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Examination An Interprofessional Approach 10th Edition
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by Jane W. Ball, Joyce E. Dains Chapter 1-26; Ace in
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your Exams in 1 attempt!
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Chapter 01: Cultural Competency
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Ball: Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination, 10th Edition
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1. Which gustatement guis gutrue guregarding guthe gurelationship guof guphysical gucharacteristics guand guculture?
a. Physical gucharacteristics gushould gube guused guto guidentify gumembers guof gucultural gugroups.
b. There guis gua gudifference gubetween gudistinguishing gucultural gucharacteristics
and gudistinguishing guphysical gucharacteristics.
c. To gube gua gumember guof gua guspecific guculture, guan guindividual gumust guhave gucertain
gu identifiable guphysical gucharacteristics.
d. Gender guand gurace guare guthe gutwo guessential guphysical gucharacteristics guused guto
identify gucultural gugroups.
ANS: g u B
Physical gucharacteristics guare gunot guused guto guidentify gucultural gugroups; guthere guis gua gudifference
gubetween guthe gutwo, guand guthey guare guconsidered guseparately. guPhysical gucharacteristics gushould
gunot gube guused guto guidentify gumembers guof gucultural gugroups. guTo gube gua gumember guof gua guspecific
guculture, guan guindividual gudoes gunot guneed guto guhave gucertain guidentifiable guphysical
gucharacteristics. guYou gushould gunot guconfuse guphysical gucharacteristics guwith gucultural
gucharacteristics. guGender guand gurace guare guphysical gucharacteristics, gunot gucultural
gucharacteristics, guand guare gunot guused guto guidentify gucultural gugroups.
DIF:Cognitive guLevel: guUnderstanding gu(Comprehension)
OBJ:Nursing g u process—assessment MSC: g u Physiologic guIntegrity: guPhysiologic guAdaptation
2. An guimage guof guany gugroup guthat gurejects guits gupotential gufor guoriginalityguor guindividuality guis
guknown guas gua(n)
a. acculturation.
b. norm.
c. stereotype.
d. ethnos.
ANS: g u C
A gufixed guimage guof guany gugroup guthat gurejects guits gupotential gufor guoriginality guor guindividuality
guis guthe gudefinition guof gustereotype. guAcculturation guis guthe guprocess guof guadopting guanother
guculture’s gubehaviors. guA gunorm guis gua gustandard guof guallowable gubehavior guwithin gua gugroup.
guEthnos guimplies guthe gusame gurace guor gunationality.
DIF:Cognitive guLevel: guRemembering gu(Knowledge)
OBJ:Nursing g u process—assessment MSC: g u Physiologic guIntegrity: guPhysiologic guAdaptation
3. Mr. guL gupresents guto guthe guclinic guwith gusevere gugroin gupain guand gua guhistory guof gukidney gustones.
guMr. guL’s guson gutells guyou guthat gufor gureligious gureasons, guhis gufather guwishes guto gukeep guany
gustone guthat guis gupassed guinto guthe guurine gufilter guthat guhe guhas gubeen guusing. guWhat guis guyour gumost
guappropriate guresponse?
,(Complete 2022) Test Bank For Seidel's Guide to Physical
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Examination An Interprofessional Approach 10th Edition
gu gu gu gu gu gu
by Jane W. Ball, Joyce E. Dains Chapter 1-26; Ace in
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your Exams in 1 attempt!
gu gu gu gu gu
a. ―With guyour gufather’s gupermission, guwe guwill guexamine guthe gustone guand gurequest guthat
it gube gureturned guto guhim.‖
b. ―The gustone gumust gube gusent guto guthe gulab gufor guexamination guand gutherefore gucannot gube gukept.‖
c. ―We gucannot gulet guhim gukeep guhis gustone gubecause guit guviolates guour guinfection gucontrol gupolicy.‖
d. ―We gudon’t guknow guyet guif guyour gufather guhas guanother gukidneygustone, guso guwe gumust
analyze guthis guone.‖
,(Complete 2022) Test Bank For Seidel's Guide to Physical
gu gu gu gu gu gu gu gu
Examination An Interprofessional Approach 10th Edition
gu gu gu gu gu gu
by Jane W. Ball, Joyce E. Dains Chapter 1-26; Ace in
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your Exams in 1 attempt!
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ANS: g u A
We gushould gube guwilling guto gumodifyguthe gudelivery guof guhealth gucare guin gua gumanner guthat guis
gurespectful guand guin gukeeping guwith guthe gupatient’s gucultural gubackground. gu―With guyour
gufather’s gupermission, guwe guwill guexamine guthe gustone guand gurequest guthat guit gube gureturned guto
guhim‖ guis guthe gumost guappropriate guresponse.
―The gustone gumust gube gusent guto guthe gulab gufor guexamination guand gutherefore gucannot gube gukept‖ guand
gu―We gudon’t guknow guyet guif guyour gufather guhas guanother gukidney gustone, guso guwe gumust guanalyze
guthis guone‖ gudo gunot gusupport guthe gupatient’s gurequest. gu―We gucannot gulet guhim gukeep guhis gustone
gubecause guit guviolates guour guinfection gucontrol gupolicy‖ gudoes gunot guprovide gua gureason guthat guit
guwould guviolate guan guinfection gucontrol gupolicy.
DIF:Cognitive guLevel: guAnalyzing gu(Analysis)
OBJ:Nursing g u process—assessment MSC: g u Physiologic guIntegrity: guPhysiologic guAdaptation
4. The gumotivation guof guthe guhealthcare guprofessional guto gu―want guto‖ guengage guin guthe guprocess guof
becoming guculturally gucompetent, gunot gu―have guto,‖ guis gucalled
a. cultural guknowledge.
b. cultural guawareness.
c. cultural gudesire.
d. cultural guskill.
ANS: g u C
Cultural guencounters guare guthe gucontinuous guprocess guof guinteracting guwith gupatients gufrom
guculturally gudiverse gubackgrounds guto guvalidate, gurefine, guor gumodify guexisting guvalues, gubeliefs,
guand gupractices guabout gua gucultural gugroup guand guto gudevelop gucultural gudesire, gucultural
guawareness, gucultural guskill, guand gucultural guknowledge. guCultural guawareness guis gudeliberate
guself-examination guand guin-depth guexploration guof guone’s gubiases, gustereotypes, guprejudices,
guassumptions, guand gu―-isms‖ guthat guone guholds guabout guindividuals guand gugroups guwho guare
gudifferent gufrom guthem. guCultural guknowledge guis guthe guprocess guof guseeking guand guobtaining gua
gusound gueducational gubase guabout guculturally guand guethnically gudiverse gugroups. guCultural guskill guis
guthe guability guto gucollect guculturally gurelevant gudata guregarding guthe gupatient’s gupresenting
guproblem, guas guwell guas guaccurately guperforming gua guculturally gubased guphysical guassessment guin
gua guculturally gusensitive gumanner. guCultural gudesire guis guthe gumotivation guof guthe guhealthcare
guprofessional guto guwant guto guengage guin guthe guprocess guof gubecoming guculturally gucompetent, gunot
guhave guto.
DIF:Cognitive guLevel: guUnderstanding gu(Comprehension)
OBJ:Nursing g u process—assessment MSC: g u Physiologic guIntegrity: guPhysiologic guAdaptation
5. Mr. guMarks guis gua gu66-year-old gupatient guwho gupresents gufor gua guphysical guexamination guto
guthe guclinic. guWhich guquestion guhas guthe gumost gupotential gufor guexploring gua gupatient’s gucultural
gubeliefs gurelated guto gua guhealth guproblem?
a. ―How guoften gudo guyou guhave gumedical guexaminations?‖
b. ―What guis guyour guage, gurace, guand gueducational gulevel?‖
c. ―What gutypes guof gusymptoms guhave guyou gubeen guhaving?‖
d. ―Whygudo guyou guthink guyou guare guhaving guthese gusymptoms?‖
ANS: g u D
, (Complete 2022) Test Bank For Seidel's Guide to Physical
gu gu gu gu gu gu gu gu
Examination An Interprofessional Approach 10th Edition
gu gu gu gu gu gu
by Jane W. Ball, Joyce E. Dains Chapter 1-26; Ace in
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your Exams in 1 attempt!
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―Whygudo guyou guthink guyou guare guhaving guthese gusymptoms?‖ guis guan guopen-ended guquestion guthat
guavoids gustereotyping, guis gusensitive guand gurespectful gutoward guthe guindividual, guand guallows gufor
gucultural gudata guto gube guexchanged. guThe guother guquestions gudo gunot guexplore guthe gupatient’s
gucultural gubeliefs guabout guhealth guproblems.