University Of California - Davis
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BIS 2A lecture notes fall quarter. This document covers materials included in midterm 3 and final exam.
BIS 2A lecture notes fall quarter. This document covers materials included in midterm 2.

BIS 2A Lecture Notes (Midterm 1 Material)
- Class notes • 12 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $7.89
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BIS 2A lecture notes fall quarter. This document covers materials included in midterm 1.

BIS 2A Lecture Notes (Midterm 3/Final Material)
- Class notes • 13 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $7.89
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Bis 2a lecture notes fall quarter. This document covers materials included in midterm 3 and the final exam: Mendelian genetics, chromosomes, DNA replication, central dogma, transcription, translation, mutations, ribosomes, genetics

BIS 2A Lecture Notes (Midterm 2 Material)
- Class notes • 13 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $7.89
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Bis 2a lecture notes fall quarter. This document covers materials included in midterm 2: respiration, photosynthesis, phosphorylation, electron transport chain, Calvin cycle, proteins, cell membrane, membrane transport, eukaryotes and prokaryotes, mitosis, meiosis

BIS 2A Lecture Notes (Midterm 1 Material)
- Class notes • 12 pages • 2023
- $7.89
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Bis 2a lecture notes fall quarter. This document covers materials included in midterm 1: bonds, potential energy, gibb's free energy, equilibrium, functional groups, polarity, ATP, glycolysis, fermentation, pyruvate oxidation, TCA cycle, redox reactions

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