Baptist School Of Nursing
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All courses for Baptist School Of Nursing
- Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care 6th Edition Dains Test Bank 1
- Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning 3rd edition Rhoads Test Bank 1
- Advanced Health Assessment of Women Clinical Skills and Procedures 4th Edition Carcio Secor Test Bank 1
- Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function 7th Edition Saladin Test Bank 1
- Anatomy and Physiology 3rd Edition McKinley Bidle Test Bank 1
- Anatomy And Physiology 4th Edition Marieb Test Bank 1
- Caring for Older Adults Holistically 7th Edition Dahlkemper Test Bank 1
- Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology for Nurses 18th Edition Willihnganz Test Bank 1
- Clinical Calculations 9th Edition Kee.Marshall Test Bank 1
- Community and Public Health Nursing 2nd Edition Harkness DeMarco Test Bank 1
- Community Public Health Nursing 7th Edition Nies Test Bank 1
- Maternal and Child Health Nursing 8th Edition Silbert-Flagg Test Bank 1
- Maternal-Newborn Nursing: The Critical Components of Nursing Care 3rd Edition Durham Chapman Test Bank 1
- Maternity And Pediatric Nursing 3rd Edition Ricci Test Bank 1
- Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 9th Edition Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher Test Bank 1
- Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease 14th Edition Cohen Hull Test Bank 1
- Pathophysiology 6th Edition Banasik Test Bank 1
- PEPSI Heart Failure JoAnn Smith, 72 years old Primary Concept Perfusion Interrelated Concepts PEPSI Heart Failure JoAnn Smith, 72 years old Primary Concept Perfusion Interrelated Concepts 1
- Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach 10th Edition Dipiro Talbert Yee Test Bank 1
- Physical Examination and Health Assessment 7th Edition Jarvis Test Bank 1
- Primary Care For Women NURS6551 1
- Primary Care: Art and Science of Advanced Practice Nursing 5th Edition Dunphy Test Bank 1
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 7th Edition Videbeck Test Bank 1
- Women’s Health Care in Advanced Practice Nursing 2nd Edition Alexander Test Bank 1
- Women’s Health: A Primary Care Clinical Guide 4th Edition Youngkin Davis Test Bank 1
- WORD COMMUNITY 403 Final EXAM ATI RN Community Health Online Practice 2020 A 1
- Wright & Leahey’s Nurses and Families 7th Edition Shajani Test Bank 1
Latest notes & summaries Baptist School Of Nursing
Developmental Psychology. Description: Surveys physical, social, and cognitive development from conception through adulthood
This is the 5th episode of illness. Patient was last well before one month. Symptoms of illness 
was reduced sleep, increased talk and talking aloud, using abusive words, increased 
psychomotor activity, poor personal hygiene, increased food intake, assaultive behavior etc. On 
examination he had persecutory delusion, grandiose delusion, poor dry compulsion and mood 
labile. On admission Inj.Phenergan 25 mg 1M and Inj. Haloperiol 5mg 1M stat ordered and 
administered. He had no history of head i...
A nurse is caring for a client who has lost a significant 
amount of blood as a result of complications during a 
surgical procedure. Which parameter does the nurse 
recognize as the earliest indication of new decreases in 
fluid volume? 
A. Pulse rate Correct 
B. Blood pressure 
C. Pulmonary artery systolic pressure 
D. Pulmonary artery end-diastolic pressure 
Rationale: Cardiac output is determined by the volume of the circulating blood, 
the pumping action of the heart, and the tone of the va...
compare and contrast molecular microbiology and conventional microbiology. give advantages and 
disadvantages of each. (Conventional micro) - ANS- · Conventional microbiology involved the 
culturing of a viable sample of microorganism in order to detect if the organism was present in a 
sample. However, this method requires significant time in order for a microorganism to grow. This 
can take weeks to occur and if organism was unviable or did not receive proper nutrients during this 
time, it m...
Sources of coercive power come from which of the following? 
A. Responsibility 
B. Recognition 
C. Expertise 
D. Punishment - ANS- D. Punishment 
The structure used in many organizations is the: 
A. Traditional approach. 
B. Organic structure. 
C. Decentralized approach. 
D. Network structure. - ANS- A. Traditional approach 
Empowerment is psychological and includes a feeling of:
The employer is responsible for providing a safe working environment by: 
A. Driving all employees to work. 
B. Following the OSHA guidelines. 
C. Teaching employees to use their back muscles for lifting clients. 
D. Allowing the recapping of contaminated needles. - ANS- B. Following the OSHA guidelines 
Safety threats to the employee do NOT include: 
A. Potentially lethal chemicals. 
B. Exposure to infectious materials. 
C. Recapping safety devices in each room. 
D. Radioactive materials in ope...
1. Following spinal injury, the nurse should encourage the client to drink fluids to avoid: 
A) Urinary tract infection. B) Fluid and electrolyte imbalance. 
C) Dehydration. D) Skin breakdown. 
2. The client is transferred from the operating room to recovery room after an open-heart surgery. The 
nurse assigned is taking the vital signs of the client. The nurse notified the physician when the 
temperature of the client rises to 38.8 ºC or 102 ºF because elevated temperatures: 
A) May be a fore...
1. The care team is considering the use of dialysis in a patient whose renal function is progressively 
declining. Renal replacement therapy is indicated in which of the following situations? 
A) When the patients creatinine level drops below 1.2 mg/dL (110 mmol/L) 
B) When the patients blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is above 15 mg/dL 
C) When approximately 40% of nephrons are not functioning 
D) When about 80% of the nephrons are no longer functioning 
Ans: D 
When the total number of fun...
1. A patient with a hematologic disorder asks the nurse how the body forms blood cells. The nurse should 
describe a process that takes place where? 
A) In the spleen 
B) In the kidneys 
C) In the bone marrow 
D) In the liver 
Ans: C 
Bone marrow is the primary site for hematopoiesis. The liver and spleen may be involved during 
embryonic development or when marrow is destroyed. The kidneys release erythropoietin, which 
stimulates the marrow to increase production of red blood cells ...
1. A nurse is caring for a patient with liver failure and is performing an assessment in the knowledge of the 
patients increased risk of bleeding. The nurse recognizes that this risk is related to the patients inability 
to synthesize prothrombin in the liver. What factor most likely contributes to this loss of function? 
A) Alterations in glucose metabolism 
B) Retention of bile salts 
C) Inadequate production of albumin by hepatocytes 
D) Inability of the liver to use vitamin K 
Ans: D 