Test Bank Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional
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3rd Editionbn
By Karin C. VanMeter, Robert J. Hubert
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| Verified Chapter's 1 - 25 | Complete Newest
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,Table of content bn bn
1. Scope of microbiology
bn bn bn bn
2. Chemistry of life
bn bn bn bn
3. Cell structure and function
bn bn bn bn bn
4. Bacteria and archaea
bn bn bn bn
5. Viruses
bn bn
6. Eukaryotic microorganisms
bn bn bn
7. Physical and chemical methods of control
bn bn bn bn bn bn bn
8. Microbiological laboratory techniques
bn bn bn bn
9. Microbiological laboratory safety issues
bn bn bn bn bn
10. Pharmacology
bn bn
11. Antimicrobial drugs
bn bn bn
12. Infection and disease
bn bn bn bn
13. The immune response and lymphatic system
bn bn bn bn bn bn bn
14. Infections of the integumentary system, soft tissue, and musculoskeletal system
bn bn bn bn bn bn bn bn bn bn bn
15. Infections of the respiratory system
bn bn bn bn bn bn
16. Infections of the gastrointestinal system
bn bn bn bn bn bn
17. Infections of the nervous system and sensory structures
bn bn bn bn bn bn bn bn bn bn
18. Infections of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems
bn bn bn bn bn bn bn bn bn
19. Infections of the urinary system
bn bn bn bn bn bn bn
20. Infections of the reproductive system
bn bn bn bn bn bn
21. Sexually transmitted infections and diseases
bn bn bn bn bn bn bn
22. Human age and microorganisms
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23. Microorganisms in the environment and effects on human health
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24. Emerging infectious diseases
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25. Biotechnology
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,Chapter 01: Scope of Microbiology
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VanMeter: Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional, 3rd Edition
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1. In bnthe bnsixteenth bncentury bna bnfather-and-son bnteam, bnby bnthe bnname bnof , bnproduced
ancb ompound bnmicroscope bnconsisting bnof bna bnsimple bntube bnwith bnlenses bnat bneach bnend.
a. van bnLeeuwenhoek
b. Semmelweis
c. Janssen
d. Hooke
ANS: b n C REF: b n p. bn3
2. “Animalcules” bnwere bnfirst bndescribed bnby
a. Robert bnHooke.
b. Antony bnvan bnLeeuwenhoek.
c. Hans bnJanssen.
d. John bnNeedham.
ANS: b n B REF: b n p. bn3
3. Micrographia, bna bnpublication bnillustrating bninsects, bnsponges, bnas bnwell bnas bnplant bncells, bnwas
bn b y
a. Robert bnHooke.
b. Antony bnvan bnLeeuwenhoek.
c. Hans bnJanssen.
d. John bnNeedham.
ANS: b n A REF: b n p. bn3
4. Low-power bnmicroscopes bndesigned bnfor bnobserving bnfairly bnlarge bnobjects bnsuch bnas bninsects
bn or bnwormsnab re
a. electron bnmicroscopes.
b. dark-field bnmicroscopes.
c. fluorescence bnmicroscopes.
d. stereomicroscopes.
ANS: b n D REF: b n p. bn5
5. A bnmicroscope bnthat bnprovides bna bnthree-dimensional bnimage bnof bna bnspecimen bnis bna
a. dark-field bnmicroscope.
b. transmission bnelectron bnmicroscope.
c. bright-field bnmicroscope.
d. scanning bnelectron bnmicroscope.
ANS: b n D REF: b n p. bn7
6. The bntool bnof bnchoice bnto bnobserve bnliving bnmicroorganisms bnis bnthe
a. bright-field bnmicroscope.
b. phase-contrast bnmicroscope.
, c. fluorescence bnmicroscope.
d. electron bnmicroscope.
ANS: b n B REF: b n p. bn6
7. Which bnscientist bnis bnmost bnresponsible bnfor bnending bnthe bncontroversy bnabout bnspontaneous
a. John bnNeedham
b. Joseph bnLister
c. Louis bnPasteur
d. Robert bnKoch
ANS: b n C REF: b n p. bn8
8. Fossils bnof bnprokaryotes bngo bnback billion bnyears.
a. 4.0 bnto bn5.0
b. bn bn b n 3.5 bnto bn4.0
c. 2.5 bnto bn3.0
d. bn bn b n 2.2 bnto bn2.7
ANS: b n B REF: b n p. bn9
9. Molds bnbelong bnto bnwhich bnof bnthe bnfollowing bngroups bnof bneukaryotic bnorganisms?
a. Protozoans
b. Archaea
c. Fungi
d. Algae
ANS: b n C REF: b n p. bn11
10. The bncorrect bndescending bnorder bnof bntaxonomic bncategories bnis
a. species, bndomain, bnphylum, bnkingdom, bnorder, bndivision, bnclass, bngenus.
b. domain, bnkingdom, bnphylum, bnclass, bnfamily, bnorder, bngenus, bnspecies.
c. domain, bnkingdom, bnphylum, bnclass, bnorder, bnfamily, bngenus, bnspecies.
d. kingdom, bndomain, bnphylum, bnorder, bnclass, bnfamily, bngenus, bnspecies.
ANS: b n C REF: b n p. bn10
11. Complex bncommunities bnof bnmicroorganisms bnon bnsurfaces bnare bncalled
a. colonies.
b. biofilms.
c. biospheres.
d. flora.
ANS: b n B REF: b n p. bn12
12. A bnrelationship bnbetween bnorganisms bnin bnwhich bnthe bnwaste bnproduct bnof bnone bnprovides
nutrients bnfornab nother bnis bncalled
a. mutualism.
b. competition.
c. synergism.
d. commensalism.
ANS: b n D REF: b n p. bn12