursing
OB Preparation Packet including Medication Log
Student Name: Jennifer Ashby Cohort letter & #: C2
Clinical dates if known: 12/6, 12/12, 12/13
Please Read All Directions First!
Welcome!! This OB Preparation Packet will help prepare you to succeed at your clinical and
simulation experience. You will need to view the OB Orientation informational video on mydsn.net
(in NUR350). You must view the OB Orientation video AND USE your OB textbook, Maternity &
Women’s Health Care by Lowdermilk, et al. (2020) to complete this assignment.
The OB Prep Packet is due by Saturday, October 9, 2021, at 11:59 pm.
If you have clinical starting week 1 of the quarter (FALL 2021), your OB Prep Packet needs to be
completed BEFORE attending clinical. If your clinical starts the first week, put the clinical dates in
your simulation Canvas drop box message and email your Simulation Instructor to notify us of
your clinical dates so it will be graded first!
The OB Prep Packet will be available week 11 of quarter 4, to view and download at mydsn.net
(NUR 350), Google Classroom, then on Canvas the first day of quarter 5. During the 2nd half of the
OB Orientation, your instructors will spend additional time going over the questions to the case
studies to help you complete this assignment.
Have your OB Prep Packet COMPLETED prior to your OB Orientation for review!
Medication Log: These medications will be used in your simulations and seen at clinicals. These
medications can be found in your textbook (Lowdermilk), Davis Drug Guide (book & online versions),
fda.gov, cdc.gov, and/or Drugs.com. You must use in-text citations with each entry and include a
reference page at the end of the assignment. These medications are for pregnant & postpartum
women unless indicated for the newborn. Do not include pediatrics or geriatric dosages, routes, and
nursing considerations!
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, Many clinical instructors want your completed OB Medication Log to be on individual 3x5 cards,
preferably with a ring placed through the cards to make it easier to flip through the medications at
the clinical site. Check with your clinical preceptor if this is required.
Once Completed: Upload your completed OB Prep Packet with Med Log to the Simulation Canvas
drop box under Modules- Week 1. (Due by the end of week 1.)
Due by Saturday, October 9, 2021, by 11:59 pm.
Failure to upload the completed OB Preparation Packet with Medication Log to Canvas by the due
date, will lead to course failure. A student must achieve at least 78% on the OB Prep Packet with
Med Log. Less than 78% will result in failure.
Note: There is a 5-point deduction for re-grading.
All students must take the completed OB Preparation Packet to their individual clinical site.
Grading Rubric:
Competency 21-25 points 15-20 points < 15 points Points
Labor and Answers all questions satisfactorily Answers all Does not
Delivery to show understanding of concepts questions answer all
with some questions, or
understanding shows minimal
Postpartum Answers all questions satisfactorily Answers all Does not
to show understanding of concepts questions answer all
with some questions, or
understanding shows minimal
Newborn Answers all questions satisfactorily Answers all Does not
to show understanding of concepts questions answer all
with some questions, or
understanding shows minimal
Medication Log Medication log is complete with action Medication Medication Log
& use, dosage/route/side Log incomplete with
effects/contraindications/precautions/ completed minimal
nursing considerations & patient with some understanding
education to show satisfactory understanding of medications
understanding of medications of (Zero points Total:
medications given for >
than 2 missing
CAW/OB Team Fall 2021 Page 2
, meds)
Check list for the OB Clinical Instructor
I have read and agree to the following checklist:
OB Student signature: __Jennifer Ashby______
First day of clinical, student has their finished Yes/No Comments by clinical instructor
OB Preparation Packet for L&D, Postpartum,
the Newborn and the completed Medication
Student is present at clinical before the shift
begins and stays through the required end
time. (After 7 minutes late, the student may
not attend clinical and is sent home.)
Student’s adherence to Denver College of
Nursing dress code at the clinical site-
including DCN name badge & uniform.
Student maintains academic integrity and
adheres to the DCN Student Standards of
Students maintain HIPAA -includes PHI for
electronic, written, or oral information about
the patient.
Student has calculations checked by the faculty
member prior to administering any
Student seeks help from faculty member as
needed. Does not perform new
skills/additional skills without consent or
supervision of the faculty member.
It is the student’s responsibility to notify the
clinical office and the instructor if they will be
Clinical Instructor will be present when the
student performs the Newborn Assessment.
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, OB Preparation: Labor and Delivery
Use your OB textbook, Maternity and Women’s Health Care by Lowdermilk, et al., (2020) chapters
18 & 19 and the OB Orientation video viewed from mydsn.net to answer the questions based on
the following scenario below.
Case Study
Camila Moreno just arrived in Labor and Delivery (L & D) triage at 14:30. She is a 27 y/o Latina
female, gravida 2, para 1 (G2 P1 or G2 P1001) currently at 39 weeks’ gestation, this baby is due
next week. Her first baby (girl, now 2) was delivered via vaginal delivery after an induced labor of 16
hrs. She has received routine prenatal care, is GBS negative, blood type A positive, and is rubella
immune. She plans to breastfeed. Camila stated that she has “been having contractions every 5-8
minutes at home for the last 2 hours and they are getting stronger.” She also stated that she had
been having "a lot of false labor" in the last few days and feels anxious that “this baby is taking so
long to get here.” She hopes that she is now truly in labor. She reports active fetal movement and
has some pink tinged vaginal discharge but denies any leakage of fluid. When asked to rate her
pain, she replies that her current pain level is 7 on a scale of 0 to 10. Camila states she would like an
epidural for pain relief.
Camila’s V/S are: temperature 98.8°F (37.1° C) pulse 80, respirations 18, and blood pressure 120/76.
After 20 minutes on the monitor in L & D, the fetal heart rate (FHR) baseline is 130 bpm with
moderate variability, several accelerations are present and no decelerations noted. Her contractions
are now 3-5 min apart, lasting 60 seconds & palpate moderate intensity. The nurse performs a
sterile vaginal exam (SVE) and notes the patient’s cervix is 6 cm dilated, 90% effaced, with baby's
head at +1 station (6/90/+1), cervix is soft and anterior. The amniotic membranes are intact.
Bilateral lower extremity exam: DTR’s are 2+, with 1+ edema no clonus noted. She gave a urine
specimen 30 min ago in triage, results are pending. States she had a BM this morning. She last ate
at 0800- a breakfast of eggs, toast and juice. The nurse reports their findings to the Certified Nurse-
Midwife (CNM) and receives an order to admit the patient to L & D.
Please answer all questions in blue for easier grading.
1. What is the normal range of the fetal heart rate (FHR) baseline? (p 364) (1 point)
The normal fetal heart rate range is 110-160bpm. The baseline is recorded over a
ten-minute period, taking the approximate mean rate rounded to the nearest 5bpm
interval (Lowdermilk, 2020, p. 364). For example, if the heart rate is beating at a
variable of 120bpm to 130bpm over a 10-minute period, the baseline is recorded at
125 bpm.
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