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Newest Evolutionary Analysis summaries

Evolution Exam 1 (Quizzes) with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 42 pages • 2023
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Charles Darwin was the first scientist to suggest that species had changed over time. 
a. True 
b. False Answer False 
What has come to be known as the "modern evolutionary synthesis" began in the 1930s and 1940s. What did it involve? 
a. The incorporation of the ideas of developmental biology into evolutionary theory 
b. The development of statistical analysis in evolution 
c. The fusion of biology and chemistry 
d. The integration of genetics, systematics, and paleontology, allowing the co...

Evolutionary Analysis Final questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 24 pages • 2023
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Adaptation Answer a trait or integrated suite of traits that increases the fitness of its possessor 
• Differences among populations or species are not always adaptive 
• Not every trait of an organism use of every trait by an organism is an adaptation 
• Not every adaptation is perfect 
Example of testing various hypotheses of adaptions Answer -looked at tick load, mean number of wounds, and changes in earwax on cattle with and without birds, 
adaptationist programme Answer An...

Evolutionary Analysis Chapter 3 Study Questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2023
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Successful artificial selection, such as that practiced by plant and animal breeders to modify their crops and livestock, depends on which of the following? Answer All of these are necessary for artificial selection to take place. 
 Darwin's postulates must be true for selection to occur, whether it is artificial selection or natural selection. Thus, for artificial selection to occur, the population must have variation in the desired trait, the variation must be heritable, and breeders must b...
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Evolutionary Analysis questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2023
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Homologous genes Answer Genes that share a recent common ancestor based upon phylogenetic analysis 
Orthologous genes Answer homologous genes that are found in different species that are due to speciation events 
Paralogous Genes Answer homologous genes that are due to a duplication event in a particular species 
Brachydactyly Answer Shortness of the digits caused by autosomal dominant allele 
(BB, Bb) - Short Digits 
Godfrey Hardy Answer Discovers why Brachydactyly is not more prevalent...

Evolutionary Analysis Ch10 questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
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Describe in your own words the difference between an experimental study, an observational study, and a comparative study. What sorts of questions are they each suited for (i.e., why don't researchers always use the experimental method)? Give an example of each type of study from this chapter. Answer An experimental study is one in which the researchers directly manipulate a variable of interest, typically changing it in one group of individuals and leaving it unchanged in a control group. The e...

Evolutionary Analysis Exam 1 questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium principle states Answer allele frequencies in a population will not change from generation to generation; if allele frequencies are p and q, genotype frequencies will be p^2, 2pq, q^2 
mechanisms of evolution Answer drift, selection, migration, mutation 
population genetics Answer integrates natural selection with Mendelian genetics 
evolution is ______ in a population Answer change in allele frequency 
species are not immutable Answer microevolution 

Evolutionary Analysis Chapter 1 questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
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The pope said " (HIV) cannot be overcome by the distribution of condoms. On the contrary, they increase it" 
Is the popes first statement correct? How about his second statement? How do we know? Answer The Pope's first statement is that Africa's problem with HIV/AIDS "cannot be overcome by the distribution of condoms." The statement is true in that no single strategy will prevent the transmittal of HIV/AIDS. For instance, condoms provide some protection from sexually transmission of HIV/...

Evolutionary Analysis Chapter 2 end of chapter questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
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Sections 2.1 - 2.5 summarize evidence for Evolution. Some evidence had been available to Darwin and his contemporaries, but the majority of the evidence came later, in the 20th century. For example, Darwin was aware of the following: Answer Vestigial structures 
Geological evidence for mass extinctions 
Succession in the fossil record 
Structural and developmental homologies 
The evidence from biogeography, based on occurrence of closely related species in groups of islands (such as the Galapago...
Evolutionary Analysis Tests Bundle Set

Evolutionary Analysis Ch 8 questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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When genotypes at one locus of a chromosome are independent of genotypes at another locus of the same chromosome, the two loci are ________. Answer in linkage equilibrium 
When genotypes at one locus of a chromosome are nonrandomly associated with the genotypes at another locus of the same chromosome, the two loci are ________. Answer in linkage disequilibrium 
Which of the following can produce linkage disequilibrium? Answer -genetic drift 
-selection on genotypes of more than one locus 

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