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Newest Introduction to Electric Circuits summaries

Network analysis HW Chapter 4
- Other • 10 pages • 2023
- $10.49
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This course will cover the topics in electric network analysis and design. Techniques of electric circuit theory are studied and applied in network analysis and design, operational amplifiers, and related circuits, including the applications with NI Multisim, and MATLAB software packages. Analysis of circuits with dependent sources, basic waveforms, RL, RC, and RLC circuit transients and sinusoidal response, network functions, and power analysis

Lab 7: Testing and Analyzing Circuit Using Thévenin and Norton Theorems
- Other • 9 pages • 2023
- $14.69
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Thévenin’s Theorem for DC circuits states that any two port linear network may be replaced by a single voltage source with an appropriate internal resistance. The Thévenin equivalent will produce the same load current and voltage as the original circuit to any load. Consequently, if many different loads or sub-circuits are under consideration, using a Thévenin equivalent usually proves to be a much quicker method of analysis. Any complex circuit consisting of multiple sources and components...

Lab:10 Design and Analysis of an AC Inverting Amplifier Circuit
- Other • 8 pages • 2023
- $14.69
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This course will cover the topics in electric network analysis and design. Techniques of electric circuit theory are studied and applied in network analysis and design, operational amplifiers, and related circuits, including the applications with NI Multisim, and MATLAB software packages. Analysis of circuits with dependent sources, basic waveforms, RL, RC, and RLC circuit transients and sinusoidal response, network functions, and power analysis
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Lab 6: Testing and Analyzing Circuits Using Superposition Theorem
- Other • 8 pages • 2023
- $14.69
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The superposition principle states that the voltage across (or current through) an element in a linear circuit is the algebraic sum of the voltages across (or currents through) that element due to each independent source acting alone. The principle of superposition helps us to analyze a linear circuit with 
more than one independent source by calculating the contribution of each independent source separately. However, to apply the superposition principle, we must keep two things in mind: 
1. We ...

Energy Storage Chapter 7
- Other • 85 pages • 2023
- $9.59
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In this docu, we will introduce two new and important passive linear circuit elements: 
• Unlike resistors, which dissipate energy, capacitors and inductors do not dissipate but store energy, which can be retrieved at a later time. For this reason, capacitors and inductors are called storage elements. 
• We begin by introducing capacitors and describing how to combine them in series or in parallel. Later, we do the same for inductors. 
• Also, we will explore ...

Lab 12: Testing and Analyzing Capacitors and Inductors circuits
- Other • 9 pages • 2023
- $14.69
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The goal of this exercise is to familiarize yourself with the fundamental behavior of capacitors and inductors. The goal of this lab is to experiment with and research the transient behavior of capacitors and inductors (charging and recharging capacitor/inductor networks), as well as to look at simple electrical circuits with parallel/series capacitor/inductor combinations. You should be able to examine circuit behavior when DC or AC voltages are applied to these circuits by the end of this lab....

Lab 4: Nodal Voltage Analysis
- Other • 8 pages • 2023
- $14.69
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The objectives of this lab are to verify the nodal analysis concept. Find the circuit node voltages with respect to the ground. In addition to the theoretical calculation of currents and powers for each circuit desig

Lab 3: Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) and Current Law (KCL) verification
- Other • 9 pages • 2023
- $14.69
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The objectives of this lab are to verify Kirchhoff's laws for voltage and current and to learn how to measure the total resistance of both series and parallel circuits..
Analyze electric circuits using Superposition Theorem 
Investigate maximum power transfer and load match

Lab:11 Design and Analysis of AC Non-Inverting Amplifier and DC Differential Amplifier Circuits
- Other • 7 pages • 2023
- $14.69
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In this document 
▪ Measure the gain and verify the non-inverted output waveform from non-inverting 
amplifier circuit design. 
▪ Design, simulate and test the DC differential amplifier circuit. 
▪ Measure the gain and verify the output value of DC differential amplifier circuit design 
using different resistance values.

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