Stanford University
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Xactimate X2 exam| 58 questions with 100% correct answers(verified for accuracy)
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $14.49
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Under Claim Info > Parameters, which of the following sections uses Tokens? 
Report Text 
Information such as dates and personnel can be found in which of the following windows of an estimate? 
Claim Info: Insured Info 
Under the Claim Info tab, where can you set depreciation defaults? 
Model Statements (opening or closing) can be created for a one time use only as well as for future use from within a project. True or False. 
ends in "de...

Xactimate Level 2 Cert Knowledge exam |44 questions fully solved & updated
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $14.49
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When working on multiple estimates in the same city/state/zip, you can set up Project Loss Defaults for that city/state/zip to save time. 
Where in Xactimate can you go to change the default wall thickness for all future estimates? 
Control Center/Preferences 
This is a shortcut used in Model Statements to pre-fill data that has already been recorded in an estimate. 
Which of the following is not an option through the Contact Manager? 
You can data tra...

Xactimate Chapter 1 Certification Prep Questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 1 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $12.49
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rue/False: The only way to create an Xactimate estimate is through XactAnalysis? 
False: At the "fundamental" level you will use the "Projects" tab. (P.8) 
True/False: With an Internet connection you can download/upload an XactAnalysis assignment. 
True: With an internet connection, an assignment can be downloaded, and worked on in Xactimate. (P. 9) 
What are the steps in the 4-Step Estimating Process 
Claims Info., Sketch, Estimate Items, & Complete (P. 14) 
True/False: It...

Xactimate 28 exam |108 questions fully solved & updated 2023.
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $13.49
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Allows you to send, receive and track assignments electronically. 
Where the assignment can be opened and information added to describe the loss and damages along with the estimated loss and repairs. 
When the assignment is complete is can be returned to _______________ and used to create management reports that will help track the efficiency of the workflow process 
What is the best way to avoid adding a duplicate contact into Restoration...

Xactimate Lvl 1 Cert exam |42 questions and answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $16.49
- 2x sold
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The only way to create an Xactimate estimate is through XactAnalysis. 
With an Internet connection, you can download and upload a XactAnalysis assignment. 
What are the steps in the 4-Step Estimating Process? 
1.Claim Info 
3.Estimate Items 
It is mandatory to follow the 4-Step Estimating Process in its exact order. 
At the fundamental level of learning, it is recommended to add or create a project from the Control Center tab. 

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