FHGEN 120 Internet and Computer
Skills Final Exam Questions with
100% Correct Answers
What regiment did Levi Hummer, of Pennsylvania, fight for during the Civil War? -
Answer-87th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry, Company K
According to an 1891 passport issued to Winfield S. Potter, what was his occupation? -
Answer-Civil engineer
James Catton was in 1870 in Wisconsin. What county was he married in? - Answer-
Racine County
Where in California did George W. Funkhouser die in 1950? - Answer-San Bernardino
Blossom Batson married in Vigo County, Indiana in 1914. What was her husband's
name? - Answer-George Fields
From what college did Warren Bateman Brown receive his medical degree? - Answer-
Starling Medical College, Columbus, 1888
According to the city directory, what was Leo V. MacDonald's address in 1900 in San
Francisco? - Answer-613 1/2 Ivy Avenue
Cooper Knight Pitsker died 13 February 2008 in Stockton, California. When was he
born? - Answer-26 May 1923
Search the public member trees for Niles Hollister, who was born in 1840 in Indiana.
When and where did he die? - Answer-30 September 1929, Monona County, Iowa
Find the book The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy by Val D. Greenwood.
You must be in the library to access this book. - Answer-False
Which of the following are e-books held by the BYU-Idaho library?
1. Professional Genealogy edited by Elizabeth Shown Mills
2. Evidence Explained by Elizabeth Shown Mills
3. Ancestral Trails by Mark D. Herber
4. Mastering Genealogical Proof by Thomas W. Jones - Answer-1 and 3
,T/F: The Kansas Historical Society website includes a link to both the Kansas State
Archives catalog and the Kansas Museum of History catalog. - Answer-True
Which of the following is a digitized collection held by the Kansas Historical Society?
1. Cherokee County organization records created by Kansas. Secretary of State, Date:
2. Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission records created by Abraham Lincoln
Bicentennial Commission, Date: 2006-2009
3. Falun Evangelical Lutheran Church records created by Falun Lutheran Church
(Falun, Kan.), Date: 1887-1995
4. Margrave family papers created by Margrave family, Date: 1878-1953 - Answer-1.
Cherokee County organization records created by Kansas. Secretary of State, Date:
T/F: You can search the Library of Congress Catalog by browsing, completing an
advanced search, and completing a keyword search. - Answer-True
Locate the collection Lorenzo J. Greene papers, 1680-1988 (bulk 1933-1972). How
many items are part of this collection? - Answer-46,200 items
T/F: There is a National Archives Catalog Guide for Genealogists and Family Historians.
- Answer-True
Locate the Official Military Personnel Records, 1867-1904 collection. What is the
National Archives Identifier number for this collection? - Answer-38982823
Locate the Court Minutes, 1912-1938 collection from RG: 21, National Archives
Identifier: 2658242. How can you access this collection? - Answer-This collection can
be accessed at the National Archives at Forth Worth
Locate the 3-page "Naturalization Record for John Tapko" item from RG: 21, Petitions
for Naturalization, National Archives Identifier: 7788671. What day did he list as his
birthday? - Answer-21 September 1879
T/F: If you find a database that should contain a record of your ancestor, but it does not,
then you should evaluate the database before coming to the conclusion that the record
does not exist. - Answer-True
What is often included in a database title that helps you evaluate the coverage of the
collection? - Answer-Location(s) and year(s)
, Which of the following databases includes more entries for marriages in 1837 in Leon,
Florida? - Answer-Florida Marriages, 1830-1993
If you were searching FamilySearch.org for an ancestor who was born in New York City,
in which collection would you be more likely to find a match: - Answer-New York, New
York City Births, 1846-1909 - more specific to the city = more relevant sources than if
you did it just by state
Alfred Oakley was born in Chicago, Illinois. Locate his birth record using a specific
database at FamilySearch.org. Alfred was born on what date? - Answer-30 September
What was the nationality of Alfred Oakley's father? - Answer-Swede
Locate a US passport from 1921 for Robert Capelle. (Note: His passport is two pages.)
Where was Robert born? - Answer-Lauenstein, Germany
Locate a US passport from 1921 for Robert Capelle. (Note: His passport is two pages.)
Where did Robert naturalize? - Answer-Chicago, Illinois
Bertha Sumi immigrated to the United States. She arrived with her family in New York in
1881. What was the name of the ship she traveled on? - Answer-Amerique
In 1911, Lucy Grace Walker lived with her family in Halifax, England. She was born
about 1905. What was her father's occupation? Hint: Her name is not indexed in the
database correctly. - Answer-Machine painter
True or false: Some genealogical databases may require a "less is more" approach to
searching. - Answer-True
What is the best way to locate a database?
1. Perform an internet search
2. Use a directory
3. All of the above - Answer-3. All of the above
What are the advantages of creating your own research logs and family group sheets? -
Answer-You can choose the info to include as well as customize the layout to meet your
T/F: Comparison tables, timelines and research planners are great examples of
research tools that can be created using Word or Excel. - Answer-True
Why would it be beneficial to use a spreadsheet instead of a Word document to keep
track of your research hours? - Answer-You can use it as a high-functioning calculator