University of San Diego
Latest uploads at University of San Diego. Looking for notes at University of San Diego? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Latest notes & summaries University of San Diego
Unlock success with this meticulously crafted 80-page Torts outline used by graduated law students and tailored for 1L law students! 
Creating outlines for your classes is essential in getting good grades and acing your exams. Don't start from zero and waste the countless hours it would take to make your own. Download our 80-page tort outline that you can customize yourself! 
Why Choose This Outline? 
 Detailed & Thorough: Dive deep into Torts Law with clear explanations, case references, ...
This document is a summary of all equations studied for the introduction to electricity and magnetism physics final.
Unlock your full potential and conquer your torts exam with the Intentional torts to the person (battery, assault, false imprisonment, and intentional infliction of emotional distress) Mastery Bundle. 
What I used to get through law school and study for the bar. This bundle covers Battery, Assault, False Imprisonment, and Intentional Infliction of emotional distress. It includes a full outline, an attack sheet, common fact patterns with answers, IRAC sample answers, a table with all the rules...
1. Race is a social construction that is made real with lived impacts and social consequences. How is race connected to power and privilege? Give two specific examples from class readings/texts that demonstrate the lived impacts of racial constructions and structural racism. 
2. How is the carceral system in the United States connected to systemic racism and racial inequities? How is the carceral system related to women and gender? Be sure to connect to class reading(s) in your response 
3. How ...
Reflection of the class, my personal opinions on it, and how it relates to the current political situation
How much do Americans Know? Victims of Hate, Implicit Bias, The Power of Ignorant Fear, Redefining Islamophobia and its Connection to Racism, Defining Islamophobia
Defining Islamophobia, Redefining Islamophobia and its Connection to Racism, The Power of Ignorant Fear, Implicit Bias, Victims of Hate, How much do Americans Know?
Sources with explanations and analysis.
Entire semesters worth of notes 
Week 1: Analysis of The Difference Between Us, and the House we Live in. Suburbs being created using a credit system still used today. Weekly journal entry, what is race? what is race formation? Possessive investment in whiteness 
Week 2: racial inequalities, lipsitz call to action, racial ideologies through time, weekly journal 
Week 3: Logics of Settler Colonialism, Colonizing systems in California, the mission era, paternalism and native people. Journal and R...
24 pages of in-depth class notes and study guide answers, entire semesters worth (12 weeks). 
Week 1: discussing Hobbes argument and Reasons for Govt 
Week 2-3: House of Rep, Reapportionment, Redistricting etc. 
Week 4: Congress, parties, committees, a bill becoming a law 
Week 5: Presidency, necessary vocab, various branches and their explanation 
Week 6: Bill of Rights, judicial branch, the criminally accused 
Week 7: Political Science vs. Punditry , prisoners dilemma, free rider problem...