Organic chemistry (CHEM2071)
Auburn University
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this is for physical organic, exam 2 review session. made an A in this course. can be useful for undergraduate organic courses.
this is for physical organic, exam 3 lecture 2. made an A in this course. can be useful for undergraduate organic courses.
this is for physical organic, exam 3 lecture 2. made an A in this course. can be useful for undergraduate organic courses.
handwritten lecture notes for exam 3 lecture 3

Molecular Representation
- Class notes • 10 pages • 2023
- $8.49
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This document is for chapter 2 of the first semester of organic chemistry. It introduces bond-line structures, functional groups, and resonance. It gives many helpful tips and tricks to better understand the concepts and processes that are being discussed.
These documents cover the first chapter of the first semester of organic chemistry. It reintroduces important general chemistry topics as well as going more in-depth.
Organic Chemistry Lab Report 5
Organic Chemistry Lab Report 6
Organic Chemistry Lab Report 4
Organic Chemistry Lab Report 2

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