g t g t g t
Inclusive gtof gtChapters gt1-15
CHAPTER 01: The Science of Psychology
gt gt gt gt gt
1. Which gtof gtthe gtfollowing gtis gtthe gtbest gtdefinition gtof gtpsychological gtscience?
A. the gtstudy gtof gtthe gtbrain gtand gtits
gtfunc- gttion
B. the gtstudy gtof gtthe gtmind, gtthe gtbrain,
gtand gtthought gtprocesses
C. the gtstudy gtof gtthe gtmind, gtthe gtbrain,
gtand gtbehavior
D. the gtstudy gtof gtthe gtmind, gtthe
gtpsyche, gtand gtbehavior
ANS: g t C DIF: Easy REF: g t 1.1 gtWhat gtIs gtPsychological
gtScience? gtOBJ: g t 1.1A NAT: gtAPA gtGoal gt1, gtKnowledge gtBase gtin gtPsychology
MSC: gtRemembering
2. Psychological gtscience gtis gtthe gtstudy gtof:
A. the gtmind. C. behavior.
B. the gtbrain. D. all gtof gtthe gtabove.
ANS: g t D DIF: Easy REF: g t 1.1 gtWhat gtIs gtPsychological
gtScience? gtOBJ: g t 1.1A NAT: gtAPA gtGoal gt1, gtKnowledge gtBase gtin gtPsychology
MSC: gtRemembering
3. Trying gtto gtunderstand gtthe gtrelationship gtbetween gtthe gtactions gtof gtneurons
gtand gta gtthought gtis gtan gtexample gtof gtthe gtconnection gtbetween:
A. the gtbrain gtand gtthe C. genes gtand
gtmind. gtthe gtmind.
B. nature gtand gtnur- D. the gtbrain gtand
gtture. gtemotion.
ANS: g t A DIF: Moderate REF: g t 1.1 gtWhat gtIs gtPsychological
gtScience? gtOBJ: g t 1.1A NAT: gtAPA gtGoal gt1, gtKnowledge gtBase gtin gtPsychology
MSC: gtApplying
4. Based gton gtyour gttextbook‘s gtdefinition gtof gtpsychology, gtwhich gtstatement
gtbest gtre- gtflects gtthe gtrelationship gtbetween gtthe gtmind gtand gtthe gtbrain?
A. The gtbrain gtis gtthe gtsame gtthing gtas
gtthe gtmind.
, B. The gtbrain gtinfluences gtthe gtmind.
C. The gtbrain gtis gtunrelated gtto gtthe gtmind.
D. The gtbrain gtreflects gtthe gtmind.
ANS: g t B DIF: Moderate REF: g t 1.1 gtWhat gtIs gtPsychological
gtScience? gtOBJ: g t 1.1A NAT: gtAPA gtGoal gt1, gtKnowledge gtBase gtin gtPsychology
MSC: gtApplying
5. Barry gtand gtCandace gtare gtdisagreeing. gtBarry gtstates gtthat gtpsychology gtis gtthe
gtstudy gtof gtthe gtmind. gtCandace gtbelieves gtthat gtpsychology gtis gtthe gtscience gtof
gtbehavior. gtGiven gtyour gtknowledge gtof gtpsychology, gthow gtwould gtyou gtresolve
gtthis gtargument?
A. Barry gtis gtcorrect. gtPsychology gtonly
gtstudies gtthe gtmind.
B. Candace gtis gtcorrect. gtPsychology gtonly
gtstudies gtbehavior.
C. Both gtare gtcorrect. gtPsychology
gtstudies gtboth gtthe gtmind gtand
D. Both gtare gtincorrect. gtPsychology
gtonly gtstudies gtemotions.
ANS: g t C DIF: Difficult REF: g t 1.1 gtWhat gtIs gtPsychological
gtScience? gtOBJ: g t 1.1A NAT: gtAPA gtGoal gt1, gtKnowledge gtBase gtin gtPsychology
MSC: gtUnderstanding
6. Allanah gtis gta gtpsychology gtmajor. gtWhich gtof gtthe gtfollowing gtbest gtdescribes
gtwhat gtAl- gtlanah gtwill gtlearn gtabout?
A. the gtstructure gtand gtfunction gtof gtthe
B. mental gtdisorders gtand gttheir gttreat-
C. feelings gtand gtother gtsubjective gtstates
D. the gtmind, gtthe gtbrain, gtand gtbehavior
ANS: g t D DIF: Easy REF: g t 1.1 gtWhat gtIs gtPsychological
gtScience? gtOBJ: g t 1.1A NAT: gtAPA gtGoal gt1, gtKnowledge gtBase gtin gtPsychology
MSC: gtUnderstanding
7. For gtmuch gtof gtits gthistory, gtpsychologists gtfocused gtmostly gton:
A. the gtbrain. C. behaviors.
B. disorders. D. the gtmind.
ANS: g t C DIF: Moderate REF: g t 1.1 gtWhat gtIs gtPsychological
gtScience? gtOBJ: g t 1.1A NAT: gtAPA gtGoal gt1, gtKnowledge gtBase gtin gtPsychology
MSC: gtRemembering
, 8. Which gtof gtthe gtfollowing gtis gtan gtexample gtof gta gtpsychologist gtwho gtis gtstudying
gtthe gtmind?
A. Dr. gtChu, gtwho gtstudies gthow
gtweather gtinfluences gtchildren‘s
gtactions gton gtthe gtplayground
B. Dr. gtWell, gtwho gtstudies gtneural gtactivity
gtduring gtsleep gtcycles gtof gtelderly
C. Dr. gtMann, gtwho gtstudies gtthe
gtaccuracy gtof gttraumatic gtmemories
gtover gttime
D. Dr. gtEast, gtwho gtstudies gtthe gtfacial
gtex- gtpressions gtof gtrelationship
gtpartners gtduring gta gtfight
ANS: g t C DIF: Difficult REF: g t 1.1 gtWhat gtIs gtPsychological
gtScience? gtOBJ: gt1.1A
NAT: gtAPA gtGoal gt1, gtKnowledge gtBase gtin gtPsychology gt| gtAPA gtGoal gt5, gtProfessional
MSC: gtApplying
9. Which gtof gtthe gtfollowing gtis gtan gtexample gtof gta gtpsychologist gtwho gtis gtstudying
gtthe gtbrain?
A. Dr. gtFields, gtwho gtstudies gtthe gtpurchas-
gting gthabits gtof gtimpulsive gtindividuals
B. Dr. gtJoe, gtwho gtstudies gthow gtneural
gtac- gttivity gtchanges gtas gtnewborn
gtbabies gtdevelop
C. Dr. gtPerez, gtwho gtstudies gthow gtour gtfeel-
gtings gtcan gtinfluence gtour gtthought
gtpro- gtcesses
D. Dr. gtLadd, gtwho gtstudies gtthe gttraining
gtactivities gtof gtprofessional gtathletes
ANS: g t B DIF: Moderate REF: g t 1.1 gtWhat gtIs gtPsychological
gtScience? gtOBJ: gt1.1A
NAT: gtAPA gtGoal gt1, gtKnowledge gtBase gtin gtPsychology gt| gtAPA gtGoal gt5, gtProfessional
MSC: gtApplying
10. Which gtof gtthe gtfollowing gtis gtan gtexample gtof gta gtpsychologist gtwho gtis gtstudying
gtbehav- gtior?
A. Dr. gtWick, gtwho gtstudies gthow
gtcertain gtsmells gtcan gt trigger
gtcertain gt feelings
, B. Dr. gtWoods, gtwho gtstudies gtpatterns
gtof gtneural gtactivity gtrelated gtto
gtdrug gtuse
C. Dr. gtPaul, gtwho gtstudies gtthe gtthought
processes gtinvolved gtin gtdecision
gtmak- gting
D. Dr. gtHull, gtwho gtstudies gtthe gtfacial gtex-
gtpressions gtof gtrelationship gtpartners
gtduring gta gtfight
ANS: g t D DIF: Moderate REF: g t 1.1 gtWhat gtIs gtPsychological
gtScience? gtOBJ: gt1.1A
NAT: gtAPA gtGoal gt1, gtKnowledge gtBase gtin gtPsychology gt| gtAPA gtGoal gt5, gtProfessional
MSC: gtApplying
11. According gtto gtyour gttext, gtamiable gtskepticism gtis gtan gtimportant gtelement gtin
gta gttype gtof gtreasoning gtcalled:
A. scholarly g t inquiry. C. analytic gtargu-
B. nay-sayerism. D. critical g t thinking.
ANS: g t D DIF: g t Easy
REF: g t 1.1 gtPsychological gtScience gtTeaches gtCritical gtThinking OBJ:
g t 1.1B gtNAT: gtAPA gtGoal gt1, gtKnowledge gtBase gtin gtPsychology gt| gtAPA gtGoal gt2,
gtScientific gtIn- gtquiry gtand gtCritical gtThinking MSC:
12. Which gtof gtthe gtfollowing gtis gta gtcharacteristic gtof gta gtgood gtconsumer gtof
gtscientific gtre- gtsearch?
A. open gtto C. wary gtof gtscientific
gtnew gtideas gtfindings
B. carefully gtconsid- D. all gtof gtthe gtabove
gters gtthe gtfacts
ANS: g t D DIF: g t Easy
REF: g t 1.1 gtPsychological gtScience gtTeaches gtCritical gtThinking OBJ:
g t 1.1B gtNAT: gtAPA gtGoal gt1, gtKnowledge gtBase gtin gtPsychology gt| gtAPA gtGoal gt2,
gtScientific gtIn- gtquiry gtand gtCritical gtThinking MSC:
13. Critical gtthinking gtis gtbest gtdefined gtas gtthinking gtthat:
A. is gtsystematic gtand gtreasonable.
B. is gtopen-minded gtand gtcreative.
C. criticizes g t others‘ g t opinions.