Test Bank For Fundamentals of
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Nursing 11th Edition Potter Perry
h h h h h
Chapter 1-50 | Complete Guide
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Newest Version
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,Chapter h01: hNursing hToday
Potter: hFundamentals hof hNursing, h11th hEdition
1. Which hnurse hmost hlikely hkept hrecords hon hsanitation htechniques hand hthe heffects hon
a. Florence hNightingale
b. Mary hNutting
c. Clara hBarton
d. Lillian hWald
ANS: h A
Nightingale hwas hthe hfirst hpracticing hnurse hepidemiologist. hHer hstatistical hanalyses
hconnected hpoor hsanitation hwith hcholera hand hdysentery. hMary hNutting, hClara hBarton,
hand hLillian hWald hcame hafter hNightingale, heach hcontributing hto hthe hnursing hprofession
hin hher hown hway. hMary hNutting hwas hinstrumental hin hmoving hnursing heducation hinto
huniversities. hClara hBarton hfounded hthe hAmerican hRed hCross. hLillian hWald hhelped hopen
hthe hHenry hStreet hSettlement.
DIF:Understand h (comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss hthe hinfluence hof hsocial, hhistorical, hpolitical, hand heconomic hchanges hon hnursing
TOP: Evaluation MSC: h Health hPromotion hand hMaintenance
2. The hnurse hprescribes hstrategies hand halternatives hto hattain hexpected houtcome. hWhich
hstandard hof hnursing hpractice his hthe hnurse hfollowing?
a. Assessment
b. Diagnosis
c. Planning
d. Implementation
ANS: h C
In hplanning, hthe hregistered hnurse hdevelops ha hplan hthat hprescribes hstrategies hand
halternatives hto hattain hexpected houtcomes. hDuring hassessment, hthe hregistered hnurse
hcollects hcomprehensive hdata hpertinent hto hthe hpatient’s hhealth hand/or hthe hsituation. hIn
hdiagnosis, hthe hregistered hnurse hanalyzes hthe hassessment hdata hto hdetermine hthe hdiagnoses
hor hissues. hDuring himplementation, hthe hregistered hnurse himplements h(carries hout) hthe
hidentified hplan.
DIF:Understand h (comprehension)
OBJ:Discuss hthe hdevelopment hof hprofessional hnursing hroles. TOP:
hPlanning hMSC: h Management hof hCare
3. An hexperienced hmedical-surgical hnurse hchooses hto hwork hin hobstetrics. hWhich
hlevel hof hproficiency his hthe hnurse hupon hinitial htransition hto hthe hobstetrical
a. Novice
b. Proficient
c. Competent
d. Advanced hbeginner
ANS: h A
, A hbeginning hnursing hstudent hor hany hnurse hentering ha hsituation hin hwhich hthere his hno
hprevious hlevel hof hexperience h(e.g., han hexperienced hoperating hroom hnurse hchooses hto
hnow hpractice hin hhome hhealth) his han hexample hof ha hnovice hnurse. hA hproficient hnurse
hperceives ha hpatient’s hclinical hsituation has ha hwhole, his hable hto hassess han hentire
hsituation, hand hcan hreadily htransfer hknowledge hgained hfrom hmultiple hprevious
hexperiences hto ha hsituation. hA hcompetent hnurse hunderstands hthe horganization hand
hspecific hcare hrequired hby hthe htype hof hpatients h(e.g., hsurgical, honcology, hor horthopedic
hpatients). hThis hnurse his ha hcompetent hpractitioner hwho his hable hto hanticipate hnursing
hcare hand hestablish hlong-range hgoals. hA hnurse hwho hhas hhad hsome hlevel hof hexperience
hwith hthe hsituation his han hadvanced hbeginner. hThis hexperience hmay honly hbe
hobservational hin hnature, hbut hthe hnurse his hable hto hidentify hmeaningful haspects hor
hprinciples hof hnursing hcare.
DIF:Apply h(application)
OBJ:Discuss hthe hdevelopment hof hprofessional hnursing hroles. TOP:
hEvaluation hMSC: h Management hof hCare
4. A hnurse hassesses ha hpatient’s hfluid hstatus hand hdecides hthat hthe hpatient hneeds hto hdrink
hmore hfluids. hThe hnurse hthen hencourages hthe hpatient hto hdrink hmore hfluids. hWhich
hconcept his hthe hnurse hdemonstrating?
a. Licensure
b. Autonomy
c. Certification
d. Accountability
ANS: h B
Autonomy his han hessential helement hof hprofessional hnursing hthat hinvolves hthe hinitiation hof
hindependent hnursing hinterventions hwithout hmedical horders. hTo hobtain hlicensure hin hthe
hUnited hStates, hthe hRN hcandidate hmust hpass hthe hNCLEX-RN. hBeyond hthe hNCLEX-
RN, hthe hnurse hmay hchoose hto hwork htoward hcertification hin ha hspecific harea hof hnursing
hpractice. hAccountability hmeans hthat hyou hare hresponsible, hprofessionally hand hlegally, hfor
hthe htype hand hquality hof hnursing hcare hprovided.
DIF:Apply h(application)
OBJ:Discuss hthe hroles hand hcareer hopportunities hfor hnurses. TOP:
hImplementation hMSC: h Management hof hCare
5. A hnurse hprepares hthe hbudget hand hpolicies hfor han hintensive hcare hunit. hWhich hrole his
hthe hnurse himplementing?
a. Educator
b. Manager
c. Advocate
d. Caregiver
ANS: h B
, A hmanager hcoordinates hthe hactivities hof hmembers hof hthe hnursing hstaff hin hdelivering
hnursing hcare hand hhas hpersonnel, hpolicy, hand hbudgetary hresponsibility hfor ha hspecific
hnursing hunit hor hfacility. hAs han heducator, hyou hexplain hconcepts hand hfacts habout hhealth,
hdescribe hthe hreason hfor hroutine hcare hactivities, hdemonstrate hprocedures hsuch has hself-
care hactivities, hreinforce hlearning hor hpatient hbehavior, hand hevaluate hthe hpatient’s
hprogress hin hlearning. hAs ha hpatient hadvocate, hyou hprotect hyour hpatient’s hhuman hand
hlegal hrights hand hprovide hassistance hin hasserting hthese hrights hif hthe hneed harises. hAs ha
hcaregiver, hyou hhelp hpatients hmaintain hand hregain hhealth, hmanage hdisease hand
hsymptoms, hand hattain ha hmaximal hlevel hfunction hand hindependence hthrough hthe hhealing
DIF:Apply h(application)
OBJ:Discuss hthe hroles hand hcareer hopportunities hfor hnurses. TOP:
hImplementation hMSC: h Management hof hCare
6. The hnurse hhas hbeen hworking hin hthe hclinical hsetting hfor hseveral hyears has han hadvanced
hpractice hnurse. hHowever, hthe hnurse hhas ha hstrong hdesire hto hpursue hresearch hand htheory
hdevelopment. hTo hfulfill hthis hdesire, hwhich hprogram hshould hthe hnurse hattend?
a. Doctor hof hNursing hScience hdegree h(DNSc)
b. Doctor hof hPhilosophy hdegree h(PhD)
c. Doctor hof hNursing hPractice hdegree h(DNP)
d. Doctor hin hthe hScience hof hNursing hdegree h(DSN)
ANS: h B
Some hdoctoral hprograms hprepare hnurses hfor hmore hrigorous hresearch hand htheory
hdevelopment hand haward hthe hresearch-oriented hDoctor hof hPhilosophy h(PhD) hin hnursing.
hProfessional hdoctoral hprograms hin hnursing h(DSN hor hDNSc) hprepare hgraduates hto happly
hresearch hfindings hto hclinical hnursing. hThe hDNP his ha hpractice hdoctorate hthat hprepares
hadvanced hpractice hnurses hsuch has hnurse hpractitioners.
DIF:Understand h (comprehension)
OBJ:Compare hand hcontrast hthe heducational hprograms havailable hfor hprofessional hregistered
hnurse h(RN) heducation. TOP: h Teaching/Learning
MSC: h Management hof hCare
7. A hnurse hattends ha hworkshop hon hcurrent hnursing hissues hprovided hby hthe hAmerican
hNurses hAssociation. hWhich htype hof heducation hdid hthe hnurse hreceive?
a. Graduate heducation
b. Inservice heducation
c. Continuing heducation
d. Registered hnurse heducation
ANS: h C
Continuing heducation hinvolves hformal, horganized heducational hprograms hoffered hby
huniversities, hhospitals, hstate hnurses hassociations, hprofessional hnursing horganizations, hand
heducational hand hhealth hcare hinstitutions. hAfter hobtaining ha hbaccalaureate hdegree hin
hnursing, hyou hcan hpursue hgraduate heducation hleading hto ha hmaster’s hor hdoctoral hdegree
hin hany hnumber hof hgraduate hfields, hincluding hnursing. hInservice heducation hprograms hare
hinstruction hor htraining hprovided hby ha hhealth hcare hfacility hor hinstitution. hRegistered
hnurse heducation his hthe heducation hpreparation hfor han hindividual hintending hto hbe han hRN.
DIF:Apply h(application)
OBJ:Compare hand hcontrast hthe heducational hprograms havailable hfor hprofessional hregistered hnurse