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Test Bank For Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination An Interprofessional Approach 10th Edition by Jane W. Ball, Joyce E. Dains Chapter 1-26
Test Bank For Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination An Interprofessional Approach 10th Edition by Jane W. Ball, Joyce E. Dains Chapter 1-26
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2023 Test Bank For Seidel's Guide to Physical
xa xa xa xa xa xa xa
xaExamination An Interprofessional Approach 10th
xa xa xa xa
Edition byJane W. Ball, Joyce E. Dains Chapter
xa xa a
x xa xa xa xa xa xa
1- 26; Ace in your Exams in 1 attempt A+
xa xa xa xa xa xa xa xa xa xa
,Chapter 01: Cultural Competency
xa xa xa
Ball: Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination, 10th Edition
xa xa xa xa xa xa xa
1. Mr. xaL xapresents xato xathe xaclinic xawith xasevere xagroin xapain xaand xaa xahistory xaof xakidney xastones. xaMr.
xaL’s xason xatells xayou xathat xafor xareligious xareasons, xahis xafather xawishes xato xakeep xaany xastone xathat
xais xapassed xainto xathe xaurine xafilter xathat xahe xahas xabeen xausing. xaWhat xais xayour xamost
xaappropriate xaresponse?
a. ―With xayour xafather’s xapermission, xawe xawill xaexamine xathe xastone xaand xarequest xathat
it xabe xareturned xato xahim.‖
b. ―Thexastone xamust xabe xasent xato xathe xalab xafor xaexamination xaand xatherefore xacannot xabe xakept.‖
c. ―Wexacannot xalet xahim xakeep xahis xastone xabecause xait xaviolates xaour xainfection xacontrol xapolicy.‖
d. ―We xadon’t xaknow xayet xaif xayour xafather xahas xaanother xakidneyxastone, xaso xawe xamust
xaanalyze xathis xaone.‖
ANS: xa A
We xashould xabe xawilling xato xamodify xathe xadelivery xaof xahealth xacare xain xaa xamanner xathat xais
xarespectful xaand xain xakeeping xawith xathe xapatient’s xacultural xabackground. xa―With xa your
xafather’s xapermission, xawe xawill xaexamine xathe xastone xaand xarequest xathat xait xabe xareturned xato
xahim‖ xais xathe xamost xaappropriate xaresponse.
―The xastone xamust xabe xasent xato xathe xalab xafor xaexamination xaand xatherefore xacannot xabe xakept‖ xaand
xa―We xadon’t xaknow xa yet xaif xa your xafather xahas xaanother xakidneyxastone, xaso xawe xamust xaanalyze
xathis xaone‖ xado xanot xasupport xathe xapatient’s xarequest. xa―We xacannot xalet xahim xakeep xahis xastone
xabecause xait xaviolates xaour xainfection xacontrol xapolicy‖ xadoes xanot xaprovide xaa xareason xathat xait
xawould xaviolate xaan xainfection xacontrol xapolicy.
DIF:Cognitive xaLevel: xaAnalyzing xa(Analysis)
OBJ:Nursing xaprocess—assessment MSC: xa Physiologic xaIntegrity: xaPhysiologic xaAdaptation
2. Which xastatement xais xatrue xaregarding xathe xarelationship xaof xaphysical xacharacteristics xaand xaculture?
a. Physical xacharacteristics xashould xabe xaused xato xaidentify xamembers xaof xacultural xagroups.
b. There xais xaa xadifference xabetween xadistinguishing xacultural xacharacteristics
xa and xadistinguishing xaphysical xacharacteristics.
c. To xabe xaa xamember xaof xaa xaspecific xaculture, xaan xaindividual xamust xahave xacertain
xa identifiable xaphysical xacharacteristics.
d. Gender xaand xarace xaare xathe xatwo xaessential xaphysical xacharacteristics xaused xato
xa identify xacultural xagroups.
ANS: xa B
Physical xacharacteristics xaare xanot xaused xato xaidentify xacultural xagroups; xathere xais xaa xadifference
xabetween xathe xatwo, xaand xathey xaare xaconsidered xaseparately. xaPhysical xacharacteristics xashould
xanot xabe xaused xato xaidentify xamembers xaof xacultural xagroups. xaTo xabe xaa xamember xaof xaa xaspecific
xaculture, xaan xaindividual xadoes xanot xaneed xato xahave xacertain xaidentifiable xaphysical xacharacteristics.
xaYou xashould xanot xaconfuse xaphysical xacharacteristics xawith xacultural xacharacteristics. xaGender
xaand xarace xaare xaphysical xacharacteristics, xanot xacultural xacharacteristics, xaand xaare xanot xaused xato
xaidentify xacultural xagroups.
,DIF:Cognitive xaLevel: xaUnderstanding xa(Comprehension)
, OBJ:Nursing xaprocess—assessment MSC: xa Physiologic xaIntegrity: xaPhysiologic xaAdaptation
3. An xaimage xaof xaanyxagroup xathat xarejects xaits xapotential xafor xaoriginalityxaor xaindividualityxais
xa known xaas xaa(n)
a. acculturation.
b. norm.
c. stereotype.
d. ethnos.
ANS: xa C
A xafixed xaimage xaof xaany xagroup xathat xarejects xaits xapotential xafor xaoriginality xaor xaindividuality
xais xathe xadefinition xaof xastereotype. xaAcculturation xais xathe xaprocess xaof xaadopting xaanother xaculture’s
xabehaviors. xaA xanorm xais xaa xastandard xaof xaallowable xabehavior xawithin xaa xagroup. xaEthnos
xaimplies xathe xasame xarace xaor xanationality.
DIF:Cognitive xaLevel: xaRemembering xa(Knowledge)
OBJ:Nursing xaprocess—assessment MSC: xa Physiologic xaIntegrity: xaPhysiologic xaAdaptation
4. The xamotivation xaof xathe xahealthcare xaprofessional xato xa―want xato‖ xaengage xain xathe xaprocess xaof
becoming xaculturally xacompetent, xanot xa―have xato,‖ xais xacalled
a. cultural xaknowledge.
b. cultural xaawareness.
c. cultural xadesire.
d. cultural xaskill.
ANS: xa C
Cultural xaencounters xaare xathe xacontinuous xaprocess xaof xainteracting xawith xapatients xafrom
xaculturally xadiverse xabackgrounds xato xavalidate, xarefine, xaor xamodify xaexisting xavalues, xabeliefs,
xaand xapractices xaabout xaa xacultural xagroup xaand xato xadevelop xacultural xadesire, xacultural
xaawareness, xacultural xaskill, xaand xacultural xaknowledge. xaCultural xaawareness xais xadeliberate
xaself-examination xaand xain-depth xaexploration xaof
one’s xabiases, xastereotypes, xaprejudices, xaassumptions, xaand xa―-isms‖ xathat xaone xaholds xaabout
xaindividuals xaand xagroups xawho xaare xadifferent xafrom xathem. xaCultural xaknowledge xais xathe
xaprocess xaof xaseeking xaand xaobtaining xaa xasound xaeducational xabase xaabout xaculturally xaand
xaethnicallyxadiverse xagroups. xaCultural xaskill xais xathe xaability xato xacollect xaculturally xarelevant xadata
xaregarding xathe xapatient’s xapresenting xaproblem, xaas xawell xaas xaaccurately xaperforming xaa
xaculturally xabased xaphysical xaassessment xain xaa xaculturally xasensitive xamanner. xaCultural xadesire
xais xathe xamotivation xaof xathe xahealthcare xaprofessional xato xawant xato xaengage xain xathe xaprocess xaof
xabecoming xaculturally xacompetent, xanot xahave xato.
DIF:Cognitive xaLevel: xaUnderstanding xa(Comprehension)
OBJ:Nursing xaprocess—assessment MSC: xa Physiologic xaIntegrity: xaPhysiologic xaAdaptation
5. Mr. xaMarks xais xaa xa66-year-old xapatient xawho xapresents xafor xaa xaphysical xaexamination xato