Davis Advantage Basic Nursing: Thinking, Doing,
gt gt gt gt gt gt
and Caring 3rd Edition TreasWilkinson Test
gt gt gt gt gt gt gt
,Chapter gt 1 gt Evolution gt of gtNursing gt Thought gt & gtAction
Multiple gt Choice
Identify gt the gtchoice gt that gtbest gt completes gt the gt statement gt or gt answers gt the gt question.
1. What gtis gtthe gtmost gtinfluential gtfactor gtthat gthas gtshaped gtthe
gtnursing gtprofession? gt1)
Physicians gtneed gtfor
gthandmaidens gt2)
Societal gtneed gtfor gthealthcare gtoutside gtthe
gthome gt3)
Military gtdemand gtfor gtnurses gtin gtthe gtfield
gt4) gtGerm gttheory gtinfluence gton
gtsanitation gtANS: gt3
Throughout gtthe gtcenturies, gtstability gtof gtthe gtgovernment gthas gtbeen gtrelated gtto gtthe gtsuccess
gtof gtthe gtmilitary gtto gtprotect gtor gtextend gtits gtdomain. gtAs gtthe gtsurvival gtand gtwell-being gtof
gtsoldiers gtis g t critical, gtnurses gtprovided gthealthcare gtto gtthe gtsick gtand gtinjured gtat gtthe gtbattle
gtsite. gtThe gtphysicians gthandmaiden g t was/is g t a g t nursing g t stereotype g t rather g t than g t an
g t influence g t on g t nursing. gtAlthough gtthere gthas gtbeen gtneed gtfor gthealthcare gtoutside gtthe
gthome gtthroughout gthistory, gtthis gthas gtmore gtinfluence gton gtthe gtdevelopment gtof gthospitals
gtthan gton gtnursing; gtthis gtneed gtprovided gtone gtmore gtsetting gtfor gtnursing gtwork. gtGerm gttheory
gtand gtsanitation gthelped gtto gtimprove gthealthcare gtbut gtdid gtnot gtshape gtnursing.
PTS: gt1 gtDIF: gtModerate gtREF: gtdm gt910 gtKEY: gtNursing gtprocess: gtN/A gtClient gtneed: gtN/A gt|
gtCognitive gtlevel: gtRecall
2. Which gtof gtthe gtfollowing gtis gtan gtexample gtof gtan gtillness gtprevention gtactivity?
gtSelect gtall gtthat gtapply.
Encouraging gtthe gtuse gtof gta gtfood
gtdiary gt2)
Joining gta gtcancer gtsupport
gtgroup gt3)
Administering gtimmunization gtfor gtHPV
Teaching gta gtdiabetic gtpatient gtabout gthis gtdiet
gtANS: gt3
Administering gtimmunization gtfor gtHPV gtis gtan gtexample gtof gtillness gtprevention. gtAlthough
gtcancer gtis gta gtdisease, gtit gtis gtassumed gtthat gta gtperson gtjoining gta gtsupport gtgroup gtwould
gtalready gthave gtthe gtdisease; gttherefore, gtthis gtis gtnot gtdisease gtprevention gtbut gttreatment.
gtIllness-prevention gtactivities gtfocus g t on g t avoiding gta g t specific g t disease. gtA gtfood g t diary gtis g t a
g t health-promotion gtactivity. gtTeaching gta g t diabetic g t patient gtabout g t diet g t is gta g t treatment g t for
g t diabetes; g t the g t patient gtalready gthas g t diabetes, g t so gtit gtcannot gtprevent gtdiabetes.
PTS: gt1 gtDIF: gtModerate gtREF: gtp. gt18; gthigh-level gtquestion, gtnot gtdirectly gtstated gtin gttext gtKEY:
gtNursing gtprocess: gtN/A gt| gtClient gtneed: gtHPM gt| gtCognitive gtlevel: gtApplication
3. Which gtof gtthe gtfollowing gtcontributions gtof gtFlorence gtNightingale gthad
gtan gtimmediate gtimpact gton gtimproving gtpatients gthealth?
Providing gta gtclean
gtenvironment gt2)
,Improving gtnursing gteducation
Changing gtthe gtdelivery gtof gtcare gtin
gthospitals gt4)
Establishing gtnursing gtas gta gtdistinct
gtprofession gtANS: gt1
Improved gtsanitation gt(a gtclean gtenvironment) gtgreatly gtand gtimmediately gtreduced gtthe gtrate
gtof gtinfection gtand gtmortality gtin gthospitals. gtThe gtother gtresponses gtare gtall gtactivities gtof
gtFlorence gtNightingale gtthat gtimproved gthealthcare gtor gtnursing, gtbut gtthe gtimpact gtis gtlong
gtrange, gtnot gtimmediate.
PTS: gt1 gtDIF: gtEasy gtREF: gtV1, gtp. gt3; gtstudent gtmust gtinfer gtfrom gtcontent gt| gtV1, gtp. gt10;
gtstudent gtmust gtinfer gtfrom gtcontent
KEY: gtNursing gtprocess: gtN/A gt| gtClient gt need: gt SECE gt | gtCognitive gt level: gtApplication
4. All gtof gtthe gtfollowing gtare gtaspects gtof gtthe gtfull-spectrum gtnursing gtrole. gtWhich
gtone gtis gtessential gtfor gtthe gtnurse gtto gtdo gtin gtorder gtto gtsuccessfully gtcarry gtout gtall gtthe
Thinking gtand gtreasoning gtabout gtthe gtclients
gtcare gt2)
Providing gthands-on gtclient
gtcare gt3)
Carrying gtout gtphysician gtorders
Delegating gtto gtassistive
gtpersonnel gtANS: gt1
A gtsubstantial gtportion gtof gtthe gtnursing gtrole gtinvolves gtusing gtclinical gtjudgment, gtcritical
gtthinking, gtand gtproblem gtsolving, gtwhich gtdirectly gtaffect gtthe gtcare gtthe gtclient gtwill
gtactually gtreceive. gtProviding gthands-on gtcare gtis gtimportant; gthowever, gtclinical gtjudgment,
gtcritical gtthinking, gtand gtproblem gtsolving gtare gtessential gtto gtdo gtit gtsuccessfully. gtCarrying
gtout gtphysician gtorders gtis gta gtsmall gtpart gtof gta gtnurses gtrole; gtit, gttoo, gtrequires gtnursing
gtassessment, gtplanning, gtintervention, gtand gtevaluation. gtMany gtsimple gtnursing gttasks gtare
gtbeing gtdelegated gtto gtnursing gtassistive gtpersonnel; gtdelegation gtrequires gtcareful gtanalysis
gtof gtpatient gtstatus gtand gtthe gtappropriateness gtof gtsupport gtpersonnel gtto gtdeliver gtcare.
gtAnother gtway gtto gtanalyze gtthis g t question gtis gtthat gtnone gtof gtthe gtoptions gtof gtproviding
gthands-on gtcare, gtcarrying gtout gtphysician gtorders, gtand gtdelegating gtto gtassistive gtpersonnel
gtis gtrequired gtfor gtthe gtnurse gtto gtthink gtand gtreason gtabout gta gtclients gtcare; gtso gtthe gtanswer
gtmust gtbe gt1.
PTS:1DIFifficultREF: gtp. gt11
KEY: gtNursing gtprocess: gtN/A gt| gtClient gt need: gt N/A gt| gtCognitive gtlevel: gtAnalysis
5. Which gt statement g t pertaining gt to gt Benners gt practice gt model gt for gt clinical g t competence
is gttrue?
Progression gtthrough gt the gtstages gtis gtconstant, gt with gtmost gt nurses gt reaching gtthe gt proficient
gt stage.
Progression gtthrough gtthe gtstages gtinvolves gtcontinual gtdevelopment gtof gtthinking gtand gttechnical
The gtnurse gtmust gthave gtexperience gtin gtmany gtareas gtbefore gtbeing gtconsidered gtan
gtexpert. gt4)
, The gtnurses gtprogress gtthrough gtthe gtstages gtis gtdetermined gtby gtyears gtof gtexperience gtand
gtskills. gtANS: gt2
Movement gt through gt the gtstages gt is gtnot gt constant. gtBenners gt model gt is gt based gt on gtintegration gt of