Test Bank Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional
ge ge ge ge ge ge
3rd Editionge
By Karin C. VanMeter, Robert J. Hubert
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| Verified Chapter's 1 - 25 | Complete Newest
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ge Version
,Table of content ge ge
1. Scope of microbiology
ge ge ge ge
2. Chemistry of life
ge ge ge ge
3. Cell structure and function
ge ge ge ge ge
4. Bacteria and archaea
ge ge ge ge
5. Viruses
ge ge
6. Eukaryotic microorganisms
ge ge ge
7. Physical and chemical methods of control
ge ge ge ge ge ge ge
8. Microbiological laboratory techniques
ge ge ge ge
9. Microbiological laboratory safety issues
ge ge ge ge ge
10. Pharmacology
ge ge
11. Antimicrobial drugs
ge ge ge
12. Infection and disease
ge ge ge ge
13. The immune response and lymphatic system
ge ge ge ge ge ge ge
14. Infections of the integumentary system, soft tissue, and musculoskeletal system
ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge
15. Infections of the respiratory system
ge ge ge ge ge ge
16. Infections of the gastrointestinal system
ge ge ge ge ge ge
ge 17. Infections of the nervous system and sensory structures
ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge
ge 18. Infections of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems
ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge
ge 19. Infections of the urinary system
ge ge ge ge ge ge
20. Infections of the reproductive system
ge ge ge ge ge ge
ge 21. Sexually transmitted infections and diseases
ge ge ge ge ge ge
22. Human age and microorganisms
ge ge ge ge ge
ge 23. Microorganisms in the environment and effects on human health
ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge
24. Emerging infectious diseases
ge ge ge ge
25. Biotechnology
ge ge
,Chapter 01: Scope of Microbiology
ge ge ge ge
VanMeter: Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional, 3rd Edition
ge ge ge ge ge ge ge
1. In gethe gesixteenth gecentury gea gefather-and-son geteam, geby gethe gename geof , geproduced
acge ompound gemicroscope geconsisting geof gea gesimple getube gewith gelenses geat geeach geend.
a. van geLeeuwenhoek
b. Semmelweis
c. Janssen
d. Hooke
ANS: g e C REF: g e p. ge3
2. “Animalcules” gewere gefirst gedescribed geby
a. Robert geHooke.
b. Antony gevan geLeeuwenhoek.
c. Hans geJanssen.
d. John geNeedham.
ANS: g e B REF: g e p. ge3
3. Micrographia, gea gepublication geillustrating geinsects, gesponges, geas gewell geas geplant gecells, gewas
ge ge y
a. Robert geHooke.
b. Antony gevan geLeeuwenhoek.
c. Hans geJanssen.
d. John geNeedham.
ANS: g e A REF: g e p. ge3
4. Low-power gemicroscopes gedesigned gefor geobserving gefairly gelarge geobjects gesuch geas geinsects geor
ge wormsage re
a. electron gemicroscopes.
b. dark-field gemicroscopes.
c. fluorescence gemicroscopes.
d. stereomicroscopes.
ANS: g e D REF: g e p. ge5
5. A gemicroscope gethat geprovides gea gethree-dimensional geimage geof gea gespecimen geis gea
a. dark-field gemicroscope.
b. transmission geelectron gemicroscope.
c. bright-field gemicroscope.
d. scanning geelectron gemicroscope.
ANS: g e D REF: g e p. ge7
6. The getool geof gechoice geto geobserve geliving gemicroorganisms geis gethe
a. bright-field gemicroscope.
b. phase-contrast gemicroscope.
, c. fluorescence gemicroscope.
d. electron gemicroscope.
ANS: g e B REF: g e p. ge6
7. Which gescientist geis gemost geresponsible gefor geending gethe gecontroversy geabout gespontaneous
a. John geNeedham
b. Joseph geLister
c. Louis gePasteur
d. Robert geKoch
ANS: g e C REF: g e p. ge8
8. Fossils geof geprokaryotes gego geback billion geyears.
a. 4.0 geto ge5.0
b. ge ge g e 3.5 geto ge4.0
c. 2.5 geto ge3.0
d. ge ge g e 2.2 geto ge2.7
ANS: g e B REF: g e p. ge9
9. Molds gebelong geto gewhich geof gethe gefollowing gegroups geof geeukaryotic georganisms?
a. Protozoans
b. Archaea
c. Fungi
d. Algae
ANS: g e C REF: g e p. ge11
10. The gecorrect gedescending georder geof getaxonomic gecategories geis
a. species, gedomain, gephylum, gekingdom, georder, gedivision, geclass, gegenus.
b. domain, gekingdom, gephylum, geclass, gefamily, georder, gegenus, gespecies.
c. domain, gekingdom, gephylum, geclass, georder, gefamily, gegenus, gespecies.
d. kingdom, gedomain, gephylum, georder, geclass, gefamily, gegenus, gespecies.
ANS: g e C REF: g e p. ge10
11. Complex gecommunities geof gemicroorganisms geon gesurfaces geare gecalled
a. colonies.
b. biofilms.
c. biospheres.
d. flora.
ANS: g e B REF: g e p. ge12
12. A gerelationship gebetween georganisms gein gewhich gethe gewaste geproduct geof geone geprovides
nutrients geforage nother geis gecalled
a. mutualism.
b. competition.
c. synergism.
d. commensalism.
ANS: g e D REF: g e p. ge12