n n n n n n n n
n n n n
Chapter 01: Ethics and Professionalism
n n n n
Beemsterboer: Ethics and Law in Dental Hygiene, 3rd Edition
n n n n n n n n
1. When nwas nthe ninception nof nthe nprofession nof ndental nhygiene?
a. In nancient nGreece
b. In nthe nearly n1800s
c. In nthe nearly n1900s
d. In n1979
ANS: n C
The nscope nof npractice nof na ndental nhygienist nwas nfirst nestablished nby nlaw nin nConnecticut nin
n1915. nAlfred nC. nFones ntaught nhis ndental nassistant, nIrene nNewman, nto ntreat npatients nand nto
nteachnthem nto nmaintain ntheir nmouths nin na nclean nstate. nIn n1913, nFones nestablished nthe nfirst
nschool nfor ndental nhygienists nin nBridgeport, nConnecticut. nThe nfirst noath nwritten nfor ndental
nhygienists ncallednupon nApollo nand nHygeia, nwho nwere nthe nGreek ngod nand ngoddess nof nhealth,
nrespectively. nA nmodernized nversion nof nthe nfirst noath nwas nadopted nby nthe nBoard nof nTrustees
nof nthe nAmerican nDental nHygienists’nAssociation n (ADHA) nin n1979.
DIF: Recall REF: n n np. n3 OBJ: n 1
TOP: n 7.0 nProfessional nResponsibility n| n7.1 nEthical nPrinciples, nincluding ninformed nconsent
2. Which nmember nof nthe ndental nteam nis nthe nprimary noral npreventive ntherapist?
a. Dentist
b. Dental nhygienist
c. Dental nassistant
d. Receptionist
ANS: n B
The ndental nhygienist nis nthe noral npreventive ntherapist nin nthe ndental noffice. nThe ndentists nwho
npioneered nthis nspecial nfield nof nendeavor nhad na nvision nof nthe nday nwhen ndental ndisease ncould
nbe nprevented nby nfollowing na nsystem nof ntreatment nand ncleanliness. nThe ndentist nis nprimarily
nconcerned nwith nrestorative ntreatment, nalthough nhe nor nshe nalso nshares nin npreventing noral
The ndental nassistant nassists nthe ndentist nand nmay nassist nthe ndental nhygienist nas nwell.
nThe nreceptionist ngreets npatients nand nmay nhelp nwith nthe nbusiness nand nfinancial naspects nof nthe
DIF: Recall REF: n n np. n4 OBJ: n 1
TOP: n 7.0 nProfessional nResponsibility n| n7.4 nGeneral
3. The ndental nhygiene noath nis nrevised nby naction nof nwhich nof nthe nfollowing
a. ThenAmerican nDental nAssociation n(ADA)
b. ThenAmerican nDental nHygienists’nAssociation n(ADHA)
c. The nOccupational nSafety nand nHealth nAdministration n(OSHA)
d. The nOrganization nfor nSafety, nAsepsis, nand nPrevention n(OSAP)
e. The nFood nand nDrug nAdministration n(FDA)
ANS: n B
, The nfirst ndental nhygiene noath nwas nadopted nby nthe nBoard nof nTrustees nof nthe nAmerican nDental
nHygienists’ nAssociation n(ADHA) nin n1979 nand nis nstill nin nuse ntoday. nThe noath nmay nbe nseen nat
nthenfollowing nwebsite n(www.adha.org/aboutadha/dhoath.htm). nThe nAmerican nDental
nAssociationn has nan noath nfor ndentists. nAncopy nof neach noath nmay nbe nfound nin nthe ntextbook.
DIF: Recall REF: n n np. n3 OBJ: n 1
TOP: n 7.0 nProfessional nResponsibility n| n7.4 nGeneral
4. Success nis nmeasured nby nfinancial ngain nin nthe ncorporate nworld; nhowever, nfor nthe nhealth
ncarenprofessional nthe npatient’s nwelfare nis nplaced nabove nprofit.
a. Both nthe nstatement nand nreason nare ncorrect nand nrelated.
b. Both nthe nstatement nand nreason nare ncorrect nbut nNOT nrelated.
c. The nstatement nis ncorrect, nbut nthe nreason nis nNOT.
d. The nstatement nis nNOT ncorrect, nbut nthe nreason nis ncorrect.
e. NEITHER nthe nstatement nNOR nthe nreason nis ncorrect.
ANS: n A
Because nthe nwelfare nof nthe npatient nis nmore nimportant nthan nprofit, nsociety nhas ngranted nthe
care nprofessional na ncertain nstatus nthat ncarries nprestige, npower, nand nthe nright nto napply
nspecial nknowledge nand nskills.
DIF: Comprehension REF: n n np. n4 OBJ:
n2nTOP: n 7.0 nProfessional nResponsibility n| n7.4 nGeneral
5. Society nrecognizes nthat nhealth ncare nproviders nare nheld nto na nhigher nstandard nthan
legislativenmandate. nThese nhigher nstandards nare nexpressed nin nprofessional ncodes nof
ethics nand nare nenforced nby nthe nlegal nsystem.
a. Both nstatements nare ntrue.
b. Both nstatements nare nfalse.
c. The nfirst nstatement nis ntrue, nthe nsecond nstatement nis nfalse.
d. The nfirst nstatement nis nfalse, nthe nsecond nstatement nis ntrue.
ANS: n C
Health ncare nproviders nare nheld nto na nhigher nstandard nthan ncan nbe nexpressed nexclusively nby
nlegislative nmandate. nWhile nit nis ntrue nthat nthese nhigher nstandards nare nexpressed nin
nprofessionaln codes nof nethics, nthey nare nenforced nby nthose nwithin nthe nprofession nrather nthan
nby nthe nlegal nsystem. nImportant ncomponents nof nthis nenforcement ninclude nself-regulation nand
nsubmission nton peer nreview.
DIF: Comprehension REF: n n np. n4 OBJ:
n1nTOP: n 7.0 nProfessional nResponsibility n| n7.4 nGeneral
6. Which nof nthe nfollowing nis nregarded nas nthe nmost nimportant naspect nof nthe ndelivery nof nhealth
n carenservices?
a. Technical nskill
b. Appropriate nknowledge
c. Critical njudgment
d. Caring
ANS: n D
, Although nall nof nthe nchoices nare nimportant, ncaring nis nregarded nas nthe nmost nimportant. nPatients
nperceive nthis nessence nof ncaring nand nrespond nto nit. nTrust nis nthe ncritical nfoundation nfor nthe
nrelationship nbetween nthe nperson nseeking nservices nand nthe nhealth ncare nprovider. nThe ncaring
nthatnthe npatient nseeks nalso ngives nthe nprovider nthe ngreatest nopportunity nfor nprofessional
nservice nandn satisfaction.
DIF: Recall REF: n n np. n4 OBJ: n 2
TOP: n 7.0 nProfessional nResponsibility n| n7.4 nGeneral
7. The npublication n―Medical nProfessionalism nin nthe nNew nMillennium: nA nPhysician nCharter‖
setnout nthree nfundamental nprinciples, nincluding npatient nwelfare, npatient nautonomy, nand nthe
nprinciple nof nsocial njustice, nbecause nit nis nthought nthis nwill nreinvigorate nthe nvalue nof
a. Both nthe nstatement nand nreason nare ncorrect nand nrelated.
b. Both nthe nstatement nand nreason nare ncorrect nbut nNOT nrelated.
c. The nstatement nis ncorrect, nbut nthe nreason nis nNOT.
d. The nstatement nis nNOT ncorrect, nbut nthe nreason nis ncorrect.
e. NEITHER nthe nstatement nNOR nthe nreason nis ncorrect.
ANS: n A
The nPhysician nCharter nsets nout nthree nfundamental nprinciples nthat nare nnot nnew nbut nreinforce
nthenfoundation nof nthe nmedical nprofession nas none nof nservice nto nothers. nThe nethical nprinciples
nof nthe nprimacy nof npatient nwelfare n(beneficence nand nnonmaleficence) nand npatient nautonomy
nare nlisted nfirst; nthe nprinciple nof nsocial njustice nis nthe nthird nmain ntenet. nThe ndesired ngoal nwas nto
nreinvigoraten the nvalue nof nprofessionalism nthat nincludes nsocial nresponsibility, nthe nethic nof
ncare, nand naccess nton that ncare, nfor nall nmembers nof nsociety.
DIF: Comprehension REF: n n np. n5 OBJ:
n3nTOP: n 7.0 nProfessional nResponsibility n| n7.4 nGeneral
8. Each nof nthe nfollowing nis na nrequirement nfor nlicensure nof na ndental nhygienist nin nthe nUnited
nStatesnEXCEPT none. nWhich none nis nthe nEXCEPTION?
a. Completion nof na nhigher neducation naccredited nprogram
b. Graduation nfrom na ncollege nor nuniversity
c. Passed na nwritten nnational nboard nexamination
d. Passed na nclinical nnational nboard nexamination
ANS: n D
There nis nno nclinical nnational nboard nexamination. nThe ndental nhygiene ncandidate nfor nlicensure
nmust npass na nstate nor nregional nclinical nexamination. nExamples nof nregional nboards ninclude nthe
nCouncil nof nInterstate nTesting nAgencies n(CITA), nthe nCentral nRegional nDental nTesting nServices,
n Inc. n(CRDTS), nthe nCommission non nDental nCompetency nAssessments n(CDCA), nthe
nSouthern nRegional nTesting nAgency, n Inc. n(SRTA), nand nthe nWestern nRegional nExamining
nBoard n(WERB).
DIF: Comprehension REF: n n np. n5 OBJ:
n3nTOP: n 7.0 nProfessional nResponsibility n| n7.4 nGeneral
9. Which nof nthe nfollowing ncharacteristics nis nused nto nseparate nthe nprofessional nfrom nthe nlayperson?
a. Competency
b. Quality nperformance
c. A nspecialized nbody nof nknowledge nand nskill nof nvalue nto nsociety
, d. A ncode nof nethics
ANS: n C
To nbe nconsidered na nprofession, na nspecific nfield nor narea nof nstudy ntraditionally nmust nhave
nseveral ncharacteristics. nThese ninclude na nspecialized nbody nof nknowledge nand nskill nof nvalue nto
nsociety, nann
intensive nacademic ncourse nof nstudy, nset nstandards nof npractice ndetermined nand
nregulated nby nthe ngroup, nexternal n recognition nby nsociety, n a ncode nof nethics, nan norganized
nassociation, nand na nservice nethic. nWhat nseparates nthe nprofessional nfrom nthe nlayperson nis
nspecialized nknowledge, nwhich nis nexclusive nto nthe nprofessional n group.
DIF: Recall REF: n n np. n5 OBJ: n 3
TOP: n 7.0 nProfessional nResponsibility n| n7.4 nGeneral
10. Each nof nthe nfollowing nis nconsidered nto nbe na ntrue nprofession nEXCEPT none. nWhich none nis
a. Law
b. Medicine
c. Dentistry
d. Culinary nchef
e. Ministry
ANS: n D
Because nbeing na nprofessional nis ndesirable, nmany ncareers nand noccupations naspire nto nthis nlevel.
nReal nestate nagents, nauto nmechanics, nand nculinary nchefs nall nuse nthe nterm nprofessional nto
nindicaten a ndesired nlevel nof ncompetency nand nquality nperformance. nHowever, nthe ntrue
nprofessions nare nstillnconsidered nto nbe nmedicine, ndentistry, nministry, nand nlaw nbecause nthey
npossess nall nthe ncharacteristics npreviously nlisted, nincluding na nspecialized nbody nof nknowledge
nand nskill nof nvalue nto nsociety, nan nintensive nacademic ncourse nof nstudy, nset nstandards nof
npractice ndetermined nand nregulated nby nthe ngroup, nexternal nrecognition nby nsociety, na ncode nof
nethics, nan norganized nassociation, nand n a nservice n ethic.
DIF: Recall REF: n n np. n6 OBJ: n 3
TOP: n 7.0 nProfessional nResponsibility n| n7.4 nGeneral
11. Professionalism nis ndemonstrated nthrough na nfoundation nof nclinical ncompetence,
communicationnskills, nand nethical nand nlegal nunderstanding. nUpon nthis nfoundation nis nbuilt nthe
naspiration nto nand nwise napplication n of nthe nprinciples nof nprofessionalism.
a. Both nstatements nare ntrue.
b. Both nstatements nare nfalse.
c. The nfirst nstatement nis ntrue, nthe nsecond nstatement nis nfalse.
d. The nfirst nstatement nis nfalse, nthe nsecond nstatement nis ntrue.
ANS: n A
The nprinciples nof nprofessionalism nare nexcellence, nhumanism, naccountability, nand naltruism.
nHighlights nof nthe nStandards nfor nClinical nDental nHygiene nPractice ninclude nassessment, ndental
nhygiene ndiagnosis, nplanning, nimplementation, nevaluation, nand ndocumentation. nProfessional
ntraits nof nthe ndental nhygienist ninclude nhonesty nand nintegrity, ncaring nand ncompassion,
nreliabilityn and nresponsibility, nmaturity nand nself-analysis, nloyalty, ninterpersonal
ncommunication, nrespectn for nothers, nand nrespect nfor nself.
DIF: Recall REF: n n np. n6 OBJ: n 3