NRNP 6540F Advanced Practice Care of Older Adults (NRNP6540)
Walden University
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NRNP 6540 Week 9 Assignment 2023 | Hypoglycemia in Older Adults
- Essay • 19 pages • 2023
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- $14.49
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NRNP 6540 Week 9 Assignment 2023 | Hypoglycemia in Older Adults. Hypoglycemia can cause significant effects to older patients. Low blood sugar resulting 
from the use of hypoglycemic agents in managing diabetes is a worrisome complication and 
contributes to mortality and morbidity in geriatric diabetic patients. Aging also changes the 
cognitive, symptomatic, and counter-regulatory hormonal responses to low blood sugar ( MartinTimon & Del Canizo-Gomez, 2015). Due to the effects mentioned, it is...

NRNP 6540 Week 10 Exam Questions & Answers (Comp0lete All Correct Answers)
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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- $11.49
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NRNP 6540 Week 10 Exam Questions & Answers (Comp0lete All Correct Answers) NRNP 6540 Advanced Practice Care Of Older Adults. Describe the difference between bursitis and tendinitis. 
Bursitis is the inflammation of a bursa, a sac lined with synovial membranes that 
release synovial fluids. Tendinitis, on the other hand, is the inflammation of a tendon, which is 
the noncontractile portion of a muscle. 
1. Your 68-year-old male complains of a hot, swollen, reddened MTP joint of the gr...

NRNP 6540 Week 7Assignment 2023 | Managing Genitourinary Disorders | Focused SOAP Note
- Essay • 19 pages • 2023
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NRNP 6540 Week 7Assignment 2023 | Managing Genitourinary Disorders | Focused SOAP Note. As people age, functional and structural changes occur in their bodies. Changes take 
place as a part of the normal aging process in the absence of systemic diseases. However, 
common disorders in old patients can significantly affect the normal aging urogenital organs of 
older adults. In this paper, the goal is to present a focused subjective, objective, assessment, and 
plan (SOAP) for an elderly male pati...

NRNP 6540 Week 2 SOAP Note | Advance Practice Care of Frail Elders.
- Essay • 10 pages • 2023
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- $13.49
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NRNP 6540 Week 2 SOAP Note 
| Advance Practice Care of 
Frail Elders. History of Present Illness (HPI): 
BW is a 67 YO, female, AA who is brought in today by her daughter with increased forgetfulness, confusion, 
lack of short-term memory and inappropriate laughing which has gotten progressively worse recently. She has 
a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and osteoporosis which are controlled with medication. She denies 
any vision changes, dizziness, headaches, or vertigo. She reports os...

NRNP 6540 Week 5 Midterm Exam Latest 2023 (All Correct Answers)
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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NRNP 6540 Week 5 Midterm Exam Latest 2023 (All Correct Answers) NRNP 6540 Advanced Practice Care Of Older Adults. When performing an assessment on patients over 65 years of age, what are at least three (3) 
key symptoms that may indicate cardiovascular disease? 
When assessing a patient over 65 years old, the key symptoms that may indicate cardiovascular disease include 
dizziness, syncope, orthopnea, angina, edema, and claudication. Syncope can occur due to asystole or an intermittent 
symptom ...

NRNP 6540 WEEK 7 Midterm Exam 2023 (Verified Answers)
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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- $11.49
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NRNP 6540 WEEK 7 Midterm Exam 2023 (Verified Answers) Advanced Practice Care Of Older Adults. June is a 69-year-old being seen for her GYN exam. She still has her uterus and ovaries. 
What do you expect to find on bimanual examination? 
Examining the female genito-reproductive system would be the same in younger and older 
patients. On a bimanual examination, the ovaries should not be palpable and the uterus should 
be small and firm. 
2. Your 82-year-old patient comes to the clinic with complai...

NRNP 6540 Leukemia Soap Note | Hematology SOAP Note | Advanced Practice Care of Older Adults
- Other • 6 pages • 2023
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NRNP 6540 Leukemia Soap Note | Hematology SOAP Note | Advanced Practice Care of Older Adults. Patient is 78 yo female who comes in for increase symptoms of lethargy, fever, night sweats, a 
15lb weight loss over 6 months, bleeding gums when she brushes her teeth. She also has purplish 
patches on her skin, has episodes of shortness of breath and has a deep pain in her bones and 
joints. Patient has had exposure to benzenes, worked at a dry-cleaning shop for 15 years. 
Other questions I would as...

NRNP 6540 WEEK 7 Exam | Knowledge Check 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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- $12.49
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NRNP 6540 WEEK 7 Exam | Knowledge Check 2023. June is a 69-year-old being seen for her GYN exam. She still has her uterus and ovaries. 
What do you expect to find on bimanual examination? 
Examining the female genito-reproductive system would be the same in younger and older 
patients. On a bimanual examination, the ovaries should not be palpable and the uterus should 
be small and firm. 
2. Your 82-year-old patient comes to the clinic with complaints of cramping abdominal 
pain, nausea, vomitin...

NRNP 6540 -Midterm Exam Complete Solution Latest 2023 (Rated A+)
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
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- $12.49
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NRNP 6540 -Midterm Exam Complete Solution Latest 2023 (Rated A+) Advanced Practice Care Of Older Adults. What are the physiological changes of aging - ANSWER 1. Reduced physiological 
reserve of most body systems 
2.Reduced homeostatic mechanisms that fail to adjust 
3. Changes in the sympathetic response 
4. Impaired immunological function- infection risk is greater and autoimmune diseases 
are more prevalent. 
What factors influence lab value interpretation in the older adult - ANSWER 1. 

NRNP 6540 Exam | Complete Study Guide (Latest 2023) All Exams
- Exam (elaborations) • 203 pages • 2023
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- $15.49
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NRNP 6540 Exam | Complete Study Guide (Latest 2023) All Exams. Advanced Practice Care Of Older Adults. A 74-year-old man presents to your office for a routine He has no present complaint His medical 
history is significant for right knee osteoarthritis He takes naproxen occasionally, to relieve knee pain. 
He does not smoke or consume alcohol His BP is 165/75 mm Hg and PR is 70/min. The physical 
examination showed a mild systolic ejection type murmur at the base of the heat to the right. An EKG...

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