Microbiology gofor gothe goHealthcare goProfessional go2nd goEdition goVanMeter goTest
Chapter 01: Scope of Microbiology
go go go go
VanMeter: Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional, 2nd Edition
go go go go go go go
1. In gothe gosixteenth gocentury goa gofather-and-son goteam, goby gothe goname goof go , goproduced
a gocompound gomicroscope goconsisting goof goa gosimple gotube gowith golenses goat goeach goend.
a. van goLeeuwenhoek
b. Semmelweis
c. Janssen
d. Hooke
ANS: g o C REF: g o go p. go3
2. “Animalcules” gowere gofirst godescribed goby
a. Robert goHooke.
b. Antony govan goLeeuwenhoek.
c. Hans goJanssen.
d. John goNeedham.
ANS: g o B REF: g o go p. go3
3. Micrographia, goa gopublication goillustrating goinsects, gosponges, goas gowell goas goplant gocells, gowas
go published goby
a. Robert goHooke.
b. Antony govan goLeeuwenhoek.
c. Hans goJanssen. NURSINGTB.COM
d. John
go Needham.
ANS: g o A REF: g o go p. go3
4. Low-power gomicroscopes godesigned gofor goobserving gofairly golarge goobjects gosuch goas goinsects goor
goworms g o
goare g o
a. electron gomicroscopes.
b. dark-field gomicroscopes.
c. fluorescence gomicroscopes.
d. stereomicroscopes.
ANS: g o D REF: g o go p. go5
5. A gomicroscope gothat goprovides goa gothree-dimensional goimage goof goa gospecimen gois goa
a. dark-field gomicroscope.
b. transmission goelectron gomicroscope.
c. bright-field gomicroscope.
d. scanning goelectron gomicroscope.
ANS: g o D REF: g o go p. go7
6. The gotool goof gochoice goto goobserve goliving gomicroorganisms gois gothe g o
a. bright-field gomicroscope.
b. phase-contrast gomicroscope.
, Microbiology gofor gothe goHealthcare goProfessional go2nd goEdition goVanMeter goTest
c. fluorescence gomicroscope.
d. electron gomicroscope.
ANS: g o B REF: g o go p. go6
7. Which goscientist gois gomost goresponsible gofor goending gothe gocontroversy goabout gospontaneous
a. John goNeedham
b. Joseph goLister
c. Louis goPasteur
d. Robert goKoch
ANS: g o C REF: g o go p. go8
8. Fossils goof goprokaryotes gogo goback go billion goyears.
a. 4.0 goto go5.0
b. 3.5 goto go4.0
c. 2.5 goto go3.0
d. 2.2 goto go2.7
ANS: g o B REF: g o go p. go9
9. Molds gobelong goto gowhich goof gothe gofollowing gogroups goof goeukaryotic goorganisms?
a. Protozoans
b. Archaea
c. Fungi
d. Algae
ANS: g o C REF: g o go p. go11
10. The gocorrect godescending goorder goof gotaxonomic gocategories gois
a. species, godomain, gophylum, gokingdom, goorder, godivision, goclass, gogenus.
b. domain, gokingdom, gophylum, goclass, gofamily, goorder, gogenus, gospecies.
c. domain, gokingdom, gophylum, goclass, goorder, gofamily, gogenus, gospecies.
d. kingdom, godomain, gophylum, goorder, goclass, gofamily, gogenus, gospecies.
ANS: g o C REF: g o go p. go10
11. Complex gocommunities goof gomicroorganisms goon gosurfaces goare gocalled
a. colonies.
b. biofilms.
c. biospheres.
d. flora.
ANS: g o B REF: g o go p. go12
12. A gorelationship gobetween goorganisms goin gowhich gothe gowaste goproduct goof goone goprovides gonutrients
gofor g o
goanother gois gocalled g o
a. mutualism.
b. competition.
c. synergism.
d. commensalism.
ANS: g o D REF: g o go p. go12
, Microbiology gofor gothe goHealthcare goProfessional go2nd goEdition goVanMeter goTest
13. Which goof gothe gofollowing gosites goof gothe gohuman gobody godoes gonot gohave goa gonormal goflora?
a. Intestine
b. Skin
c. Vagina
d. Blood
ANS: g o D REF: g o go p. go12
14. Which goof gothe gofollowing golack gonucleic goacids?
a. Archaea
b. Viruses
c. Prions
d. Bacteria
ANS: g o C REF: g o go p. go11
15. The gobinominal gosystem goof gonomenclature gowas gooriginally godeveloped goby
a. Pasteur.
b. Linnaeus.
c. Martini.
d. Jenner.
ANS: g o B REF: g o go p. go11
16. Which goof gothe gofollowing goscientists goperformed gothe gofirst govaccination goagainst gosmallpox?
a. Pasteur
b. Jenner
c. Semmelweis
d. Koch
ANS: g o B REF: g o go p. go9
17. Which goof gothe gofollowing godiseases gois gogenerally gocaused goby gocontaminated gofood?
a. Mumps
b. Shigellosis
c. Legionellosis
d. Tuberculosis
ANS: g o B REF: g o go p. go13
18. Which goof gothe gofollowing godiseases gois gotransmitted govia goaerosols?
a. Psittacosis
b. Shigellosis
c. Leptospirosis
d. Giardiasis
ANS: g o A REF: g o go p. go14
19. Which goof gothe gofollowing goorganisms gois goused goin gothe goproduction goof gocheese?
a. Propionibacterium goshermanii
b. Acetobacter goaceti
c. Giardia
, Microbiology gofor gothe goHealthcare goProfessional go2nd goEdition goVanMeter goTest
d. Fusobacterium
ANS: g o A REF: g o go p. go14
20. Which goof gothe gofollowing goscientists godiscovered gothe goantibiotic goproperties goof goPenicillium?
a. Alexander goFleming
b. Louis goPasteur
c. Joseph goLister
d. Edward goJenner
ANS: g o A REF: g o go p. go15
1. In goa gocompound golight gomicroscope gothe golens goclosest goto gothe goeye gois gothe go lens.
ANS: g o ocular
REF: g o go p. go3
2. The gototal gomagnification goof goan goobject goviewed gowith goa gocompound gomicroscope gowith goan
ocular golens goof go10 goand goan goobjective golens goof go40 gois go
go .
ANS: g o 400
REF: g o go p. go4
3. Another goterm gofor gospontaneouN geR
s goU neSraItiN
sgoB.COM g o .
ANS: g o abiogenesis
REF: g o go p. go7
4. Microorganisms goof govarious gospecies goare gooften goorganized gointo gocomplex
communities goon goa gosurface goand goare gocalled go
go .
ANS: g o biofilms
REF: g o go p. go12
5. All gobacteria goare go cells.
ANS: g o prokaryotic
REF: g o go p. go10
6. Cells gothat gocontain goa gonucleus goare go cells.
ANS: g o eukaryotic
REF: g o go p. go10