Humber Real Estate
Arizona School Of Real Estate And Business
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- Package deal • 18 items • 2023
- $36.49
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Humber Real Estate - Course 1, Module 7 Introducing Other Relevant Legislation & Regulations exam |145 questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 25 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $15.99
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- Date and time of the request 
- Consumer's name and contact information 
- Applicable 10-digit phone number(s) 
A brokerage, as a telemarketer, must register with the National Do Not Call List (DNCL) but also maintain an internal do not call list. What should the internal do not call list contain? 
A minimum of 3 years 
How long must numbers recorded on the internal Do Not Call List be kept? 
If the person ... 
- Made an inquiry within the last six months 
- Purchased, leased or r...

Humber Real Estate - Course 1, Module 6 exam |99 questions and answers 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $17.99
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What is a contract? 
A legally binding agreement between two or more persons, competent at law to enter into such agreement, for consideration or value, to do or refrain from doing something lawful. 
True or false? An oral contract for the acquisition or disposition of any interest in the land is enforceable. 
False. Any contract in real estate is required to be in writing. 
When drafting a contract, what does The Statute of Frauds require? 
- Must be in writing to be enforceable by ...

Humber Real Estate - Course 2, Module 12, Listing and Marketing Properties |33 questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2023
- $14.99
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- Data sheet (accompanies the listing authority) 
- Warranty information for anything that has a transferable warranty 
- Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) assessment 
- Verification of home owner's insurance 
- Statements and contracts for any rental equipment items 
- Supportive documents for any home improvements (for example, receipt for a new roof, Building Permit, if seller claimed that the new deck is done with permit) 
- Copy of municipal tax bill 
- Copy of...

Humber Real Estate - Course 4, Module 14 Transactions Involving Development Land and Farms |65 questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $14.49
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- Zoning - the highest and best use should conform with the zoning, unless there is a probable and imminent prospect that the zoning will change or be amended to accommodate the highest or best use estimate not currently legal 
- Physical possibility of the proposed use in relation to factors such as the size or shape of the lot, soil condition, water drainage, etc. 
- The demand for the proposed use along with its economic and financial feasibility 
What are 3 key factors that an appraiser ...

Humber Real Estate - Course 2, Module 3, Understanding Residential Property Types, Ownership and Planning|97 questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $15.99
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A self-contained housing unit with one or more habitable rooms containing at minimum a kitchen, bathroom facilities and an exit from the building. 
Define a 'Dwelling Unit' 
- A duplex is under single ownership (under 1 title) ... the dwelling units can then be lived in or rented out 
- The 2 dwelling units in a semi-detached structure are each owned separately (under 2 titles) 
What is the difference between a semi-detached structure and a vertically divided duplex? 
The interest ...

Humber Real Estate - Course 4, Module 9: Completing Agreements of Purchase and Sale for Office and Retail Properties|26 questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $13.99
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If you are unable to address these areas satisfactorily, you may need to conduct a further review with a lawyer or other third-party experts. 
Note: You may be asked to provide the lawyer (or third-party experts) with a verbal or written summary of the issue to address separately with the client. 
If after reviewing a commercial agreement of purchase and sale, your client still has areas they don't understand, what should you do? 
Standard business hours rather than setting the time per...

Humber Real Estate - Course 1, Module 6 Introducing the Key Legislation & Regulations 200 questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 35 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $15.49
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What is a contract? 
A legally binding agreement between two or more persons, competent at law to enter into such agreement, for consideration or value, to do or refrain from doing something lawful. 
True or false? An oral contract for the acquisition or disposition of any interest in the land is enforceable. 
False. Any contract in real estate is required to be in writing. 
When drafting a contract, what does The Statute of Frauds require? 
- Must be in writing to be enforceable by ...

Humber Real Estate - Course 2, Module 11, Property Value and Listing Price Considerations |53 questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $15.99
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Comparative Market Analysis 
What does CMA stand for? 
- The Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC) 
- The Canadian National Association of Real Estate Appraisers 
What are the 2 organizations that designate appraisers in Canada? 
Canadian Residential Appraiser (CRA): 
- Qualified to undertake any valuation and consulting assignment on dwellings containing not more than 4 self-contained family housing units or on residential dwelling sites. 
Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute (...

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