Microbiology qafor qathe qaHealthcare qaProfessional qa2nd qaEdition qaVanMeter qaTest
Chapter 01: Scope of Microbiology
qa qa qa qa
VanMeter: Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional, 2nd Edition
qa qa qa qa qa qa qa
1. In qathe qasixteenth qacentury qaa qafather-and-son qateam, qaby qathe qaname qaof qa , qaproduced
a qacompound qamicroscope qaconsisting qaof qaa qasimple qatube qawith qalenses qaat qaeach qaend.
a. van qaLeeuwenhoek
b. Semmelweis
c. Janssen
d. Hooke
ANS: q a C REF: q a qa p. qa3
2. “Animalcules” qawere qafirst qadescribed qaby
a. Robert qaHooke.
b. Antony qavan qaLeeuwenhoek.
c. Hans qaJanssen.
d. John qaNeedham.
ANS: q a B REF: q a qa p. qa3
3. Micrographia, qaa qapublication qaillustrating qainsects, qasponges, qaas qawell qaas qaplant qacells, qawas
qa published qaby
a. Robert qaHooke.
b. Antony qavan qaLeeuwenhoek.
c. Hans qaJanssen. NURSINGTB.COM
d. John
qa Needham.
ANS: q a A REF: q a qa p. qa3
4. Low-power qamicroscopes qadesigned qafor qaobserving qafairly qalarge qaobjects qasuch qaas qainsects qaor
qaworms q a
qaare q a
a. electron qamicroscopes.
b. dark-field qamicroscopes.
c. fluorescence qamicroscopes.
d. stereomicroscopes.
ANS: q a D REF: q a qa p. qa5
5. A qamicroscope qathat qaprovides qaa qathree-dimensional qaimage qaof qaa qaspecimen qais qaa
a. dark-field qamicroscope.
b. transmission qaelectron qamicroscope.
c. bright-field qamicroscope.
d. scanning qaelectron qamicroscope.
ANS: q a D REF: q a qa p. qa7
6. The qatool qaof qachoice qato qaobserve qaliving qamicroorganisms qais qathe q a
a. bright-field qamicroscope.
b. phase-contrast qamicroscope.
, Microbiology qafor qathe qaHealthcare qaProfessional qa2nd qaEdition qaVanMeter qaTest
c. fluorescence qamicroscope.
d. electron qamicroscope.
ANS: q a B REF: q a qa p. qa6
7. Which qascientist qais qamost qaresponsible qafor qaending qathe qacontroversy qaabout qaspontaneous
qa generation?
a. John qaNeedham
b. Joseph qaLister
c. Louis qaPasteur
d. Robert qaKoch
ANS: q a C REF: q a qa p. qa8
8. Fossils qaof qaprokaryotes qago qaback qa billion qayears.
a. 4.0 qato qa5.0
b. 3.5 qato qa4.0
c. 2.5 qato qa3.0
d. 2.2 qato qa2.7
ANS: q a B REF: q a qa p. qa9
9. Molds qabelong qato qawhich qaof qathe qafollowing qagroups qaof qaeukaryotic qaorganisms?
a. Protozoans
b. Archaea
c. Fungi
d. Algae
ANS: q a C REF: q a qa p. qa11
10. The qacorrect qadescending qaorder qaof qataxonomic qacategories qais
a. species, qadomain, qaphylum, qakingdom, qaorder, qadivision, qaclass, qagenus.
b. domain, qakingdom, qaphylum, qaclass, qafamily, qaorder, qagenus, qaspecies.
c. domain, qakingdom, qaphylum, qaclass, qaorder, qafamily, qagenus, qaspecies.
d. kingdom, qadomain, qaphylum, qaorder, qaclass, qafamily, qagenus, qaspecies.
ANS: q a C REF: q a qa p. qa10
11. Complex qacommunities qaof qamicroorganisms qaon qasurfaces qaare qacalled
a. colonies.
b. biofilms.
c. biospheres.
d. flora.
ANS: q a B REF: q a qa p. qa12
12. A qarelationship qabetween qaorganisms qain qawhich qathe qawaste qaproduct qaof qaone qaprovides qanutrients qafor
q a
another qais qacalled q a
a. mutualism.
b. competition.
c. synergism.
d. commensalism.
ANS: q a D REF: q a qa p. qa12
, Microbiology qafor qathe qaHealthcare qaProfessional qa2nd qaEdition qaVanMeter qaTest
13. Which qaof qathe qafollowing qasites qaof qathe qahuman qabody qadoes qanot qahave qaa qanormal qaflora?
a. Intestine
b. Skin
c. Vagina
d. Blood
ANS: q a D REF: q a qa p. qa12
14. Which qaof qathe qafollowing qalack qanucleic qaacids?
a. Archaea
b. Viruses
c. Prions
d. Bacteria
ANS: q a C REF: q a qa p. qa11
15. The qabinominal qasystem qaof qanomenclature qawas qaoriginally qadeveloped qaby
a. Pasteur.
b. Linnaeus.
c. Martini.
d. Jenner.
ANS: q a B REF: q a qa p. qa11
16. Which qaof qathe qafollowing qascientists qaperformed qathe qafirst qavaccination qaagainst qasmallpox?
a. Pasteur
b. Jenner
c. Semmelweis
d. Koch
ANS: q a B REF: q a qa p. qa9
17. Which qaof qathe qafollowing qadiseases qais qagenerally qacaused qaby qacontaminated qafood?
a. Mumps
b. Shigellosis
c. Legionellosis
d. Tuberculosis
ANS: q a B REF: q a qa p. qa13
18. Which qaof qathe qafollowing qadiseases qais qatransmitted qavia qaaerosols?
a. Psittacosis
b. Shigellosis
c. Leptospirosis
d. Giardiasis
ANS: q a A REF: q a qa p. qa14
19. Which qaof qathe qafollowing qaorganisms qais qaused qain qathe qaproduction qaof qacheese?
a. Propionibacterium qashermanii
b. Acetobacter qaaceti
c. Giardia
, Microbiology qafor qathe qaHealthcare qaProfessional qa2nd qaEdition qaVanMeter qaTest
d. Fusobacterium
ANS: q a A REF: q a qa p. qa14
20. Which qaof qathe qafollowing qascientists qadiscovered qathe qaantibiotic qaproperties qaof qaPenicillium?
a. Alexander qaFleming
b. Louis qaPasteur
c. Joseph qaLister
d. Edward qaJenner
ANS: q a A REF: q a qa p. qa15
1. In qaa qacompound qalight qamicroscope qathe qalens qaclosest qato qathe qaeye qais qathe qa lens.
ANS: q a ocular
REF: q a qa p. qa3
2. The qatotal qamagnification qaof qaan qaobject qaviewed qawith qaa qacompound qamicroscope qawith qaan
qa ocular qalens qaof qa10 qaand qaan qaobjective qalens qaof qa40 qais qa .
ANS: q a 400
REF: q a qa p. qa4
3. Another qaterm qafor qaspontaneouN geR
s qaU neSraItiN
sqaB.COM q a .
ANS: q a abiogenesis
REF: q a qa p. qa7
4. Microorganisms qaof qavarious qaspecies qaare qaoften qaorganized qainto qacomplex qacommunities
on qaa qasurface qaand qaare qacalled qa
qa .
ANS: q a biofilms
REF: q a qa p. qa12
5. All qabacteria qaare qa cells.
ANS: q a prokaryotic
REF: q a qa p. qa10
6. Cells qathat qacontain qaa qanucleus qaare qa cells.
ANS: q a eukaryotic
REF: q a qa p. qa10