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|SOLVED| - Elaborated-Portage Learning Anatomy & Physiology II Lab 6 Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 1 pages • 2022
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|SOLVED| - Elaborated-Portage Learning Anatomy & Physiology II Lab 6 Exam 
Question 1 3 / 3 pts Iden"fy the structure in the frame above (indicated by the circle). central vein Central vein (Frame-3:10) Your Answer: Question 2 4 / 4 pts Name the cells that are involved in the exocrine func"ons of the gland (above) and describe their func"on. acini cells, secrete diges"ve juices and enzymes. These cells make up 98-99% of the pancreas Acini Cells- Secrete diges!ve enzymes which complete diges!...

Anatomy and Physiology 10th Edition Patton Test Bank COMPLETE
- Exam (elaborations) • 993 pages • 2023
- $35.49
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Anatomy and Physiology 10th Edition Patton Test Bank COMPLETE. 
The lungs are located in the: 
a. thoracic cavity. 
b. mediastinum. 
c. abdominal cavity. 
d. cranial cavity. 
ANS: A DIF: Memorization REF: p. 12 
TOP: Body Cavities 
13. The mediastinum contains all of the following except the: 
a. trachea. 
b. venae cavae. 
c. right lung. 
d. esophagus. 
ANS: C DIF: Memorization REF: p. 12 
TOP: Body Cavities 
14. The gallbladder lies in the: 
a. abdominal cavity. 
b. pelvic cavity. 
c. dorsal ca...

Anatomy and Physiology openstax
- Exam (elaborations) • 221 pages • 2022
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Anatomy and Physiology openstax 1. An Introduction to the Human Body 
1. ………. is the study of the larger structures of the body, those visible without the aid of magnification 
(A) Gross anatomy 
(B) Microscopic anatomy 
(C) Macroscopic anatomy 
(D) Physical anatomy 
Ans A Diff Easy Page 8 
2. The word “anatomy” comes from a Greek root that means “……….. ’’ 
(A) To cut apart 
(B) To fix with 
(C) To view inside 
(D) To study exterior 
Ans A Diff Easy Page 8 
3. Dissection is...
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BIOD 151 All Exams Answer Key 2020 | BIOD151 All Exams Answer Key Module 1 - 7
- Exam (elaborations) • 125 pages • 2021
- $16.49
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BIOD 151 All Exams Answer Key 2020 - Portage Learning 
Module 1 – Module 7 
All multiple choice questions have one answer unless otherwise specified. Choose the best response to the question with the information provided. 
1.	What is the study of the structure of the human body? 
A.	Anatomy 
B.	Physiology 
C.	Anabolism 
D.	Catabolism 
E.	Metabolism 
A.	Anatomy 
B.	The liver 
is an example of the organ level of organization in the human body 
A.	Sodium 
B.	The li...

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