Denver School Of Nursing
Latest uploads at Denver School Of Nursing. Looking for notes at Denver School Of Nursing? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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All courses for Denver School Of Nursing
- NUR 330 NUR330 16
- NUR 330 Medical Surgical Nursing NUR330 5
- NUR 330/ Patient Name: Gwen Harrison Visit #: 6 Scenario: UTI Parkinson’s SLS: Not in EHR Allergies: LATEX, SULFA NUR330 3
- NUR320 NUR320 1
- NUR320/ Maurice Arviso SIM Visit: Scenario #6 Native American man with community acquired pneumonia NUR320 2
- NUR320/ SIM LAB ADMISSION TICKET Patient Name: Lou Thao Visit #: 7 Scenario: Post op colon resection 1
- NURSING 440 4
- SIM LAB ADMISSION TICKET | Patient Name :	Heather McGovern Sim Visit: # 5 Scenario: Diabetic Ketoacidosis Allergies: NKDA 1
- SIM LAB ADMISSION TICKET | Patient name: Evet Ogam Scenario: Substance Use Disorder Allergies: NKDA 1
- SIM LAB ADMISSION TICKET | Patient Name: Kimberly Dunning Visit # 5 Scenario: asthma, anxiety SLS #: Medical/Surgical Respiratory #3 Allergies: SULFA 1
- SIM LAB ADMISSION TICKET | Patient Name: Lou Thao Visit #: 7 Scenario: Post op colon resection SLS: Medical Surgical GI # 24 Allergies: NKDA 1
- SIM LAB ADMISSION TICKET | Patient name: Marc Kozlov 21 Y/O DOB Sept 5 Sim # 1 Scenario: Status post ORIF R medial malleolus SLS: Health Assessment 9.1 1
- SIM LAB ADMISSION TICKET | Patient name: Salvatore Russo Visit # 4 Scenario: Pneumonia SLS #: Health Assessment # 11 Allergies: PENICILLIN 1
- SIM LAB ADMISSION TICKET |Patient Name: Randal Bellemy SIM Visit: #2 Scenario: Gi Bleed Allergies: PCN 1
- SIM LAB ADMISSION TICKET Patient Name: Lou Thao Visit #: 7 Scenario: Post op colon resection SLS: Medical Surgical GI # 24 Allergies: NKDA NURSINGMISC 1
- SIM LAB ADMISSION TICKET| Patient name: Malcolm Little Visit # 2 Scenario: CHF SLS: Health Assessment 8.1 Allergies: PENICILLIN 1
- Simulation #1 Patient Name: Kyle Miller/ Kyle Miller is a 41 year old Caucasian male who presented with right arm cellulitis s/p puncture wound FOUNDATIONNUR320 1
Latest notes & summaries Denver School Of Nursing
This is detailed assignment on Preoperative and Postoperative Assessment. 
It's all Yours!!
Full and complete med log for OB clinical year 21. 
It's all Yours!!
Detailed Focused Assessment Assignment for Mona Hernandez. 
An Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!
This is a comprehensive and detailed study guide on Exam 2 for Nur 320. 
An Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!
This is a comprehensive and detailed study guide on Exam 4 for Nur 320. 
An Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!
Detailed Musculoskeletal Assessment Assignment of Edith Jacobson. 
An Essential Study Resource!!
Lippincott documentation assignment.
This is a comprehensive and detailed study guide on Exam 5 for Nur 320. 
An Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!
This is a comprehensive and detailed study guide on exam 3 for Nur 320. 
An Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!
This is a comprehensive and detailed study guide on test 3 for Nur 320. 
An Essential Study Resource just for YOU!!