University Of Arkansas - Fayetteville
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Latest notes & summaries University Of Arkansas - Fayetteville
Meditech Vlab Ambulatory 2 Clinical Chart Review 1. A provider would like to see the patient’s entire record, in other words view the record at the patient level. What are his/her choices to open the chart directly from the Clinical Home Screen? Select all that apply. a. From Clinical Home Screen, select the patient’s appointment found in the schedule pane b. Use the Find Patient field on the Clinical Home Screen c. From the Office Staff Home screen, select Pt Sum d. Select it from t...
Nurs 6521 Advanced Pharmacology Week 5 Headaches, a neurological disorder can present several complications for patients of all ages. It affects patients physically and emotionally, impacting judgment, school and/or job performance, and relationships with family and friends. The pain of a headache can range from mild to severe, be acute or chronic, and may be hours to days in duration (Arcangelo, Peterson, Wilbur, & Reinhold, 2017). Headaches are the pain in any region of the head. Heada...
These are my handwritten notes on chapter 18.
In these notes, you will learn about metamorphism, metamorphic rocks, how temperature, pressure, time, and fluids affect metamorphic rocks, metamorphic rock classification, the development of foliation, foliated metamorphic rocks, non-foliated metamorphic rocks, and metamorphic facies
In these notes, you will learn about sediments and their relationship to the Earth's system, detrital sediment, processes of turning sediment into sedimentary rocks, types of sedimentary rocks -- detrital, chemical, and organic -- and sedimentary structures, like bedding, cross-bedding, ripple marks, graded bedding, mud cracks, fossils, and formations. You will also learn about the interpretation of sedimentary rocks, and sedimentary facies and changes to the sea level
In these notes, you will learn about weathering and soil, erosion, transporation, the different types of weathering, -- mechanical, chemical, and physical -- the products of weathering, soil, soil classification, and what paleosols study
In these notes, you will learn about volcanoes, volcanic catastrophes, volcanic landforms like craters and calderas, types of volcanoes, including shield, cinder cones, composite, and domes. You will also learn about basaltic flows, volcanic hazards, including lava flows, sector collapses, ash fall, bombs, lahars, and pyroclastic flows.
In these notes, you will learn about the definition of a rock, igneous rocks, magma formations, lava formations, the difference between extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks, melting minerals, and Bowen's reaction series.
In these notes, you will learn about rocks and minerals, elements, the composition of the crust, atomic particles, isotopes, chemical bonding, metallic bonding, intermolecular bonding, silicate mineral structures, and the physical properties of minerals. The physical properties of minerals include luster, color, streak, hardness (Moh's hardness scale), crystal form/habit, fracture, cleavage, magnetism, chemical reactions, striations, and double refraction
In these notes, you will learn about plate motion and plate tectonics, continental drift, glaciation, seafloor spreading, passive and active continental margins, paleomagnetism, magnetic polarity, and the different types of convergence.