a r a r a r
Inclusive arof arChapters ar1-15
CHAPTER 01: The Science of Psychology
ar ar ar ar ar
1. Which arof arthe arfollowing aris arthe arbest ardefinition arof arpsychological arscience?
A. the arstudy arof arthe arbrain arand arits
arfunc- artion
B. the arstudy arof arthe armind, arthe arbrain,
arand arthought arprocesses
C. the arstudy arof arthe armind, arthe arbrain,
arand arbehavior
D. the arstudy arof arthe armind, arthe
arpsyche, arand arbehavior
ANS: a r C DIF: Easy REF: a r 1.1 arWhat arIs arPsychological
arScience? arOBJ: a r 1.1A NAT: arAPA arGoal ar1, arKnowledge arBase arin arPsychology
MSC: arRemembering
2. Psychological arscience aris arthe arstudy arof:
A. the armind. C. behavior.
B. the arbrain. D. all arof arthe arabove.
ANS: a r D DIF: Easy REF: a r 1.1 arWhat arIs arPsychological
arScience? arOBJ: a r 1.1A NAT: arAPA arGoal ar1, arKnowledge arBase arin arPsychology
MSC: arRemembering
3. Trying arto arunderstand arthe arrelationship arbetween arthe aractions arof arneurons
arand ara arthought aris aran arexample arof arthe arconnection arbetween:
A. the arbrain arand arthe C. genes arand
armind. arthe armind.
B. nature arand arnur- D. the arbrain arand
arture. aremotion.
ANS: a r A DIF: Moderate REF: a r 1.1 arWhat arIs arPsychological
arScience? arOBJ: ar 1.1A NAT: arAPA arGoal ar1, arKnowledge arBase arin arPsychology
MSC: arApplying
4. Based aron aryour artextbook‘s ardefinition arof arpsychology, arwhich arstatement
arbest arre- arflects arthe arrelationship arbetween arthe armind arand arthe arbrain?
A. The arbrain aris arthe arsame arthing aras
arthe armind.
, B. The arbrain arinfluences arthe armind.
C. The arbrain aris arunrelated arto arthe armind.
D. The arbrain arreflects arthe armind.
ANS: a r B DIF: Moderate REF: a r 1.1 arWhat arIs arPsychological
arScience? arOBJ: ar 1.1A NAT: arAPA arGoal ar1, arKnowledge arBase arin arPsychology
MSC: arApplying
5. Barry arand arCandace arare ardisagreeing. arBarry arstates arthat arpsychology aris arthe
arstudy arof arthe armind. arCandace arbelieves arthat arpsychology aris arthe arscience arof
arbehavior. arGiven aryour arknowledge arof arpsychology, arhow arwould aryou arresolve
arthis arargument?
A. Barry aris arcorrect. arPsychology aronly
arstudies arthe armind.
B. Candace aris arcorrect. arPsychology
aronly arstudies arbehavior.
C. Both arare arcorrect. arPsychology
arstudies arboth arthe armind arand
D. Both arare arincorrect. arPsychology
aronly arstudies aremotions.
ANS: a r C DIF: Difficult REF: a r 1.1 arWhat arIs arPsychological
arScience? arOBJ: a r 1.1A NAT: arAPA arGoal ar1, arKnowledge arBase arin arPsychology
MSC: arUnderstanding
6. Allanah aris ara arpsychology armajor. arWhich arof arthe arfollowing arbest ardescribes
arwhat arAl- arlanah arwill arlearn arabout?
A. the arstructure arand arfunction arof arthe
B. mental ardisorders arand artheir artreat-
C. feelings arand arother arsubjective arstates
D. the armind, arthe arbrain, arand arbehavior
ANS: a r D DIF: Easy REF: a r 1.1 arWhat arIs arPsychological
arScience? arOBJ: a r 1.1A NAT: arAPA arGoal ar1, arKnowledge arBase arin arPsychology
MSC: arUnderstanding
7. For armuch arof arits arhistory, arpsychologists arfocused armostly aron:
A. the arbrain. C. behaviors.
B. disorders. D. the armind.
ANS: a r C DIF: Moderate REF: a r 1.1 arWhat arIs arPsychological
arScience? arOBJ: a r 1.1A NAT: arAPA arGoal ar1, arKnowledge arBase arin arPsychology
MSC: arRemembering
, 8. Which arof arthe arfollowing aris aran arexample arof ara arpsychologist arwho aris arstudying
arthe armind?
A. Dr. arChu, arwho arstudies arhow
arweather arinfluences archildren‘s
aractions aron arthe arplayground
B. Dr. arWell, arwho arstudies arneural aractivity
arduring arsleep arcycles arof arelderly
C. Dr. arMann, arwho arstudies arthe
araccuracy arof artraumatic armemories
arover artime
D. Dr. arEast, arwho arstudies arthe arfacial
arex- arpressions arof arrelationship
arpartners arduring ara arfight
ANS: a r C DIF: Difficult REF: a r 1.1 arWhat arIs arPsychological
arScience? arOBJ: ar1.1A
NAT: arAPA arGoal ar1, arKnowledge arBase arin arPsychology ar| arAPA arGoal ar5, arProfessional
MSC: arApplying
9. Which arof arthe arfollowing aris aran arexample arof ara arpsychologist arwho aris arstudying
arthe arbrain?
A. Dr. arFields, arwho arstudies arthe arpurchas-
aring arhabits arof arimpulsive arindividuals
B. Dr. arJoe, arwho arstudies arhow arneural
arac- artivity archanges aras arnewborn
arbabies ardevelop
C. Dr. arPerez, arwho arstudies arhow arour arfeel-
arings arcan arinfluence arour arthought
arpro- arcesses
D. Dr. arLadd, arwho arstudies arthe artraining
aractivities arof arprofessional
ANS: a r B DIF: Moderate REF: a r 1.1 arWhat arIs arPsychological
arScience? arOBJ: ar1.1A
NAT: arAPA arGoal ar1, arKnowledge arBase arin arPsychology ar| arAPA arGoal ar5, arProfessional
MSC: arApplying
10. Which arof arthe arfollowing aris aran arexample arof ara arpsychologist arwho aris arstudying
arbehav- arior?
A. Dr. arWick, arwho arstudies arhow
arcertain arsmells arcan artrigger
arcertain ar feelings
, B. Dr. arWoods, arwho arstudies arpatterns
arof arneural aractivity arrelated arto
ardrug aruse
C. Dr. arPaul, arwho arstudies arthe arthought
processes arinvolved arin ardecision
armak- aring
D. Dr. arHull, arwho arstudies arthe arfacial arex-
arpressions arof arrelationship arpartners
arduring ara arfight
ANS: a r D DIF: Moderate REF: a r 1.1 arWhat arIs arPsychological
arScience? arOBJ: ar1.1A
NAT: arAPA arGoal ar1, arKnowledge arBase arin arPsychology ar| arAPA arGoal ar5, arProfessional
MSC: arApplying
11. According arto aryour artext, aramiable arskepticism aris aran arimportant arelement arin
ara artype arof arreasoning arcalled:
A. scholarly a r inquiry. C. analytic arargu-
B. nay-sayerism. D. critical a r thinking.
ANS: a r D DIF: a r Easy
REF: a r 1.1 arPsychological arScience arTeaches arCritical arThinking OBJ:
a r 1.1B arNAT: arAPA arGoal ar1, arKnowledge arBase arin arPsychology ar| arAPA arGoal ar2,
arScientific arIn- arquiry arand arCritical arThinking MSC:
12. Which arof arthe arfollowing aris ara archaracteristic arof ara argood arconsumer arof
arscientific arre- arsearch?
A. open arto C. wary arof arscientific
arnew arideas arfindings
B. carefully arconsid- D. all arof arthe arabove
arers arthe arfacts
ANS: a r D DIF: a r Easy
REF: a r 1.1 arPsychological arScience arTeaches arCritical arThinking OBJ:
a r 1.1B arNAT: arAPA arGoal ar1, arKnowledge arBase arin arPsychology ar| arAPA arGoal ar2,
arScientific arIn- arquiry arand arCritical arThinking MSC:
13. Critical arthinking aris arbest ardefined aras arthinking arthat:
A. is arsystematic arand arreasonable.
B. is aropen-minded arand arcreative.
C. criticizes a r others‘ a r opinions.