IFSTA Fire Officer II (Fifth edition) with Verified Solutions
1. Company officer Their organization's upper levels and with their local and
two's may inter- regional government agencies.
act with?
2. Company officer Other officers
two's supervise?
3. Company officer Change
two's act as
agents within
their organiza-
4. Prerequisite 1. The organization of thier local government
knowledge for 2. The enabling and regulatory legislation and the
for Fire Officer law-making process at the local, state and national level.
5. The level two Fire 1. Evaluate personnel and create an environment to max-
Officer must per- imize employee performance.
fom the following 2. Prepare projects and division budgets.
duties: 3. Develop budgets.
4. Evaluate the resource needs of assigned units.
Understand the purchaseing process.
5. Maintain records on purchases.
6. Conduct a preliminary investigation of a fire scene to
include analyzing information and determining the point
of orgin and cause of the fire.
7. Develop preincident plans for multiunit operations.
8. Assign resources to effectiviely control incidents.
9. Conduct postincident analysis using inforamtion gath-
ered from all responding units.
10. Assist with the development of organizational policies
and procedures.
11. Provide the media with emergency incident or depart-
ment activity information.
12. Apply planning concepts and project needed re-
, IFSTA Fire Officer II (Fifth edition) with Verified Solutions
6. The fire offi- analyzing unit accidents and injury reports and directing
cer two respon- actions and or recommending steps to prevent thier reoc-
sabilites regard- curance.
ing safety and
health include:
7. The company of- Organizational goals and tasks.
ficer two must in-
teract personal-
ly with superiors,
peers and sub-
ordinates to ac-
8. The company of- Written reports, press releases, memos, policies and pro-
ficer two may be cedures.
required to de-
9. Local govern- 1. allocating funds, approving.disapproving purchases,
ments affects staffing requests, ordinances related to fire protection.
emergency ser- 2. Local government oversee other department and agen-
vices organiza- cies with which their emergency services organizations
tions in two pri- must interact.
mary ways.
10. Who may enact City council, commisioners, or board with authority over
local legislation? the jurisdiction
11. What are the Legislative, executive and Judicial.
three functional
branches of gov-
12. What four states Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia and
are considered Puerto Rico
13. A state in which the government functions with the com-
mon consent of the people
, IFSTA Fire Officer II (Fifth edition) with Verified Solutions
What is
a commonwealth
14. What territiories Guam, Midway, American Samoa, Puerto Rico and the
does the US cur- US Virgin Islands
rently adminis-
15. Canada is di- Ten Provinces and three territories.
vided into how
many provinces
and how many
16. Canada has Unicameral legislative assembly, executive branch and
three branches judicial branch
of the govern-
17. The following Fire marshal, fire training programs, commisioners, EMS
agencies may in- services, forestry, homeland security, OSHA and fish and
fluence fire and game.
emergency ser-
18. Other agencies FEMA, USFA, NFA, EMI, coast guard, USDA, USFS,
that we may in- HUD, DOI, DOL, OSHA, CDC, NIOSH, DOT, DOJ, CPSC,
teract with. NRC
19. Examples of In- Street dept, public works, L.E. EMS,
ternal resources.
20. What is an Area A procedure to be put into effect should an emergency
Contigency Plan occur within a given region or area.
21. What is NRP? National Response Plan- created to integrate federal gov-
ernment prevention, preparedness, response, recovery
, IFSTA Fire Officer II (Fifth edition) with Verified Solutions
and mitigation plans into one all discipline, all hazard
approach to domestic incident management
22. What is forma- Ongoing, repeated assesment conducted over time to
tive evaluation? evalute an employee's performance against an organiza-
tions standards.
23. What is Summa- The company officer's final assesment of the individuals
tive evaluation performance. Typically done at the end of probation, an-
nually as part of a performance review and for perfor-
mance improvement or disciplinary purpose.
24. It is likly that Company officer
willbe the indi-
vidual who im-
plements change
at the operations
25. Change can orig- Internal and external
inate from two
26. Change can Denial, resistance, exploration and commitment.
cause people to
go through four
27. The types of Strategic, structure, technology and people.
change that an
organization may
have to undergo
28. What are the rea- Uncertainty, loss of control or power, fear of loss, self-in-
sons to resist terest, learning anxiety, lack of trust, lack of shared vision,