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Newest Barron\'s AP Environmental Science With Online Tests summaries

APES Unit 3 Progress Check MCQ 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2023
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- $6.69
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800 mice born, 200 mice died 
1990: 8 owls, 800 mice born, 300 mice died 
1995: 30 owls, 400 mice born, 500 mice died 
2000: 10 owls, 650 mice born, 475 mice died 
2005: 14 owls, 625 mice born, 625 mice died 
2010: 15 owls, 650 mice born, 550 mice died 
2015: 16 owls, 575 mice born, 550 mice died 
2020: 8 owls, 725 mice born, 450 mice died. 
Based on the trends shown in the table, in which of the following years was the owl population at carrying capacity? - ANS2015 
Scientists collected d...

APES Unit 4 Review - MRQ 2022/2023_ Answers Highlighted
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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- $7.88
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APES Unit 4 Review - MRQ 2022/2023_ 
Answers Highlighted 
Which of the following statements best describes the boundary 
between the two tectonic plates: the Relative motion of the North 
American & the Pacific Plate? (Correct Answer) - The map 
illustrates a transform boundary, where tectonic plates slide past 
each other as the Pacific Plate moves northwest and the North 
American Plate moves southeast. (The San Andreas Fault is a 
transform boundary. The plates slide past each other in oppos...

APES Unit 5 Progress Check MCQ Review_2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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APES Unit 5 Progress Check MCQ 
Which of the following is an example of an industrial 
practice that contributes to the tragedy of the commons? 
 (ANSWER) - Burning fossil fuels for energy 
Which of the following best exemplifies how an action 
within the fishing industry could lead to a tragedy of 
the commons? (ANSWER) - Overfishing of threatened 
fish species leading to the eventual depletion of the 
Which of the following best describes the concept of the ...
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APES Unit 7 Progress Check: MCQ_Answered Correctly 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
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- $7.18
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APES Unit 7 Progress Check: 
MCQ_Answered Correctly 2023 
1. Which of the following best describes the relationship between 
variables in the data table? (Correct Answer) - C) Ozone 
maximum is correlated to average and maximum temperature. 
2. Which of the following claims is best supported by the data shown 
in the table? (Correct Answer) - C) Isoprene's contribution to 
ozone levels in Berlin was greatest in July of both years. 
3. Which of the following best describes the process shown in...

AP Environmental Science |APES Unit 1-8 Progress Check: MCQ’s Complete Answered 100% correctly
- Package deal • 11 items • 2023
- $20.09
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AP Environmental Science |APES Unit 1-9 Progress Check: MCQ’s Complete Answered 100% correctly_ Spring 2023 APES Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ APES Unit 2 Progress Check: MCQ APES Unit 3 Progress Check: MCQ APES Unit 4 Progress Check: MCQ APES Unit 5 Progress Check: MCQ APES Unit 6 Progress Check: MCQ APES Unit 7 Progress Check: MCQ APES Unit 8 Progre

APES Unit 4 Review - MRQ 2022/2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $6.49
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APES Unit 4 Review - MRQ 2022/2023 
Which of the following statements best describes the boundary between the two tectonic plates: the Relative motion of the North American & the Pacific Plate? - ANS The map illustrates a transform boundary, where tectonic plates slide past each other as the Pacific Plate moves northwest and the North American Plate moves southeast. (The San Andreas Fault is a transform boundary. The plates slide past each other in opposite directions, which can result in an ear...

APES Unit 8 Progress Check: MCQ Part A_ Questions with Solutions_2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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- $7.87
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APES Unit 8 Progress Check: MCQ Part 
A_ Questions with Solutions_2023 
1. Based on the diagram, which of the following processes most 
likely caused the algal bloom in the lake? (Correct) - B) 
Runoff carried excess fertilizer from the cornfield into the 
2. Based on the diagram, which of the following processes most 
likely caused the bottom-dwelling plants in the lake to die? 
(Correct) - C) The algal bloom prevented sunlight from reaching the 
bottom-dwelling plants, which reduced th...

AP Environmental Science Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ Correctly Answered_2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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- $6.88
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AP Environmental Science Unit 1 
Progress Check: MCQ Correctly 
Six white-tailed deer and six sika deer were enclosed in 
a pasture for observation during an eight-year study in 
central Texas. White-tailed deer are a native species to 
central Texas, while sika deer are a nonnative species to 
central Texas. White-tailed deer feed on flowering plants 
and the tips of trees and shrubs but do not eat grass. 
Sika deer feed on flowering plants, the tips of trees and 
shrubs, and gra...

APES Unit 5 Progress Check MCQ part B_ Questions with Correct Answers 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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- $6.88
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APES Unit 5 Progress Check MCQ part B_ 
Questions with Correct Answers 2023 
Which of the following aspects in the design for this new 
urban development would most likely have the greatest 
negative environmental impact? ANS - The five 
apartment buildings 
Which of the following aspects of the design for this new 
urban development will best help to reduce the amount of 
carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere? ANS - 
Access to the mass transit train line will provide 
inhabitants an alter...

APES Unit 5 Progress Check MCQ part B 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $6.49
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APES Unit 5 Progress Check MCQ part B 
Which of the following aspects in the design for this new urban development would most likely have the greatest negative environmental impact? - ANSThe five apartment buildings 
Which of the following aspects of the design for this new urban development will best help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere? - ANSAccess to the mass transit train line will provide inhabitants an alternative to driving personal vehicles. 

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