Davis Advantage Basic Nursing: Thinking, Doing,
te te te te te te
and Caring 3rd Edition TreasWilkinson Test Bank
te te te te te et te te
,Chapter te1 t e Evolution t e of teNursing t e Thought t e & teAction
Multiple teChoice
Identify tethe te choice te that tebest t e completes te the t e statement te or te answers te the te question.
1. What teis tethe temost teinfluential tefactor tethat tehas teshaped tethe
tenursing teprofession? te1)
Physicians teneed tefor
tehandmaidens te2)
Societal teneed tefor tehealthcare teoutside tethe
tehome te3)
Military tedemand tefor tenurses tein tethe tefield
te4) teGerm tetheory teinfluence teon tesanitation
teANS: te3
Throughout tethe tecenturies, testability teof tethe tegovernment tehas tebeen terelated teto tethe tesuccess
teof tethe temilitary teto teprotect teor teextend teits tedomain. teAs tethe tesurvival teand tewell-being teof
tesoldiers teis t e critical, tenurses teprovided tehealthcare teto tethe tesick teand teinjured teat tethe tebattle
tesite. teThe tephysicians tehandmaiden t e was/is t e a t e nursing t e stereotype t e rather t e than t e an
t e influence t e on t e nursing. teAlthough tethere tehas tebeen teneed tefor tehealthcare teoutside tethe
tehome tethroughout tehistory, tethis tehas temore teinfluence teon tethe tedevelopment teof tehospitals
tethan teon tenursing; tethis teneed teprovided teone temore tesetting tefor tenursing tework. teGerm tetheory
teand tesanitation tehelped teto teimprove tehealthcare tebut tedid tenot teshape tenursing.
PTS: te1 teDIF: teModerate teREF: tedm te910 teKEY: teNursing teprocess: teN/A teClient teneed: teN/A te|
teCognitive televel: teRecall
2. Which teof tethe tefollowing teis tean teexample teof tean teillness teprevention teactivity?
teSelect teall tethat teapply.
Encouraging tethe teuse teof tea tefood
tediary te2)
Joining tea tecancer tesupport
tegroup te3)
Administering teimmunization tefor teHPV
Teaching tea tediabetic tepatient teabout tehis tediet
teANS: te3
Administering teimmunization tefor teHPV teis tean teexample teof teillness teprevention. teAlthough
tecancer teis tea tedisease, teit teis teassumed tethat tea teperson tejoining tea tesupport tegroup tewould tealready
tehave tethe tedisease; tetherefore, tethis teis tenot tedisease teprevention tebut tetreatment. teIllness-
prevention teactivities tefocus t e on t e avoiding tea t e specific t e disease. teA tefood t e diary teis t e a t e health-
promotion teactivity. teTeaching tea t e diabetic t e patient teabout t e diet t e is tea t e treatment t e for
t e diabetes; t e the t e patient tealready tehas t e diabetes, t e so teit tecannot teprevent tediabetes.
PTS: te1 teDIF: teModerate teREF: tep. te18; tehigh-level tequestion, tenot tedirectly testated tein tetext teKEY:
teNursing teprocess: teN/A te| teClient teneed: teHPM te| teCognitive televel: teApplication
3. Which teof tethe tefollowing tecontributions teof teFlorence teNightingale tehad
tean teimmediate teimpact teon teimproving tepatients tehealth?
Providing tea teclean
teenvironment te2)
,Improving tenursing teeducation
Changing tethe tedelivery teof tecare tein
tehospitals te4)
Establishing tenursing teas tea tedistinct
teprofession teANS: te1
Improved tesanitation te(a teclean teenvironment) tegreatly teand teimmediately tereduced tethe terate
teof teinfection teand temortality tein tehospitals. teThe teother teresponses teare teall teactivities teof
teFlorence teNightingale tethat teimproved tehealthcare teor tenursing, tebut tethe teimpact teis telong
terange, tenot teimmediate.
PTS: te1 teDIF: teEasy teREF: teV1, tep. te3; testudent temust teinfer tefrom tecontent te| teV1, tep. te10;
testudent temust teinfer tefrom tecontent
KEY: teNursing teprocess: teN/A te| teClient teneed: teSECE te| teCognitive t e level: teApplication
4. All teof tethe tefollowing teare teaspects teof tethe tefull-spectrum tenursing terole. teWhich
teone teis teessential tefor tethe tenurse teto tedo tein teorder teto tesuccessfully tecarry teout teall tethe
Thinking teand tereasoning teabout tethe teclients
tecare te2)
Providing tehands-on teclient
tecare te3)
Carrying teout tephysician teorders
Delegating teto teassistive
tepersonnel teANS: te1
A tesubstantial teportion teof tethe tenursing terole teinvolves teusing teclinical tejudgment, tecritical
tethinking, teand teproblem tesolving, tewhich tedirectly teaffect tethe tecare tethe teclient tewill teactually
tereceive. teProviding tehands-on tecare teis teimportant; tehowever, teclinical tejudgment, tecritical
tethinking, teand teproblem tesolving teare teessential teto tedo teit tesuccessfully. teCarrying teout
tephysician teorders teis tea tesmall tepart teof tea tenurses terole; teit, tetoo, terequires tenursing
teassessment, teplanning, teintervention, teand teevaluation. teMany tesimple tenursing tetasks teare
tebeing tedelegated teto tenursing teassistive tepersonnel; tedelegation terequires tecareful teanalysis
teof tepatient testatus teand tethe teappropriateness teof tesupport tepersonnel teto tedeliver tecare.
teAnother teway teto teanalyze tethis t e question teis tethat tenone teof tethe teoptions teof teproviding
tehands-on tecare, tecarrying teout tephysician teorders, teand tedelegating teto teassistive tepersonnel
teis terequired tefor tethe tenurse teto tethink teand tereason teabout tea teclients tecare; teso tethe teanswer
temust tebe te1.
PTS:1DIFifficultREF: tep. te11
KEY: teNursing teprocess: teN/A te| teClient t e need: teN/A te| teCognitive televel: teAnalysis
5. Which testatement t e pertaining teto t e Benners t e practice t e model t e for t e clinical t e competence
is tetrue?
Progression tethrough tethe testages teis teconstant, tewith temost tenurses tereaching tethe teproficient t e stage.
Progression tethrough tethe testages teinvolves tecontinual tedevelopment teof tethinking teand tetechnical
The tenurse temust tehave teexperience tein temany teareas tebefore tebeing teconsidered tean
teexpert. te4)
The tenurses teprogress tethrough tethe testages teis tedetermined teby teyears teof teexperience teand
, skills. teANS: te2
Movement tethrough t e the testages t e is tenot t e constant. teBenners t emodel teis t e based t eon teintegration t e of